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shock: Shutdown toggles none integrally from!



in this  [...]  Youtube-Posting (engl.) behauptet the Berichter (on english), that SHUTDOWN whom computer none integrally ausschaltet. the gelte since windows-8 for all further versions, can but with manchen Computern allegedly off go, if one The showed Tricks anwendet.
can the someone confirm, or is the everything Bullshit Fake News? I incline moreover, the Types To believe ...

Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

good evening,

"Sleepmode": Hierbei becomes PC buchstäblich to that sleep skillful - the status the Win becomes hierbei "eingefrohren" - ought to hierbei the power fall out (or battery pack the Laptops run down) becomes the "Zustand" forget, there the RAM whom status the Win with fehlendem power lose.

"Hibernate Mode": if one windows in this fashion mail, becomes the actually status of Win into File "hiberfil.sys" written and at next Hochfahren restored. If PC now power lose, becomes the status the Win restored, what the Hibernate fashion a benefit ggü the "Sleepmode" darstellt (the RAM becomes from the "hiberfil.sys" File restored).

"Hybrid Sleep Mode": in the Grunde The combination from Sleep fashion and Hibernate fashion (Win status becomes hierbei on HDD and in the RAM stored, with Stromverlust becomes fixes, that RAM empty, becomes but from the HDD restored).

"Fast Boot" is in the Grunde How in the video declared, a combination from Shutdown and "Hibernate Mode", where only the status the Kernels and the driver stored go (and on the HDD stored) be not The deep gone and can not confirm, see But just as, as in the video declared because see in the subesquent:

Erstmals I had Problems with "Fast Boot" with my middle-aged hardware (Xeon 1241v3, DDR3 Ram, Gigabyte Z97-HD3) there my Mainboard no "Fast Boot" supported having. at that Hochfahren watts accordingly garkeine Bootpartition by me found (the coming each 3.ten Hochfahren to and was onerous).

To my trouble: at "Fast Boot" changed Win evident whom Booteintrag or expects additional Parameter for Bootvorgang. supported the Mainboard whom almost boat not (How in my case the middle-aged hardware s.o.), comes it unweigerlich To Problemen at Booten. or if the status the Kernels and the driver stored go, could the trouble in my case with the additional Bootparametern in link with Treibern zutun had having. however ...

so far i see, depends the "Fast boat Feature" with the "Hibernate"-function together - whom "Hibernate Mode" schalte I seither to eachone Neuinstallation fundamentally from. once these off go, dive nirgends More Auswahlmöglichkeiten for "Hibernatemode" etc on (only "Sleepmode" remaining then). The File "hiberfil.sys" becomes then not at all first laid out. so see then my Settings with Energieoptionen and Netzschaltverhalten from.

me would interested, whether someone the telling in the video confirm or quite vorführen could, that it so is

TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4



thanks for detailed explanation, Georg! Dass ältere hardware in the game his could, had M$ imho. respect must. The guys schludern evident with whom last versions.

From Win-11 listen I, that itself the system Stimmproben of Usern fetch and thereupon advertisement for different User on the same system individually einspielt. I hope, the is correct not, because: slow graust me...
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier07/23/22


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