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Hello together,
first must I for entschuldigen that I me so rarely made have.
but I count again to the part the arbeitenden population.
my Wecker goes circa 4:30, I have daily something around the 3 hours Arbeitsweg and severity my small gray in the Elektronikreparatur already quite on....what deazu lead that I in the evening quite ausgepowert be....

but vaguely a month take I my nächstes proposition in forward line....

but now To my Posting here:

(I now here write, is with caution To enjoying, I already hereon reingefallen be)

goes time on these Page [...]  and give as Suchbegriff a Fantasienamen one.
thereafter directly as Suchbegriff a second....

and then again whom first....


The Page forms and save a Querverweis...
there the Querverweis with the names stored is, is it in my opinion one Personen bezogener Content from the in the Datenscutzerklärung and the Terms not The speech is.
my better Half (How said it still Kishon?...The best all women) meant now...adopted one man (married to that example) laughs itself ne Freindin on, The against Internet nachsieht what üder tappt im dunkeln there standing and thereafter what over the man there standing....
And then guckt its woman to what there over it standing and it diving the name the girl-friend on......UIUIUIUIUIUI.......

I name the a vastly beeinträchtigung...or???...and the Unterichten a yet not even over The Speicherung this data...

I have them today a Mail skillful with the invitation my names and any Querverweise To delete....with of/ one terms of 7 Meet...time see what from it becomes....

which opinion have your to the Speicherung the Querverweise???

Greeting Hubert
WinXP Prof, XProfan 9.1 Newbie

Ein kluger Kopf sagte mal:
"Nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik ist es unmöglich Programme zu schreiben, die fehlerfrei laufen!"


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Hubert Binnewies (1x)

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