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 | Frank asked whether We also such a jolly service How whom of [...] offer can.
The Grundvariante: [...] 
are missing but Slogans, means who which parat has...  |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | how'bout so: talk is silence, silver is gold or Morgenstund proposes the barrel The crown in that face. or Later worm verschläft whom bird |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 12/11/07 ▲ |
 Michael Wodrich | BBCODE I had uses because the HTML-code not wished.
The reason: Greife whom code ex and set it over Clipboard one: thereby go characters umgesetzt - Ampersand/larger/small.
If to the then by hand korrigiert goes it .....
in this list are too a couple new......
# - find I well! # bring Happiness! # has eachone! # heilt any Wunden. # in the hand is rather, as The pigeon on the housetop. # is the first lane to recovery. # is the mother's the Porzellankiste. # is horny! # is sweetly. # can everything. # comes seldom alone. # machts possible! # governed The world. # passing not. # becomes old as an cow, and learn still moreover. # endures on the longest. #, everything drin! 100% #. Aller beginning is #. Aller good items are #. everything good comes of #! everything or #. too one blindes hen finds time one #. On ebb follows #. On each rain follows #. by me works #. the best comes lastly: #. Own # is Goldes worth. One # in the hardship, is in the doing one friend. One # comes seldom alone. end well, everything #. against # is no hern grown. said, done, #. In # lying The flavour. glue not, klumpt not - #! small pressies, receive The friendship: #. comes Time, comes #. with # get one More as one expects has. talk is silver, # is gold. what his must, must his - #. who A says, must too # say. who everything having wants, get #. who The electoral has, has #. where one will is, there's too #.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 12/11/07 ▲ |
 | The problem understand I, could I with my Tests but not understand. Wohlmöglich a question the Browserkonfiguration. Getestet: IE7 & FF - copies -> Notepad -> Eingefügt
I same your list with the vorhandenen ex... |
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 Nico Madysa | Very beautiful made - I mean I fügs too in of my Sig one.  |
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 Paul Glatz | how'bout so # is in the computer or computer is goose# or Plüschtiere,computer and # |
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 | I have latter added. [...]  |
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 Frank Abbing | #, you were my star!
there's one character To big written. |
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 Frank Abbing | there's one character fälschlicherweise big written. directly behind the comma. you are Yes almost legasthenieverdächtig.  |
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