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Lebenslanges Updaterecht


we're already time thereby are, what holds Roland of a
lebenslangen Update - right ?
I use yet on the side ne others Programming-Language. there
Have I einmalig 79 € paid and Have one lebenslanges Update, naja
say we time as long as it hold these Programming-Language gives. or. exists.

be of course still thereby, but mittlerweiler find I straight the Update in the
Abbo relatively valuable. here be I on the consider, whether I still again normales
Update make. If me the Update then gefällt, zahle I then the Update,
otherwise red I it stay. there The Versionssprünge in the year not so often are,
drive I with this method billiger.
with the Time is XProfan Yes expensive as then (I betone) Delphi (1 To 4), that I neither More use. the has then about 150 DM per Versionssprung cost[ed].

there should itself Roland something dreamup.
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we're already time thereby are...

are we but not - we're here in the Thread
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Mainpage » The XProfan-Community » The Regulars Table of XProfan Community » Lebenslanges Updaterecht

but now about: I hope I crazy me the Roland XProfan not sonderlich get around wants. but what should so did i think if I [...]  reading must. → I mean - it kost it nothing - it bring it sooner many customers as that which therefore wegbleiben could (have self almost any Profan² / XProfanversionen bought and payd too The 10it and would me neither betrogen feel if Roland The XProfan.Exe freigibt) - and its Begründungen can I mere rational-seen not understand and it gives indeed none reason on which too only a the aufgezählten advantages aufwiegen could. (it must naturally too none reason indicate.) but that I me wundere is sure too nachvollziehbar.

at that free Livetimeupdate against can I Yes yet understand and so it it ablehnt. Gleichwohl I however the opinion be the too not absolutely one kluger Schachzug of Roland his must. i think - a large currency can The Anz.d.sales into Höhe drive and the Updategeldeinspielungen (almost) supplant. The Difference is only: afterwards would it awfully famous.

Should Roland probably first nachkalkulieren, whether so what for its Geldbeutelchen rewards, but meaningfully is it sure for a or others.
Nico Madysa

Yes, correctly..
with the Live Update gambling so did i on the Bekanntheitsgrad on.
this is too so with my others Language. there exploded The amount
the User what beautiful in the dt. as well as in the engl. Forum sees.

Related to the Update in the Abbo could Roland quiet time new kalkulieren.
be indeed since Version 3.3 thereby and faithfully stayed.
Wir sind die XProfaner.
Sie werden von uns assimiliert.
Widerstand ist zwecklos!
Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.

Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange.

there exploded The amount
the User what beautiful in the dt. as well as in the engl. Forum sees.


The amount, iF, The Number of User, not The User self!
Nico Madysa

Hmm ... 20 Euro all 1 To 2 years for a XProfan-Update might of my opinion to for a vollwertige Programming-Language not To plenty desires his.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


Dietmar horn: Hmm ... 20 Euro all 1 To 2 years for a XProfan-Update might of my opinion to for a vollwertige Programming-Language not To plenty desires his.

there be I but too Ditmars opinion,if one deliberating take off others software so desires becomes!

WinXP-Home ,XProfan10

Alfreds ... Freeware :  [...] 

I personally be too the opinion the Rolands prices utterly IO are!

i know but just as the others Preisstrategien too a others get ahead.

Perhaps should we The Discussion hereon limit to find out whether a another Vertriebsweg the Roland not Perhaps even still significantly More yielding could. (money isn't everything)

what I so Yes only say wished, is, that one with JDS The actually
Full Version for 59,90 € buy can and the Update in the Abbo customer
defrays 89 € in the year. The Full Version becomes even yet billiger, if one
a actually Version 9 has. only for a or two Betaversionen
in between and the Bonus - CD (The I none use), are 30 €
More as The Full Version To plenty.

therefore I had indeed said, that Roland time new kalkulieren ought to.
Wir sind die XProfaner.
Sie werden von uns assimiliert.
Widerstand ist zwecklos!
Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.

Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange.

with such Überlegungen How tappt im dunkeln here employed go ought to too the seen go, what we not see can. this is The Kostenseite, where to of my opinion CD and wrap inkl. production not integrally little turn off dürften.
Microsoft & Co, The throwing such Stückzahlen out that whole Presswerke well so engage are and on the others Page there The integrally small, there becomes then hold self burned. Profan might somewhere in the hiatus between to search his. this is one point, the me The whole Time already gewundert has, because except for The Grossen becomes still software meanwhile almost only yet online sales and delivered, without physikalischen volume.
I could me present that the Price of Profan with reinem Onlinevertrieb circa some niedriger angesetzt go can. One Updatepreis from the last on The latest Version so around the 10 Euro, the wären Taschengeldpreise, The whom turnover sure raise would.

Regards of Ulrich

@heinz: i'm old delphianer, I question me, where You former for ne delphi-Version each 150 marrow payd having want... alone The schulversion of delphi 3 standard has 1997 already 150 marrow cost[ed] (having first recently ne bill above in the hand)... and then wars favorable... d7 per lying then again with round about 1400,- eur !!!

roland can you sure too say, what his delphi 2 cost[ed] has, with which it teh folks profane² versions knitted has. 150 go not gewsen his!

what The prices To profane angeht - it must itself Yes somehow calculate. trouble is hold, that the bid the Languages larger because apiece is and if eachone profaner (soviele sinds Yes now not) ne lebenslange license had, would hold no temptation More to that weiterentwickeln there, because for what!? really money fließt Yes then Perhaps not any more...


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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