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 Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello iF, the sees already correctly. lovely from. though happens nothing, if I on The lezten 20 Topics go. Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 11/21/04 ▲ |
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 CB | alas Yes, really! Well, for my verschwollenen, rechteckigen eyes was n bissel To small, circa aufzufallen.  thereby be I still yesterday the first time since over 2 Monaten to midnight in that bed fallen.... :roll: Login-Box ausprobiert: The latest character of But is only tlw. To see (there standing Einlogger), otherwise täts fit. the concerns The normal Login-Box. After to enter one protected Bereichs are then 2 Loginboxen, The normal and a explicit more, The would OK, only täte a really genügen - or ?
Greeting, Christian |
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 Michael Wodrich | The Overview-Button in the Titelbereich wants always something with sitemap.core Show. there's but Funkstille.
 mandatory already wieeeder to work, was still first geeestern there.... 
MfG Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 02/25/05 ▲ |
 | this is too still in order so - The sitemapcore have I yet net geproggt - aba planned.
salvo, iF |
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 | Sitemapcore gibbed Yes nu jäz.
other Topic: next 2-3 days becomes no Mailbenachrichtigung by the Communtiy with new Posts happen.
salvo, iF |
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 | there's again ne manner main in the Community. [...] 
the particular is that I to that 1.time my iF-CMS with the PHPbb verschmolzen have and accordingly The advantages beider systems at the same time benefit can.
@ifcms-User: on the side are two Module emerged: productview.inc & phpbb.inc .
About the main becomes later not only the entrance come off - separate z.B. too the Shop where The membs your Own software offer can.
salvo, iF |
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 | might time gugn that I here nirgends lie: [...] 
salvo, iF |
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 Dennis Schulmeister | sees Yes everything already integrally nice from, David. me are another couple Disignfahrlässigkeiten noticed. 
The stood off between Nachrichtentext and Avator isn't with all Usern same. with manchen (Roko z.B.) überlappen the both even, with some Usern touching tappt im dunkeln itself only. here would it well looks, if any Texts all User The same Randdistanz to that Bildschirmrand (left margine absolute) hätten.
becomes a Message zitiert, appear tappt im dunkeln in a container, which a Headline and the eigentliche Message contains. The container the Headline is to right there slight kürzer as the the Message.
so as Posts in the momentum showing, works it on me as would tappt im dunkeln somehow in the breeze hang. so, as would I at program my Fensterellemente not one Window pack, separate directly on the Desktop settle. how'bout here again a kind Window, one einfachen container?
Sincerely, Dennis |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 03/06/05 ▲ |
 | OK Dennis - very something like help me. it hears itself everything integrally thereafter on the You the community with FireFox viewing - ne?
unfortunately is FireFox no Rechenfreak.
The unterschiedlichen Margins rühren from the unterschiedlichen sizes the Avatare - but I faith only the IE rechnet The Margins correctly. from. in the IE überlappt nothing - as it should.
I gug me the whole time with the FireFox on.
salvo, iF |
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 Dennis Schulmeister | is correct, have I forget To allude. objectively use I z.Z. Mozilla/Netscape (FireFox).
comic, my experience was straight umgekert. by me was is the internet-Explorer which wrong rechnete and Mozilla, which right Results brought. at least with prozentualen indicated How 100%. For this could Mozilla not always Pixelgenaue indicated correctly evaluate.
too a little bit noticed are me The Schattierungen. These see of course interestingly from, wirken for the eye but somehow wrong, because tappt im dunkeln in keinem Context stand. were The former not time differently? straight shadow see of course langweiliger from, are for but lichttechnisch correctly.
gives it really one system, which Smilys of Doppelpunkten and which of asterisk locked in go at type?
must me The Page still time Internet Explorer standing. 
Sincerely, Dennis |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 03/06/05 ▲ |
 | Smilies: No, no system. 
The Hauptrechenunterscheid zw. IE & FF is the the IE grunsätzlich as long as at the end-rechnet - To the Result the Berechnungen at least twice the same is.
FF against it attempts itself with Schätzungen on the Layout heranzutasten - is therefore türlich bisl faster but ungenauer.
salvo, iF |
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 Dennis Schulmeister | objectively, The Half of my Beobachtungen count not for IE. have you got already what geöndert, David? suddenly voices The Margins in the FireFox. 
Sincerely, Dennis |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 03/06/05 ▲ |
 | No nothing changed - but the proving my og. Description.
If Firefox (muddu time often simply update) wat wrong rechnet - machters nachm update at a single blow correctly. weiler then already The Abstandwerte rather knows. The dog the rotten the. 
salvo, iF |
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