The Schülerakademie is a proposition the college Lausitz, with the Schülern ex the 10. class interesting contents bzgl. program mediate becomes. today there were the Topic SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) a free alternative To Flash-Animationen. needs becomes for only one Texteditor (Notepad reicht) and a Browser to that testing. most should *.svg-Files free from problems support, only the IE needed one Extra-Tool, whom SVG-Viewer of Adobe, free under . here's the Result of my Lernens: The of me erfundene Figur the depressed Katers in Animation:
SVG-Viewer becomes but only yet To end this year supported. Adobe is the opinion, that now enough Time was into Browser incorporate. If the IE the but still not supported, then Better get going well too nothing more with the Langweilern. alternatively ought to one itself means to SVG-Viewern in the network umsehen.
there's incidentally a apertured Grafikbibliothek The the SVG-stature as Hauptformat has. (I mean The, be me but not sure)
Best wishes Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.
so, Have here ne new Version. following Objects are clickable: - the tail the cat - the remainder the cat - The Font Gugge ma! - The Font everything wech Also Have I The Kazte another little small made.