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 | Womit herjeh! 
with whom Programs operates your if your Pixelarbeiten To manage have? (except of it are too vektororientierte Grafikprogramme The pixelbasierte effects utilize can)
Please name I do not pbrush. 
So I work with
a) one 15 years middle-aged Program namens IEditor.Exe (ImagePals2Go) of ULead (was to that Scanner moreover) b) own Zeux. 
Gimp is me To unpräzise, To unübersichtlich and To überfrachtet. (the Program is nevertheless except question cool!)
but Gibts because not yet what other beautiful?  |
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 RGH | So I use mainly Jasc Paintshop per. for many tack bevorzuge I even yet The already right betagte Version 4 (I had then as Full Version bought), for komplexere Fotobearbeitung too the newer Jasc Paint Shop per studio. with something Happiness finds one sometimes ältere versions (so around the 5 - 7) on irgendwelchen book-CDs.
Greeting Roland |
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 Rolf Koch | Hi iF, photo Filtre is my Favorit! |
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 Michael Wodrich | iGrafx - was with the Internetpräsens as Zugabe thereby.
MS-Paint - as Bildschirmgrabber and quick time here and there-Korrektor over ands over again well To use.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 05/08/06 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | Corel PhotoPaint, ältere Version.
[quote:9c7fbb86e2]Gimp is me To unpräzise, To unübersichtlich and To überfrachtet.[/quote:9c7fbb86e2] I see, well to know  |
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 Carlo Keil | dienstlich: actually Version of Paint Shop per private: Paint Shop per 5 (of anybody uralten book-CD) and MSPaint (the rather is as his reputation)
Greeting Carlo
PS: too for dienstliche sue would Version 5 yet lovely wealthy. |
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 Nico Madysa | since I to one year from reinem Laientum MSPaint&Co. of my PC katapultiert have, use I IDraw 3 and be maximum pleased so. |
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 | Hmgut - I arm me strain with Euren Vorschlägen.  |
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 Clemens Meier | well find so did i Artweaver, ditto freeware, though in the BetaStadium (can yet but none Error discern). Homepage: [...]  |
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 Nico Müller | i'd project dogwaffle suggest! benutz it of course yourself (almost) none, but nevertheless istd as calm Gibts somewhere in the web as Freeware. |
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| 05/12/06 ▲ |
 | Yeha thanks! Dogwaffle sees from as obs of nem Autodesk(tm?r?c?huh?)-Animator-Professional-Lover develops watts. I faith one Autodesk-AniPro-Remake standing on Space 100 of my mach I today auchnoch-list.  |
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