The process the Abprüfens the Berechtigungen the besuchenden User with the Berechtigungen the 160! Forenbereiche over one mehrdimensionales assoziatives aray on Leserecht Write right Antwortrecht Neuthemarecht Voterecht Downloadrecht u.v.m each Seitenaufruf has ca. 80% the Seitenaufrufzeit ausgemacht.
Since I now php through suexec as cgi walk let could I very these task very simply nativ into Webserver implementieren. Glücklicherweise ists me same to the first Rekompilierung been successful (freu me still lol) so even very this Tree-To-Tree-Abgleich not any more of php worn out go must.
Images/numbers as before aussah Have I do not, place you simply to The blue and the red line pasted on the oberen end.