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improvement the VotingOption

what me already long disturbing - the Fakt that the vote view still is. this is now differently - Members go now hereon hingewiesen if voted watts. naturally becomes the single Abstimmungsergebnis not published separate only the voted watts.

For this GEHTS the Voten now not any more with IE6...

Frank Abbing
For this GEHTS the Voten now not any more with IE6...

what to that Happiness niemanden strike might. I gug time...

Have whom Systembug fixed - and be whom IE6bow umgangen. (time again at the expense of the Optik. thanks IE!)


Jörg Sellmeyer
the find I do not well! Abstimmungen should not blanket with names joined go. even if it not circa essenzielle things goes.

iF-David can in its free time in the interest the Community hours-, days- and lasting weeks News develop, How it wants - still almost always shining it thereafter any Krümelkacker To give, which with respect to Privacy Policy o.ä. beeinträchtigt feel. anyway had we this issue here already öfters or. regular in the Context with iF-Neuerungen had.


who itself here datenschutzmäßig or from welch others Found too always in its schützenswerten privacy ausspioniert feel, the must itself still not More einloggen or. not on Votings or other activities ours Community participate. the would still The simplest Solution for Denjenigen - or?

who in of my Signatur on the angegebenen Link clicking, the finds integrally slight even my private Phone-number. who another slightly moreover to MMJ Hoyerswerda googelt, the can just as slight To of my private Postanschrift come. big deal? Dbzgl. watts I into past years therefore anyway never with Phone-Terror, Spam-Mails (except the integrally normalen WWW-Spam-Schrott, the anyhow of Spam-filter aussortiert becomes) belästigt.

my opinion:

who here in the Community as registriertes Member all free offers for itself XProfan-mäßig yourself benefit would like, the ought to at least with seinem names for stand, if it itself moreover with others own activities here einzubringen attempts (z.B. some Umfrageergebnis with seinem Votum bearing would like).

for Skeptiker:

here my private phone number: 035723/21720 and

here my Postanschrift:

Dietmar horn
Dorfstraße 1a
02994 Wiednitz (ca. 25 km of Hoyerswerda removes)

and here my (purchased[n] - means by no means Wegwerf-) address(n) of GMX:

dietmar_horn@gmx.de umd mmj-hoyerswerda@gmx.de

yet ask To this Topic?

means Jörg, what ought to your as far as I'm concerned another Thread zitierter Einwand?

should still our Community furthermore first time integrally simply so open and zugänglich for everybody his and stay - for each, the itself with his registration naturally self-evident too on gewisse Mindestregeln To hold has!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

it comes integrally seldom to, I my namesake right give, but this time:
Dietmar you have right !
in the age the gläsernen Humans should we here really in ours Community no thoughts around the Privacy Policy make. - our personal indicated are still anyhow already in the world-wide Datenhandel ausgetauscht or sales been. eachone, the already longer in the network is, knows the and must so life.

Horst horn
old Eppelheimer Str. 25
69115 Heidelberg
ph: 06221 23913
Mobil 0177 485 6962

and so all a lovely sunday

I faith Roland having time whom saying using - hold whom ball levelly, but game moreover.

@Dietmar: I had it too sooner as feature instead of as bow seen - and a public survey is too of my opinion to not same a secret collaboration - but...

...I go simply of it from the The majority itself on it disturbing could - what about me brech me Yes none fingers the system abzuändern. therefore I'm going withal your completions the thing to and will be the alter so even not any more displayed becomes who voted has. one becomes hold solely without Posting on the Thread attentive made.

OK so Jörg?

@Dietmar and Horst: as long as your not Your Kontodaten with angebt see I here no trouble. Kontodaten in the network go unfortunately often abused - is me personally first to a couple weeks happens. (without that I The Kontodaten somewhere published have - not more than time with Amazon, eBay & Co hinterlegt.)


as long as your not Your Kontodaten with angebt see I here no trouble. Kontodaten in the network go unfortunately often abused

from this reason weigere I too strikt, OnLine-Banking To make ! - can my money self spend


can my money self spend

Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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