| |
 | steffen-long.foren means:
to that testing your software under different windows-versions nimm still | |
simply whom now free Virtual PC of Microsoft: | |
https://www.microsoft.com/germany/windows/virtualpc/default.mspx | |
https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=de&FamilyID=6D58 | |
729D-DFA8-40BF-AFAF-20BCB7F01CD1 | |
> -----Original Message----- | |
> From: René Bühling [mailto:rene.buehling@gmx.de] | |
> Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:50 PM | |
> Subject: Shockwave/Flash in Profan²-Window einbetten | |
> the jüngste kid of my DLL-Experimente, The ProAX.dll, | |
> allows it Flashfilme (*.swf) in a Profan²-Window | |
> view. Also can the film naturally gesteuert and | |
> quizzed, as well as between Profan²-code and ActionScript | |
> - loading of Filmen in different Levels | |
> - inquire and steer of Play, stop, repeat | |
> - inquire of Filmlänge and jumping To Images/Spulen | |
> - inquire the Ladezustands | |
> - watch of Downloadfortschritten | |
> - control over Context menu, quality, Zoom, ... | |
> - Actionscript-Profan-Datenaustausch | |
> - several Flashplayer-Controls at the same time possible | |
> - employment the DLL too in commercial Projekten | |
> me would interested, whether the part on others | |
> Systemen as WindowsXP with Flashplayer 8 runs. for want of | |
> Testrechnern can I the in the moment only heavy self testing... | |
> Info and Download: [...]  | |
> -----display---------------------------------------------------- | |
> calculate tappt im dunkeln now your gesetliche pension and to demand tappt im dunkeln | |
> More Information about Altersvorsorge on. | |
| |
 | gmx.rene.buehling means:
having not at all come along, that the now free is. cool! | |
> to that testing your software under different windows-versions nimm still | |
> simply whom now free Virtual PC of Microsoft: | |
> 729D-DFA8-40BF-AFAF-20BCB7F01CD1 | |
| |
 | gmx.uther666 means:
this is still but only one service gentry for Virtual PC and not the | |
> to that testing your software under different windows-versions nimm still | |
> simply whom now free Virtual PC of Microsoft: | |
> > -----Original Message----- | |
> > From: René Bühling [mailto:rene.buehling@gmx.de] | |
> > Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:50 PM | |
> > Subject: Shockwave/Flash in Profan²-Window einbetten | |
> > the jüngste kid of my DLL-Experimente, The ProAX.dll, | |
> > allows it Flashfilme (*.swf) in a Profan²-Window | |
> > view. Also can the film naturally gesteuert and | |
> > quizzed, as well as between Profan²-code and ActionScript | |
> > - loading of Filmen in different Levels | |
> > - inquire and steer of Play, stop, repeat | |
> > - inquire of Filmlänge and jumping To Images/Spulen | |
> > - inquire the Ladezustands | |
> > - watch of Downloadfortschritten | |
> > - control over Context menu, quality, Zoom, ... | |
> > - Actionscript-Profan-Datenaustausch | |
> > - several Flashplayer-Controls at the same time possible | |
> > - employment the DLL too in commercial Projekten | |
> > me would interested, whether the part on others | |
> > Systemen as WindowsXP with Flashplayer 8 runs. for want of | |
> > Testrechnern can I the in the moment only heavy self testing... | |
> > Info and Download: [...]  | |
| |
 | gmx.rene.buehling means:
thought I first too, but its objectively the complete Program | |
(inklusive SP), I habs ausprobiert and it's running... | |
> this is still but only one service gentry for Virtual PC and not the | |
> complete Virtual PC or? | |
> > to that testing your software under different windows-versions nimm still | |
> > simply whom now free Virtual PC of Microsoft: | |
> > > -----Original Message----- | |
> > > From: René Bühling [mailto:rene.buehling@gmx.de] | |
> > > Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:50 PM | |
> > > Subject: Shockwave/Flash in Profan²-Window einbetten | |
> > > the jüngste kid of my DLL-Experimente, The ProAX.dll, | |
> > > allows it Flashfilme (*.swf) in a Profan²-Window | |
> > > view. Also can the film naturally gesteuert and | |
> > > quizzed, as well as between Profan²-code and ActionScript | |
> > > - loading of Filmen in different Levels | |
> > > - inquire and steer of Play, stop, repeat | |
> > > - inquire of Filmlänge and jumping To Images/Spulen | |
> > > - inquire the Ladezustands | |
> > > - watch of Downloadfortschritten | |
> > > - control over Context menu, quality, Zoom, ... | |
> > > - Actionscript-Profan-Datenaustausch | |
> > > - several Flashplayer-Controls at the same time possible | |
> > > - employment the DLL too in commercial Projekten | |
> > > me would interested, whether the part on others | |
> > > Systemen as WindowsXP with Flashplayer 8 runs. for want of | |
> > > Testrechnern can I the in the moment only heavy self testing... | |
> > > Info and Download: [...]  | |
| |