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@Rolf Koch

Hello Roko, I Have strain seen that you arcor as Spaceanbieter uses,- nunja,- arcor hold.

Why seek you eigendlich Nich NEN others Hoster for your Space? z.B. iF

I mean arcor, hmm.

I würd you simply NEN FTP-Account on meim Server arrange,- php capable naturally. SQL-DBs kannste too having wennde gladly would have. I mean this is no tender what on The volume directed is - to be honest wärest You the first. *coolyeah* Aso, e-mail is too drin in the pack.

The performance would you convincing,- I mean the would yes a Umstieg of shared-WebSpace To Echtem.

Is free,- under Profanern clear. Aba You would have hold no Websites and Emailprobleme etc. Denne would hold everything tidy.

salvo, iF


Hey If
you are one treasure
gladly would I the make. on my own therefore, because I with Arcor straight 1000 MB hinzukaufen had. Noctramic is Yes abgegangen Trafficmässig - oh man.

I kapiere the of course not:
have You Own Server or How runs the ex, that You Webspace own????
the lying namely generally still in the breeze and wished you diesbezgl. yet ask, How and what You there make/have u.s.w.

To Arcor:
be then from the Telekom lane, since the by me no DSL had.
Arcor has here Own Lines lying and the are The only, which me the make possible.
i'm too sssssssseeeeeeeeeehhhhrrrr pleased with Arcor.
means on Base: TELEFON and DSL (is sauschnell for here The Landgegend)
but except for The from you angesprochene thing with the Webspace, because plenty afford The not. Well, bisschen More as T-Online still.

there had I directly but yet ask:
means should I then my www.rokosoft.de on the new address redirecting?

How runs the really ex, if I still many things on Arcor verlinkt have. there dürften no Problems come along, there many yet of Arcor herunterladen u.s.w.
How sees Trafficmässig with you from the and How is with the the Webspace ???
.... and at all, what there tommorrow for weather???

would be utterly genial. And if it was bring would, should it really not umsonst his.
at least one small GibdemIF would then because of me drin.
because what have You of it, if you nothing for get.
If you get nothing, Why desires The then any for Traffic so much money?
cost the in reality nothing, or How.

Freue me utterly on a detailierte response (if you The Time have me the To explain)

THANK YOU in the Vorraus

[quote:4d7eab9f61=Rolf Koch]Hey If
you are one treasure
[/quote:4d7eab9f61] [quote:4d7eab9f61]
gladly would I the make. on my own therefore, because I with Arcor straight 1000 MB hinzukaufen had. Noctramic is Yes abgegangen Trafficmässig - oh man.

I kapiere the of course not:
have You Own Server or How runs the ex, that You Webspace own????[/quote:4d7eab9f61] Jo, Own Server. *coolyeah* [quote:4d7eab9f61]
the lying namely generally still in the breeze and wished you diesbezgl. yet ask, How and what You there make/have u.s.w.[/quote:4d7eab9f61]Frag quiet. [quote:4d7eab9f61]
there had I directly but yet ask:
means should I then my www.rokosoft.de on the new address redirecting?[/quote:4d7eab9f61]From must can no speech his. i'd you The question gladly so answer,- How You it gladly would have, unfortunately missing me daszu however the know above which Umleitungsmöglichkeiten Arcor there bid. your Jetzige is anyway not The Wonne. afford The eigendlich too ne detour via Frameset? differently would it - but therefore went it I do not - if you with the Domain to move would. As I said, therefore went it me but not - possible would it naturally nevertheless. in this Context: I take a Euro per month per .de. then though could you on jegliche manner the detour dispense and wärest so correctly. präsent. [quote:4d7eab9f61]
How runs the really ex, if I still many things on Arcor verlinkt have. there dürften no Problems come along, there many yet of Arcor herunterladen u.s.w.[/quote:4d7eab9f61]is still clear. whom Arcorplatz kannste still too keep. there's aba well nothing what not too umlenken ließe. but I know The Arcor-Umlenkungsmöglichkeiten unfortunately not.[quote:4d7eab9f61]
How sees Trafficmässig with you from the and How is with the the Webspace ???[/quote:4d7eab9f61]means Traffic and Web space I can in Gigabytebereich afford. there see I no trouble.[quote:4d7eab9f61]
.... and at all, what there tommorrow for weather??? [/quote:4d7eab9f61]

[quote:4d7eab9f61]would be utterly genial. And if it was bring would, should it really not umsonst his.
at least one small GibdemIF would then because of me drin.
because what have You of it, if you nothing for get.
If you get nothing, Why desires The then any for Traffic so much money?
cost the in reality nothing, or How.
[/quote:4d7eab9f61]is hold The question in whom Dimensionen one itself moving. its however objectively so the suppliers How Arcor etc The customers diesbezüglich tidy abzocken. If one Own Server in the network angebunden - so with backbone & co. - has becomes the whole Topic nähhhmlich almost ridiculous.[quote:4d7eab9f61]
Freue me utterly on a detailierte response (if you The Time have me the To explain)

THANK YOU in the Vorraus
Rolfi[/quote:4d7eab9f61]hmmm, Have I what forget?

salvo, iF

Hi If,

hears itself everything horny on. how'bout, if you simply time anlegst what about me then data transferiere?
any aufkommenden ask could I still then with want discuss.
And if it works, would I hold The detour rename.

Wow, is Yes correctly. tensive :biggrin:

physical Address:  [...] 

salvo, iF

Huch there already? Ey, extreme quick.
Why be I no customer with you ;) this is yes a service.
The detour would I so let and hereon lay, because with Frieder (jetziger Umleiter) be so did i very pleased.
means if you me data give, and me say where so.
Startdatei too then index.htm or so?

Puhhh, a great many thoughts with the game here.


have you Zugangsdaten by PM skillful.

Jaja very, index.php, then .html etc.

salvo, iF


be time tensely. If I then data transferiere, can I ne Break from the computer to make and finally yet 3 Türrahmen here home streichen. otherwise schaff I the time again not.



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Andre Rohland04/16/14


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