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grausames to judder with Videowiedergabe

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Hello together,

i'm of course of/ one the already plenty in the Computerwelt seen has, and of/ one the in its Dunstkreis almost niemanden has the too only entferntesten in Rechnerwissen and Fertigkeiten on me rankommt.

but here in the Community are some them I know god not the waters wealthy can.
to that example R.cook or Horst horn or Sebastian king or RGH (whom must one circa Gottes sake in so of/ one list not forget) and yet some More.....

and on these any goes my question :

To christmas has me my fiance a DVB-C ticket as gift.
now to over 2 Monaten have I The ticket too with of/ one software of my electoral (MediaPortal 0.2.3) so far ans walk get.
now have I but a problem the of my Erachtens not on the ticket, Empfangspegel, signal quality or Codec lying.
The problem that I in the Folgendem schildere lying somewhere in the windows what about me white not where.
what about me have too Express Reasons the To believe.

The problem:
at that Decodieren the Mpeg Streams have I quite wildly Holper...
The Transportstream is utterly aale, because if I over TimeShift zurückspule is the Holper not any more there, but for appear it at a others place.
The Holper are not periodic, and having Margins between 30 sec To 3 minutes.
tappt im dunkeln dirty one quite the Fernsehgenuss.

It's all right even so far that I a Codec take must the my Systemauslastung on 90% hochjubelt.
others The not so systemauslastend are to judder in the area of <1s bis 2sekunden.

now to the Found why I my the it something in windows is:

1.)Microsoft having already Schonmal a problem with DVB.
and of course with the PsisDecd.dll.
These DLL is to that Decodieren of/ one scheduler from the DVB Stream zuständig and crashes if The scheduler (what with the present DVB Stream with almost all Sendern the case is) To long is.
For this had I me seperat a Patch (the not over The normalen Updates coming, white the Geier Why) of Microsoft herunterladen.
it could Yes his the too in this drop a DLL of Microsoft defective is.

2.)I have the trouble not only with Mpeg Streams, separate too with all others Formaten so far I tappt im dunkeln as File of my disk have.
with DivX and Xvid goes it even so far the The people manschmal whole words, in rare Make even 2 or 3, repeat.

the Comic with the whole thing is though the after a fresh windows installation DivX and Xvid correct walk and first after a two weeks without that I what Installiere the Error suddenly auftaucht.

has of/ one of you time with so one trouble fought and a Solution found?
or has of/ one a idea where I time look over could??

WIRKLICH many Thanks Schonmal beforehand.

Greeting Hubert
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

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I type on one Computerproblem.

Kernel zeitweise under Fremdlast?
Elder Graka?

circa a aussagekräftige Base to obtain should one first know whether You objectively any processes and services - which this not necessary are - deaktiviert have.

likewise is the Info important whether You MIX-RAM in use have, means z.B. a infinion and a intel Baustein. (the causes too such - and yet others Problems)

To guter letzt becomes too often The fehlende Grafikkartenhardwareunterstützung minimizes - is the Graka not the newest stood (vaguely on the stood the DVBC ticket) knows The GPU Perhaps not yet any of driver abverlangten Tricks circa on the windows past To agieren.

If I in example with my DVBT-ticket Fernse look charged the my CPU To 0%, it'll one Overlay created from the windows (almost) nothing mitbekommt. (except naturally in the Preview-mode which too at record used becomes.)


except for one minimum (Fritzbox USB Fernanschluss, whom need I really) have I everything in the Systray exits.
furthermore have I with the Tasmanager hingesetzt and each individual task over internet identify and with nichtbedarf (How to that example MDM exe or ctfmon.exe) deaktiviert.

I have 3 Speicherriegel, any of Intension (I faith this is one NO NAME manufacturers) any with CL2,5 on 166 (333) MHz, though have I 2x 256MB into downstairs Bänken and once 512MB in the Oberen.

i'll today evening time try obs rather runs if I whom 512it into downstairs bank set...

to Graka:
an GeForce 6600GT with 128MB and as driver NForce 169.21(Megaaktuell)
but the MediaPortal can no Ocerlay benefit there it a 3D application is and the only Proggi the if I over the on the Graka associated telly look, because of the 3D nutzung, no hässlichen Zeilensprünge created, The against one whom whole Fernsehgenuss dirty can.

MediaPortal yourself causes with my Athlon XP 2600+ Barton (over the Frontsidebus on 2800+ übertaktet, I have already runtergetaktet on Standart frequency so the memory not any more asyncron operates, has but nothing used) a Processor load of about 25-30%.
and the large Difference of DVB-T To DVB-C exists therein the,except for The public Rechtlichen, any Transmitter verschlüsselt his must because of one EU Gesetzes.
and the Decodierung frisst too yet what...
Zuzüglich the fact that I a Budget ticket have without hardware Mpeg Decodierung, with which I over the Codec so a large Last beget...

Desweiteren have so did i constantly a Timeshiftbuffer walk whom so did i fleissig use, because if I for about 10 sec interval press becomes the to judder erträglicher....

another idea???
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"


and the large Difference of DVB-T To DVB-C exists therein the,except for The public Rechtlichen, any Transmitter verschlüsselt his must because of one EU Gesetzes.
and the Decodierung frisst too yet what...

is the really a line of action? I thought, that make The Netzbetreiber therefore, circa yet additional fees for these Pakete To kassieren and official from Marktforschungsgründen (in order to know, who itself for what interested) or so... I betreibe self one system with DVB-C ticket (though under Linux and furthermore with hardware-MPEG-Decoder, so I to that actually trouble unfortunately nothing say can...) and I me already over The Grundverschlüsselung with whom private Kanälen angered...


Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11
Profan2Cpp-Homepage:  [...] 
Alte Profan²-Seite:  [...] 

irrespective the Grafikkarte sound everything quite to to judder.

Try time with only one only Ramstick - and To Testzwecken would I under no circumstance these 3D-application as measured the items using separate rather a (if present) mitgelieferte software.

can my WebCam-Exe the image Show?

766 kB

@Sebastian king
the said me of/ one of Unitymedia.....naja...over the Wahrheitsgehalt can now quarrel...
I Have ne Technotrend TT-Budget C1500 and I over 2 weeks attempts the thing in openSUSE ans walk To bring....NIX...becomes in the Yast2 not recognized....
have You there Perhaps ne Step to Step guide for me???

I must but the 3D application use...because this is The only software The ALLES power I wants....inclusive The Medion X10 Fernbedinung....there my computer in another space standing as the telly the on it connected is....
UND, what integrally important is: One otherwise flüssiges Image to the telly OHNE hässliche Zeilensprünge in the Image The with movement in the Image stay To The movement completed is....the disturbing integrally powerful....

moreover another gesmmte Medienverwaltung and rendition (Clips...music....radio...)

sollteste test times, is Freeware.... The only alternative would DVBDream, but since need I already for Fernbedienung whom Kostenpflichtigen Girder...

DVB Dream runs almost round...naturally rather How Mediaportal, created too only MAX 45% Last....
but on the telly not useable.
and the image see I do not in Your Proggi....
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

Hee, I Have too ne X10-Fernbedienung.

Hubert Binnewies
@Sebastian king
the said me of/ one of Unitymedia.....naja...over the Wahrheitsgehalt can now quarrel...
I Have ne Technotrend TT-Budget C1500 and I over 2 weeks attempts the thing in openSUSE ans walk To bring....NIX...becomes in the Yast2 not recognized....
have You there Perhaps ne Step to Step guide for me???

an step for step-guide can I unfortunately not supplying, there mine one Debian-System is. loudly this list ought to The ticket but supported go: [...] 

Perhaps find You too in the there angegebenen Link to a Forums-Posting something hilfreiches...


Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11
Profan2Cpp-Homepage:  [...] 
Alte Profan²-Seite:  [...] 


I Have yesterday evening my computer unzipped and nachgesehen...

1x512MB of team 400MHz CL2,5 downstairs bank
2x256MB of Elexier 400MHz CL3 upper Bänke
the Fiemenloge is with both Herstellernamen same.

I have testweise only whom 512it (the itself correct with 400MHz CL2 operate lies (tested with OCZ Memtest 1.0) uses.
No recovery.

then fell me something one from my windows ME times....
If the Auslagerungsdatei To big was watts the whole system megaheftig ausgebremst.
means Have I nachgesehen.
she was on C: (80GIG Samsung) and set between 1,5 and 3 GIG.
I Have tappt im dunkeln on E: (400 GIG IDE Samsung) redeploying (because faster) and on 768MB staid...
and see there.....recovery....
yet not integrally lane but something rather....

might one on these experience set up??

I Have me even openSUSE 10.3 installs and will be same on 11.0 Alpha 2 (geile Optik) update.
then I will time see How I there whom VDR hieneinbekomme.
And so How I the seen have ought to with LIRC even The X10 walk.

I have even two X10 Fernbedienungen.
an already since about 4 years, and of course The of QSonic (To relating of PERL)
is a Allround for 5 fish bone (infrarot) and computer (Funk) and is a megageiles part...them give only so slow whom spirit on...but I will be me soon a new fetch.
and a Medion X10 The me as gift has because it tappt im dunkeln not need could.
and the is PERFEKT for Mediaportal...

Haste you time MediaPortal respected?

Greeting Hubert
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

I have Mediaportal on my MD95500 vorinstalliert had.

in which Version because???

The 0.2.3 is right new...and the basteln already at a 1.x and of/ one 2.x
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"

wisely I now spontan not at all - use it because of the tollen Fernbedienung.

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I use it therefore, because of whom really vielfältigen possibilities and because of the good Bildqualität....

and here can You the new Version and etliche Plugins runderladen...

----> [...] 
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jupp Fitten12/21/10


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