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GridBOX and others ask one Newbies


Hello on the community,
i'm utterly new here and I a couple ask.
on the Search after a new Entwicklungsumgbung be I on XProfan bumped.
it unstops me a very good local and shining too right well common To his.
yet having we in of my firm any programs on Base VB6 and/or MS Access realized.
These programs are in the kaufmännischen and organizational area angesiedelt and
having therefore very plenty with Databases, less but with graphic To do.

there it itself with the question after a new Development Environment circa a stategische decision
for next years deals, would like I here nothing the chance give over and therefore a couple ask questions:

1. Is XProfan for Programs kaufmännischen and organisatorichen area suitable and one sinnvolles tool for ?
2. with Access there Yes The Formularansicht, or. The Datenblattansicht. is The GridBOX with this Datenblatransicht vergleichbar ?
3. Can means not only Split as Textfields separate too as Comboboxen, Check boxes udgl. define ?
4. can in XProfan ActiveX (OCX) Steuerelemente, or DLLs with eingebunden go ?
5. if so. go these Files (OCX, DLL) into entire single EXE-File eingebunden or lying tappt im dunkeln too moreover as Own File to ?
6. can XProfan DLLs produce ?
7. Since I from Österreich come: gives it users of XProfan in Österreich with them I Perhaps too time directly Contact take in can ?

i know, this is a whole crowd on ask. but, How said, It's all right here even circa a strategische decision.

I thanks you in the ahead for the Durchlesen this ask and The Mühen tappt im dunkeln possible To answer.
Gerhard Praher
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

Habs first only überflogen, but except for point 6 everything "ja". point 6 with Umwegen or inline-asm but then still...

The a or others writes on or for a IDE, gives z.B. XProfEd and XIDE. XIDE is not yet ready.

PS: point 7 must You for care.

point 6 goes too with Prf2Cpp.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

Erstmals many Thanks on iF and Jac for Answer.
where I still something over the JA for my 2. and 3. question surprised was.
I have me in the manuals of XProfan 10 The Opportunities the GridBOX respected
and none Info on Spaltenformatierung, Spaltentyp, etc. found.
can it his, that this first with XProfan 11 the case is ?

Regards from Österreich
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

Hello Gerhard,
The GridBOX is of Profan from sooner rudimentär equipped. she's however first very easy to create and The Inhaltsabfrage is very komfortabel. circa tappt im dunkeln with additional Opportunities (Combobox, etc) auszustatten, must You The suitable windows-Apis bemühen.
Frank Abbing has however a Dll written, The one plenty work abnimmt. look you time in the Listviewforum circa [...]  and load you The Demoversion of Frank down. there's many Examples moreover, on them one see can, what possible is.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Hello Gerhard,

load you simply time my XProfan-manager of ours HP from the Download Area down [...] 

next to tausenden Source code, -zig Helfern etc. find You there To all DLLs, PCUs etc. Demos, sowohl as finished Exe-File as well as in the Source.

of my opinion to kriegt one as a broad Überblick and Einblick, what with XProfan meanwhile everything possible is.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

moreover comes, that one with XProfan11 a syslistview32 subclassen can, what against such Features allows. You can it too exaggerate and gänzlich Own Controls produce which You in Your Program benefit can. Hierfür there even already Examples, though XProfan11 not yet once in the deal available is.

Schreib too your XProfanversion into Signatur, particularly if these from the newest Version abweicht there with Solutions mostly from the last available Version gone out becomes. (momentarily XProfan11 subscription)

DLLs integrate is dead easy, The Helpfile is very in detail. for OCX can itself includes write, How in VB The Controls simply "reinziehen" is not yet given. Uwe [...]  is there our champion, eröffne ggf. for a Special OCX a own Thread.

Hello and many Thanks all ! you are Real a sensation.
I know Yes in the meantime so some Communities. but dermaßen profunde and fast Answer finds one so well How never.
over again many, many Thanks.

What the XProfan Version anbelangt, so must I say: I have momentarily The 10it-Free-Version.
The ask, The I here set have and of you so dermaßen terrific answers get,
entstammen not one concrete programmiertechnischen Anlass separate the fact, that
I on the Search after a Development Environment be circa of VB6 and Access wegzukommen.
with this Search, and then nachfolgend The Neuprogrammierung this Altbestände, conditioned but too
that The Funktionalitäten The The users dwelt are at least weitestgehend to maintain go must.
that is means, that the Development Environment for you I entscheide, this too can must.

increasingly see I, dank eurer Help, that this with XProfan possible is.
well, a couple Kleinigkeiten there yet, The I me yet look at will be
but so The grundsätzliche decision is quasi, at least in the my head, already for XProfan fallen.
means, unless yet something daherkommt, that utterly against it speaks, then is our firmeninterne
Development Environment XProfan.

over again many Thanks and a lovely day
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.


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