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 H.Brill | we're already time thereby are, what holds Roland of a lebenslangen Update - right ? I use yet on the side ne others Programming-Language. there Have I einmalig 79 € paid and Have one lebenslanges Update, naja say we time as long as it hold these Programming-Language gives. or. exists.
be of course still thereby, but mittlerweiler find I straight the Update in the Abbo relatively valuable. here be I on the consider, whether I still again normales Update make. If me the Update then gefällt, zahle I then the Update, otherwise red I it stay. there The Versionssprünge in the year not so often are, drive I with this method billiger. with the Time is XProfan Yes expensive as then (I betone) Delphi (1 To 4), that I neither More use. the has then about 150 DM per Versionssprung cost[ed].
there should itself Roland something dreamup. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 07/06/07 ▲ |
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 Dietmar Horn | Hello Roland,
these your Grundeinstellung find I completely aale. The People with 1955-it Baujahr shine anyway altogether OK To his (i'm too one 1955-it Baujahr, but the know You Yes ...). 
the changes however nothing on it, that You you soon evtl. time one moderneres concept conceive should, what whom distribution of XProfan concerns (including vernünftiger Öffentlichkeitsarbeit for XProfan).
as long as Jens in its JDS-Online-Shop yet something like How ProHelp 98 for hard Euros anbietet, is the of my opinion to sooner one Abzocken potentieller XProfan-customers! here should of my opinion to Deinerseits as Erstes one rethinking (Stop-characters settle) bring into action, because if The customers to the buy of ProHelp 98 remember, that it something like with plenty, plenty better Programmfunktionen too as Freeware gives, then must tappt im dunkeln itself zwangsläufig over the table pulled feel!
On any Cases are now You first time in the duty, dbzgl. a couple Weichen To to put - possible something differently How in the past tense. sufficient suggestions for have You here Yes meanwhile already get.
who as Jugendlicher XProfan at all first time kennenlernt and with us ca. 1/4 To 1/2 year durchhält, the remaining in the rule a couple years thereby. this is anyway my experience since nunmehr ca. 15 years as (X)Profaner. and to or. during the apprenticeship or studies (if then a couple Teuronen More, as How only the pocket money of hotel mama available stand) Updaten The Jungens mostly of itself from.
CConsiderate still time, what itself since whom times of Profan-super-Page, Sonic² & Co into past 10 years changed has. The former and very lovely PrFellow-times are now time past tense - and nevertheless goes it with XProfan moreover.
my opinion: rethinking is angesagt! and not absolutely middle-aged times afterwards mourn!
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 07/12/07 ▲ |
 | RGH
before someone on incorrect thoughts comes: The development of XProfan power me Fun and therefore goes it too moreover!
Greeting Roland
 The Thread isn't More blocked. |
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 Bernd Haase | Moin ! Have the whole time a little bit überflogen. if it somebody interested, I zahle gladly whom Price for Full Version. XProfan help me namely, my heißgeliebten SQL-DB simply To valet and therefore can I wonderful on the side enough coal make, around the couple Euro for Profan To pay for. whom the everything To valuable is, the can still too wonderful on Freeware zürckgreifen. somewhere Have I time red it should so around the 2000 Products sales been his. there crowd itself still The question on, where catches one Nischenprogramm on and where hears it on. If I a software for a mittelere firm create and for a 5-stelligen amount get, red I do not of a Nischenprogramm. I likes Profan/XProfan already since years. it has good services done what about me Have integrally well earn. for me goes the Price aale. Eskann just as plenty like a Cobol-Compiler and the cost one multiple of XProfan. |
| Mit freundlichem Gruß Bernd Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !![...]  | 07/12/07 ▲ |
 Nico Madysa | means Dietmar what about me having here The Heads a little bit together stuck and are on some ideas come:
1. forget schools and Infolehrer! The past tense has viewed, that Infolehrer plenty To mulish on The Programming-Language eingerastet are, The herself (if at all ) learnt having. therefore is my suggestion, whom look on The Infolehrer the future To richten, means schoolboy and particularly students. The problem with XProfan is objectively, that it simply uncharted is. Delphi, BASIC and C having no advertisement necessary, you're simply famous. through any advertisement (would iF what about me The Heads zusammenstecken, kämen sure some geile things out ) could itself these glad customer certainly too through Mundpropaganda weiterverbreiten. finally is the only real disadvantage of XProfan its Langsamkeit, also first with large Programs auftaucht (if at all).
2. Pimp my Site! Please not angry his, but me as Jugendlichen appear XProfan.com as latest Bastion for new Members. One Großteil the Profan²-pages won't More updated (Juniors Workstation, PrfNet, ...) and XProfan.de... naja Roland, nimms not personally, but the solid is definitiv antiquiert. too The Related Links ought to revised go. i feel me, How Indiana Jones, the characters of/ one previous civilization discover. too otherwise can The currently held XProfan-pages on ten Fingern count.
3. Aktuellere offers Dietmar has it on the point brought: ProHelp 98 for 25 € anzubieten is utterly over. XIDE is there already on one good lane. too could something ältere Tools, z.B. The Power-Dlls here offered go, or?
4. proposition ePeeP some Schlagwörter, The iF too yet respect ought to: favorable(e), cheap(e), preiswert(e), Freeware (and not everything on the small word simply append!)
so,d as wars first. my Ansichten can now gladly criticized go.  |
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 | To 1: is the your serious the you The Erkenntnis now first erhascht? 
To 2: Roland need its Site not pimpen - it reicht if it tappt im dunkeln well cache. 
To 3: I werd time my ShopSystem finish.
To 4: The from you suggested Schlagworte are unqualitativ - therefore would it from mehrererererlei itself utterly Sinnfrei this a Suchmaschinenoptimierung anzustreben. 
To 5: be I fully for! Umsetzung naht!
To 6: the compliment take I gladly on! Barscheck is on the way take I?! |
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 GDL | To whom pages.I likes too only simple, übersichtliche and without jeglichen Schnick-Schnack Inetseiten.in the Kürze lying The flavour.
Hello Georg |
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 Dietmar Horn | Hello David,
Nico postete four spots: 1., 2., 3. and 4.
you have it answered with To 1., To 2., To 3., To 4., To 5. and To 6.
somehow missing me there one Piece film (what To 5. and To 6. concerns).
could You possible. my middle-aged gray boxes something on The Sprünge help?
Nicos gray boxes are of course another couple Jahrzehnte younger and fresh, still on the friday evening having too Nico your Posting not so correctly. gepeilt ...
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 07/14/07 ▲ |
 Michael Wodrich | ...then have You end the question 4 whom Schalk overlooking, the it from the neck jumping. Perhaps see I something like sooner, because I in the sew of Till Eulenspiegel wohne.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/17/07 ▲ |
 Dietmar Horn | Hello Mischa,
nevertheless missing me there another Piece film ...
it likes his, that I as over 50-jähriger UHU something like not any more kapieren can - but Nico hats yet unfortunately ditto not geschnallt ... and Nico has yet Yes not yet times the twenty geschafft ... he's hirnzellenmäßig in the comparison To me certainly yet integral fresh ...
Hmmm ...
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 07/18/07 ▲ |
 Nico Madysa | Perhaps should we the help suitable Proposals first find? |
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 | Nico Madysa
Perhaps should we the help suitable Proposals first find?
and the already to 6 Postings.  |
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 Nico Madysa | well, I go same my Nachdenktee with two Piece sugars drink.  |
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