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 | Description:
declared GetSysColor determined the value of/ one Systemfarbe.
1.Parameter: Zahlenkonstante for auszulesende Systemfarbe as LongInt => -15 = primitive colour for dreidimensionale Objects (z.B. Color Buttons). -21 = darker shadow for dreidimensionale Objects. -20 = colour to that highlight of dreidimensionalen Objects. -22 = colour for Lichteinstrahlung on dreidimensionale Objects (for Kanten, The to that light there lying). -$10 = Schattenfarbe for dreidimensional indicated Objects.(for Kanten, The the Lichtquelle to lying). -10 = welt one active Fensters. -2 = cover one active Fensters. -12 = Backgroundcolor for MDI-Applications. -1 = Backgroundcolor the Desktops. -9 = Text in the Titelleiste, Größenänderungsfeld and Pfeilfeld the Bildlaufleiste. -17 = Deaktivierter Text. -13 = selected items one Controls. -14 = Text on Elementen, The in a Control select get. -11 = Rahmenfarbe for inaktive Window. -3 = colour for inaktive Window Title. -4 = Menühintergrundfarbe. -7 = Text in the Menu. -0 = primitive colour of Scrollbars. -5 = Fensterrahmen. -8 = Text in Windows.
Return Value:
Farbwert the sought Systemfarbe as LongInt.
Systemfarbe Systemfarben system colour colours read
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