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time a Zwischenbemerkung:
would be not sinnvoller, longer Listings first of all always eingeklappt (means so How to the Click the suitable Icon) view? the would The Ladezeit some pages vastly telescope. and who it complete see wants, can it still ausklappen.
Greeting Roland (the otherwise no Einschränkungen with Edit-Feldern in actually XProfan- and Windowsversionen famous are)
unfortunately(!) would itself on the Ladezeit nothing Change if The Listnings eingeklappt wären. too The Serverzeit would same stay. The Community rendert too no Posting twice - one gerendertes Posting becomes gecacht - means here no profit through Weglassungen.
but naturally can I The Postings generally einklappen - this is but unfortunately solely only a visuelle story. |
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Frank Abbing | rather not... ...or mach rather first of all a survey. |
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| Well Perhaps has Roland but a idea The me strain not comes - and so the Ladezeiten telescope could. so How I the in the momentum see should I the Source eh to that Client transfer - but Perhaps übersehe I what.
Yes already clear I could from whom Sources NEN JS building which first on Knopfdruck itself into DIVs enters. but each time NEN Link You can for a Source To see? |
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RGH | means there's there a couple Threads with quite long Listings and the need always a whole while, To The Sanduhr disappeared is (or. the Browser To discern gives, that the Page complete loaded is). and there Forum not automatically to that new Posting scrolls, must I elendig long scroll, only circa this To reading. meanwhile incline I moreover, these Threads auszulassen. (Perhaps would it too appropriate, whom Postern vorzuschlagen, Listings over integral More as 20 Lines as Attachment - *.prf - mitzuliefern. the You can then eh rather time rasch with the Interpreter testing.)
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/05/07 ▲ |
RGH | @iF: OK, that is means, too eingeklappt would it such a long time last. but at least would the Mausrad at Scrolling not hot walk what about me none wunden forefinger get.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/05/07 ▲ |
| and Why uses You do not this - in the Screenshot ruddy marked - arrow?
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| Nachtrag: i think nevertheless over one principle to The Codes as an afterthought and on inquire into boxes To fill. The Codes müssten hold self-contained stored and be the HTML the Codes should automatically to a JS konvertiert go which itself on inquire at loading into DIV filling. |
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RGH | iF
and Why uses You do not this - in the Screenshot ruddy marked - arrow?
whom I had yet completely overlooking. thanks for Info.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/05/07 ▲ |
| now say You again my Layout is messy and bad and unübersichtlich. |
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Thomas Freier | NEIN is not and self with 56k-modem is the construction zügig. but it would already fallen, if the latest Posting as first attend would. Greeting Thomas |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 03/06/07 ▲ |
Jac de Lad | long Listings eingepklappt find I well, but new Postings should fundamentally ausgeklappt his!
Jac |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 03/07/07 ▲ |