These Message concerns only The Members which on the Communityserver home are. I registriere - How always to that Jahresende - to Time a great many attacks against whom Server. But this is normal.
Since I however not as large suppliers 26 Administratoren engage which itself circa most different Sicherheitsthemen concern - separate my Server hobbymäßig betreibe - Please I you too self one Backup Eurer pages to create.
Serverside create I naturally too regularly Backups - but only for drop the it to a Totalausfall comes backupt Please too self. to a Totalausfall coming it to that Happiness yet never - before it could I yet always well protect.
but who itself on whom Communityabsturz of last year reminds white, that a simple Sicherheitslücke in the PHPModul for Datenverlußt care can.