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![Frank Abbing: 10/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hello! How what? Who the said? Hä? I war’s! comic, I see niemanden. where are you, and who? you can't see me. i sit in your head. Real? who are you because? Stinky. But only my Spitzname. so name tappt im dunkeln me even home. interestingly, i'm Gert. In my head, say You. what make thou there? what want You listen. The ekelige Variante or rather The something blumig ausgeschmückte? alike. what you rather is, ok? means well, then simply The short Variante. i'm today night through your ear in your head gekrochen. Mach’ you no care, your ear-drum verheilt very quick again... I mach’ me Yes quite no care. yet not, at least. Erzähl’ time moreover. now sit I in your head and some your Gehirnnerven are with me verwachsen. therefore can I me too with you talk, though I no Sprachorgane own. only You can me ‚hören’. therefore stare me any so comic on. The think, I lead Selbstgespräche! Tss. is still alike. really already. what want You at all in my head? well Yes. I ernähre me hold of your Gehirnzellen... interestingly. taste The because at all? It's all right. you should More Traubenzucker food. the increased The beneficial effect terrific. i'll it me remember. are you one Parasit or so what in the direction? Yes, very. One Parasit. – I hope, you have now no schlechtes Image of me. alas, naturally not, Stinky! lovely. many see the namely differently. there are you by me on whom right get. me throws so slight nothing from the way. my fur is so fat, that... momentum, can you my thoughts reading? No, wieso? I thought only. not so important. Sag but already! means well. I had me only gewundert, whether You always know, I think. would be you the embarrassing? Perhaps. means well, let we the. what make You there really? Meinst You with my eyes? No. I mean with the your Oberkörper. alas the. is so a stupid custom of me. Hör on, me becomes Yes integrally dizzy! OK. lovely, thanks. Why drink You not a swig Orangensaft? me would now thereafter. hereafter Perhaps. at that food? Yes, very. Oh, the lasts Yes still bad long. means well, then drink I now something. this is very nice of you. I see already, The next two To three years go we plenty Fun together having. and thereafter not any more? No, unfortunately not. Why really? because You then dead are! miserable! Why because? I have then too much your Gehirnmasse To me taken. And if You diet hold? Reg’ you not, was only one joke! I see. If I dead be, what happens because then with you? then ziehe I hold circa. to a others lodging-house keeper. yet is it Yes not so far. will be I because sometime stupid or so what? Yes, to that Schuss already. Oh! Mach’ you no care. You merkst the Yes none, How You always dümmer become! the beruhigt me Yes again something. Mist! there comes it again on! what? who? well the there! alas the... Hello mr Wehning. how are you because today tommorrow? thanks, can't klagen. it should scoot, sag’ it the! Sag it it still yourself! alas Yes, goes Yes not. so, here. and yet something to that Nachspülen, so The wicked tablets rather rutschen. Thank you! Arschloch! so long, mr Wehning. we see us Yes yet. Yes, Dr. Varwick. so long.
Parasitär, (C) 2004 Frank Abbing |
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![: 10/25/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | I mean something like Have so did i. ![](.././../../i/s/-gah.png)
![](.././../../i/s/gruebel.gif) |
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![Frank Abbing: 10/25/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi.
for sure even! :biggrin: ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498539.gif) |
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![: 10/25/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | the is soo miserable of you ![](.././../../i/s/-ill.png)
;( |
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![Frank Abbing: 10/26/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Entschuldige, that I you in your unstable status so zugesetzt have... :biggrin: |
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![Dennis Schulmeister: 10/26/04](.././../../i/a/1652598832419d49f554af7.jpg) Dennis Schulmeister | reminds so a little bit on whom StarTrek-film, The revenge the Kahn…
Sincerely, Dennis ![](.././../../i/s/_n_shades_smile.gif) |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 10/26/04 ▲ |
![: 10/27/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Frank...
reminds me with empty Arbeitsbereich. nice To reading - only Kurzgeschichte? How GEHTS moreover?? |
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![Frank Abbing: 10/27/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
@Dennis: Startrek II? which place in the film Dou you mean because?
@AH: only a Kurzgeschichte. pointed moreover goes? well mr Wehnings Schizophrenie becomes always worse and finally die it, still in the Irrenanstalt sitzend. |
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![: 10/27/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Frank...
it means The place, on the Khan on euinem Wüstenplaneten (Alpha Ceti IV) Checkov a worm in its helmet stick, the itself by the ear-drum in his brain frißt and it willenlos power.
PS: Schizophrenie is no direct cause of death, moreover verblödet one thereby not. is mr Wehnung multimorbid?? ;D
Frank, You verblüffst me over ands over again. Idea of Profan, Assembler, Psychiatrie as well as too Ambitionen as author - and your gewählter Schreibstil can on künstlerisches talent close. As I said: selected Info if your erstes book appear... |
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![Dennis Schulmeister: 10/27/04](.././../../i/a/1652598832419d49f554af7.jpg) Dennis Schulmeister | Andreas says it. The Captain (not Kirk), the Checkov accompanied get too so one beast implantiert, goes but faster dran To grunde.
I fürchte almost, we must us time any where meet and the whole StarTrek-Saga reinziehen. ![](.././../../i/s/qq7.gif)
Sincerely, Dennis ![](.././../../i/s/_n_shades_smile.gif) |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 10/27/04 ▲ |
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![Frank Abbing: 10/27/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
> it means The place, on the Khan on euinem Wüstenplaneten (Alpha Ceti IV) Checkov a worm in its helmet stick, the > itself by the ear-drum in his brain frißt and it willenlos power.
Ah, now Yes. my recollection return...
> PS: Schizophrenie is no direct cause of death, moreover verblödet one thereby not. is mr Wehnung multimorbid??
Altenpfleger, correctly.? Multimorbid? Yes, hears itself well on. he's multimorbid!
> Frank, You verblüffst me over ands over again. Idea of Profan, Assembler, Psychiatrie as well as too Ambitionen as author > - and your gewählter Schreibstil can on künstlerisches talent close. > As I said: selected Info if your erstes book appear...
You would to envy fade away, if You my others talent too yet kennen would .
> I fürchte almost, we must us time any where meet and the whole StarTrek-Saga > reinziehen.
Yes, as far as I'm concerned. though Yes most already x-time repeatedly get. |
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![Dennis Schulmeister: 10/27/04](.././../../i/a/1652598832419d49f554af7.jpg) Dennis Schulmeister | this is the trouble on good, middle-aged Filmen. one would like tappt im dunkeln see, knows tappt im dunkeln but already in and rote. |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 10/27/04 ▲ |
![: 10/28/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Frank...
[quote:48a31a2c6a] Altenpfleger, correctly.? [/quote:48a31a2c6a]
EXAKT! ...äähm... among other things? |
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