Regulars table & Café

RGH: respect!

XProfan 11 is simply class!

on this place would like I simply time one respect to this Programmierleistung on Roland pronounce!

it power correctly. Fun with this tollen Programming-Language to program because everything on the rechten stain sits.

particularly there me little Programming-Language strange is white I why I over ands over again to that XProfan greife, particularly now to that XProfan 11.

i'd XProfan 11 even as one Milestone in the [X]Profan[²]schen story betiteln.

would have been I no XProfan - or would it only differently hot - then would me correctly. what are missing Roland!

what lying the Community hither as itself ansatzweise To thank, to that example with the success the action ePEEP, because: its us in the Ramen the action been successful each whom first Space (in guhgel) for terms Einfache Programming-Language and simply program To to achieve.

I find the whole pkg is a round thing - likewise there it (sure too others) uncanny Fun bereitet The Language with Vorschlägen and suggestions constantly To verfeinern and tollen Funktionalitäten vollzuproppen!

thanks Roland!

18 kB
18 kB

be To 100% your opinion and I therefore in the Help my almost finished actually Program The Autorenseite so How in the equipment displayed, written. Dou you mean, so could it stand stay ? (You know Yes, if everything works, becomes the Tool ziehmlich common go) ;)

200 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: one little advertisement must his

I voice you To and i'll yet left To Roland in my Progs install (yet I had only to Community).

Roland u skirt!
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

started we The RolandRockAmRPing-FestivalAera!

Hello together,

I know many adolescent, The in the school Turbo-Pascal, Delphi or Visual-Basic had. not of/ one of them could me dbzgl. one half-way fertiges and yourself erstelltes Program vorzeigen.

who however z.B. in my XProfan-Programmierkursen about one halbes year durchhält (ca. 2 To 3 Wochenstunden) or. it with me old Zausel such a long time aushält, the can at the latest to this Time with XProfan his erstes richtiges windows-Program write. After about one half-way year need The schoolboy my Help at program really none More constantly, because tappt im dunkeln your ask mostly with the XProfan-Help and the XProfan-manager often yourself answer can, or. tappt im dunkeln these xprofanen Problemchen among themselves in the group clarify.

some must of course in the apprenticeship too others Programmiersprachen erlernen or. a morsel of reinschnuppern, still yet is eachone of them XProfan in the principle faithfully stayed, because it a einfachere windows-Programming-Language definitiv not gives! I faith to know, that I not like a Blinder over The colours the Regenbogens speech, because to of my xprofanen Time had to I zwangsläufig during of/ one mehrjährigen amendment-Qualifizierung with TPW, Pascal, C Assembler intimate make.

the most Handycap appear me as always To his, that XProfan in the allemeinen Public so little known is. I have but too no idea, How to the step for step Change could. long Time have I virtual, that XProfan not lastly through my Programmierkurse at least on whom schools ours Territoriums enforce could. still these hope is meanwhile indeed already almost 15 years old, and diesbezüglich has there by the schools so well How quite nothing done. These rad as always ihren Senkel with Turbo- or. Borland-Pascal and Logo for DOS.

a morsel of shining here presumably too The fact a strain To play, that RGH only one 1-man-venture is and XProfan weitestgehend one hobby-proposition. i want here under no circumstance whom devil's on The Wand malen, but for something moreover Außenstehende position itself zwangsläufig The question, what happens really with the Weiterentwicklung of XProfon, if Roland sometime time z.B. gesundheitlich something Ernsteres zustößt (what it naturally none of us wish). would be then The jahrelange pursuit or. work on XProfan-Projekten for Katz etc.? for me position itself these question not, because Roland what about me exakt gleichaltrig are. for junior people, particularly schoolboy, adolescent and students could I me thoroughly present, that these question(n) bedeutsamer for or against The decision his can, itself with the Programming-Language lasting as 1. electoral To keep busy. an Patentlösung have I this however not in the Hinterhand.

plenty More How wag and constantly on the Weiterentwicklung of XProfan works - the can Roland even neither. and plenty More, as the, what here as XProfan-Community emerged is, is unsererseits soon neither More possible.

ideal would it, if as soon as possible a namhafte firm XProfan international vermarkten would. integrally ideal naturally would there Microsoft: XProfan as Script Language same with each windows deliver, like To DOS-times QBasic. or namhafte PC-manufacturers lay XProfan FREE same as Free Zugabe ihren PCs with. even if Roland for per verkauftem windows or per PC only 1 cent or quite 0 cent on Lizenzgebühren receive would. still on duration would itself the nevertheless too for Roland calculate, because whom Compiler were it Yes then nevertheless not for lau.

still moreover should Roland before finally over its own shadow jumping and from XProfan FREE The Einschränkungen rausnehmen, How maximum 1999 Codezeilen, 499 variables per type and fehlende Datenbankunterstützung (this is the, I yet on Einschränkungen rausgefunden have). whether this lane then XProfan to Weltherrschaft verhilft, can before naturally too none ensure. still if to the none first attempts, then standing it solid How the Amen in the church, that it lest klappen becomes. On any Cases would I me on Rolands place meanwhile often times The question to put, whether the relatively small and international right namenlose 1-man-venture JDS on duration really the best and only possible Vertriebspartner is. one ought to Perhaps too time try, XProfan into shelving such chain How SATURN, Expert & Co. To get - or Perhaps time a campaign-action over The Ramsch-Tische of Aldi, Lidl, plus & Co. try hinzukriegen.

That we here in the Lausitz a manner regionales centre or Anlaufstelle for XProfan are, the interested nationwide or international eh no mouse.

The only lack, whom I XProfan discover can is the, that it nationwide and international in the wide Public as always To uncharted is and accordingly unfortunately from the volume the Michels neither as vollwertige windows-Programming-Language accepted becomes - unfortunately!

who first once so correctly. XProfan-breeze geschnuppert has, the remaining in the rule with XProfan and becomes without hardship not elsewhere there change. the see I still constantly not lastly too on our MMJ-Jugendlichen. so stupid, stupid and mindless are our present Jugendlichen neither, that tappt im dunkeln itself z.B. of me as meanwhile probably right senilem Uralt-XProfan-Hörnchen a xprofane Mogelpackung unterjubeln let would. this is still really the very best proof for, that XProfan one hervorragendes Qualitätsprodukt is, with the itself Roland of my bescheidenen opinion to on the international market not hide must!

who its head not only to that Haareschneiden on the neck sit has, the comes with XProfan as Programming-Language on any Cases zurecht (what of namhafteren and bekannteren Programmiersprachen under no circumstance insist can) - integrally independent of it, whether the head first 8 years, or already 80 years long on the pertinent neck sits.

If me to 15 years someone prophezeiht had, that I sometime time even Achtjährigen successful The Grundbegriffe the Programmierens with (X)Profan procure would, then had I presumably with of/ one Gegenfrage gekontert: which Droge have Thou straight taken? because something like stops I for absolutely impossible!.

if Roland ever a larger angelegte XProfan-campaign-action started ought to, would I thoroughly moreover ready as überzeugter XProfan a manner editorial (or whatever) to Support the action To write and public with my names, address etc. moreover To stand!

Mist! again have I here kilometerlanges Posting manufactures! really wished I me the Yes by degrees cure, because itself my here mitlesenden Jugendlichen constantly above amusing ... but probably create I it sooner, finally the smoking aufzugeben, as my mustard kilometerlang always then moreover To give, if it circa XProfan and its further currency goes ...

XProfan is suchtgefährdend viewing very plenty, plenty worse as nicotine, alcohol, Hasch & Co. zusammengenommen!

XProfan is crept and simply a seek! who first once correctly. xprofane breeze geschnuppert and XProfan to some extent understood has, the comes in the terrestrial life guaranteeing never again of these Trip down!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

its 6.15 watch in the earlier what about me Have on nüchternen stomach your novel ;) until end red.
How always with your Posts is a whole bunch truth drin !
(particularly the leidige Topic schools and XPROFAN ! - here lying it mostly on the not-More-moreover-learn-want-attitude the Lehrkräfte - from eigener experience white I, wovon I promise)
for me to put itself three important Hauptaufgaben, so XPROFAN The Weltherrschaft take can:

1. Roland must for a Kronprinzen care and this in its Geheimnisse einweihen ! on my own is the simply too much !

2. The advertisement and the selling of XPROFAN heard in Profi-Hands. - J.Dries is, (without this near zurück To want) too only one small under many.

3. XPROFAN-Free must in actually Websites offered go - (free.de, geizkragen.de etc...)

Additional must one not except eight let go: there's many crazy PROFAN-programs. but in the first go tappt im dunkeln not publik made (our Community becomes unfortunately only of Insidern using) and secondly are you Freeware. here lying the dog bury. The present consumer stand misstrauisch before it: uncharted and then yet free !? - what nothing cost, can also nothing his, weg there, buy for enormes money a the grossen Languages, come not clear so and turn itself of program ex.
here should time Profaner, which More Idea of selling than I, ideas release
...so - now is Schluss

there's already Profaneingeweihte and Roland has vorgesorgt.

with the opportunity could We also yet whom good, middle-aged Rolf in Rofl umtaufen.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

for me is Rolands Kronprinz Sebastian, at least empfände I the as coherent - but I faith over Derartiges make itself Nachwuchsprogrammierer (except The of Dietmar (lying there well on the HY breeze)) erfahrungsgemäß (zurecht) so well How at all no disk. (@Dietmar: Yes, I can the very well one Piece far to weigh up rofl!) it'll come as comes, the but now here about make stops I for kontraproduktiv there one unmöglich erschöpfend argumentieren can over items, which far far far in the future lying can and should.

i want me of these Thread with Roland thank for everything what z.B. I personally even not as self-evident feel.

too i want me thank! its fraglich, whether I without Profan² 6.6 (with which I then started Have) ever too hobbymäßig angefängen had to program. and with aufsteigender version number has (X)Profan never a Rückschritt made, separate is always rather become. thanks, Roland!
Nico Madysa

I can me my Vorrednern only ABSOLUT anschliessen, where so did i emphasize must, that I grateful for all versions To dato be

now power whom Roland times not so uneasily! Hehe, but right have your Yes...


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