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Dietmar Horn | Hi,
knows someone one ScreenShot-Program, the one with not only the active Haupfenster abfotografieren can, separate which too whom each verwendeten Cursor with indicating? to -zig years I had something like already time had, find But unfortunately not any more.
for my XProfan-Textbook-proposition use I the small Progrämmchen "FastStone Capture" (in the XProfan-manager include), which so well How no Opportunities offenläßt. only whom Cursor fotografiert it even unfortunately (optinal) not.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 11/29/08 ▲ |
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Frank Abbing | the here works at least wonderful: CompileMarkSeparation around the Cursor of their own Process To detect there indeed The API GetCursor(). |
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| I faith You can above not always detect, which Cursor grade displayed becomes, to that example if another Process whom Cursor self definiert.
Perhaps really simply time 2 xprfs The one static on hWnd produce, both by SetClassLong a designed worth allocate, and mutual abprüfen. I faith namely the works not. |
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| Nachtrag: Perhaps was MS too so nice, and schleift a "globalen" hCursor somewhere through, and Perhaps too in GetClassLong(GetDesktopWindow(),GCL_HCURSOR) - but the would hold To Verify, whether this too z.B. Childs mind.
I würds but too cool find to know, as objectively works. would be immediate in "Programme" a Trayicon-Variante stored, The on one Hotkey reacted, and simply always only PNG on Desktop ablegt.
the would then z.B. for me the best Screenshot-Tool "auf Welt".
so How my ruler, hach I love my ruler... |
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Normann Strübli | @Dietmar
[...] (vbcapture with demonstration) [...] (screenhunter Download of chip.de, How said Program not tested)
ought to functions, though The left from my first mail by me too weg... |
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Frank Abbing | iF, its simply whom actually Cursor To detect, verrenn you still not. Teste the time: CompileMarkSeparation |
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| unfortunately not, look time:
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Frank Abbing | OK, here's one better code. The has with my Tests each Zeiger gesnappt, except whom of Editfeldern: CompileMarkSeparation {$iq}
Declare cur&,bereich#,a&,b&,x&,ilist&
Dim bereich#,256
Clear bereich#
Long bereich#,0=20
ilist&=Create("ImageList", a&, b&)
ImageList("AddIcon", ilist&, x&)
Whileloop 1000
DrawIcon ilist&, 0, Rnd(%maxx), Rnd(%maxy)
DeleteObject ilist&
Dispose bereich#
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| the Zeigerfinden works so integrally well, and it yields itself one new Problem.
The Cursor having a gesetzten "HotSpot" - which XY To detect is well too necessary, around the korrekte position for the To zeichnende Icon To calculate.
goes the everything not somehow plainer? |
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Frank Abbing | too there might GetCursorInfo helpful his. look time into structure with ptScreenPos.
Nachtrag: MS writes to the API GetCursor:
windows 98 and windows NT 4.0 SP3 and later: To get information on the global cursor, even if it is hardship owned by the current thread, use GetCursorInfo. . functions indeed wonderful. Why the straight in Editboxen not works knows I unfortunately not. can only suppose, that there one other Zeigermedium used and is the eigentliche Cursor invisible is... |
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| not The Cursorposition, separate The position the gesetzten Hotspot/Mittelpunkt in the Icon whom one even of mouse.x and mouse.y subtrahieren must, to the draw the Icons. |
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Frank Abbing | iF
not The Cursorposition, separate The position the gesetzten Hotspot/Mittelpunkt in the Icon whom one even of mouse.x and mouse.y subtrahieren must, to the draw the Icons.
The supply you The API GetIconInfo(). |
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Frank Abbing | here the complete code. The Dateiname for the Image ought to adjusted go or wählbar made go: CompileMarkSeparation {$iq}
Declare cur&,bereich#,a&,b&,x&,ilist&
Dim bereich#,256
Proc Screenshot
Parameters dname$
Declare Hdc&
Declare Hmdc&
Declare Hbitmap&
Declare maxX%, maxY%
ImageList_Draw(ilist&, 0, hmdc&, a&, b&, ILD_NORMAL)
SavePic dname$, Hbitmap&
DeleteObject hbitmap&
Clear bereich#
Long bereich#,0=20
If Long(bereich#,4)
ilist&=Create("ImageList", a&, b&)
ImageList("AddIcon", ilist&, x&)
Clear bereich#
DeleteObject ilist&
Dispose bereich#
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