what could the following Image present ? - Who white, get "100 spots !"
The Solution I will tommorrow around the same Time to go there to put ! ;)
################################################################################## here sees to the "Print-Media-Center" (PMC) in Heidelberg. its one Schulungszentrum the Weltfirma HDM (Heidelberger pressure-machines). If inside the Kubus with the Fotoapparat from the place, The ruddy drawn is, to supra fotografiert becomes, arise the look, after here demand watts. The both grossen Rundobjekte imply The Schulungsräume and Büros. In Anlehnung on The 16-colours-Druckwalzen get tappt im dunkeln so configures. the buildings has no heating and no air-conditioning. On reason the Size and of/ one automatischen Lüftung produced the building one own Kleinklima. The Figur to the Center should Pegasus present. the fliegende horse from the greek say. "Borg-Würfel" watts the Glaskubus of ours boyhood in Heidelberg getauft. Sci-Fi-fans know, who The "Borg" are and How your Raumschiffe looks.