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Sebastian König | Hello together,
usually beschränke I Yes on sachbezogene Posts, but now would like I still time something rid: into last Meet made the Mitlesen here somehow none right Fun More... I have the feeling, that diverse Members because of kleinsten Things immediate on 180 are and unusual irritable react. the must still not his, find I! it ought to here still primarily around the program weg...
naturally, there's always time Auseindersetzungen - the heard to that working day - but is Yes almost to that Normalzustand . or is the only my local?
i want self-evident niemanden attack - integrally in the contrary! i'd me simply forward, if itself eachone here again a little More dispassion and harmony besinnen would...
P.s.: i'll The next couple days without computer on the way and therefore not online his. Perhaps is it Yes rather, if I wiederkomme... |
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Michael Wodrich | [offtopic]Yes, except for The a undefinierbare sees the very well from - rather as The chilly Schneeflocken. [/offtopic]
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 04/03/08 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | yet what to that Forum: See obiger Posting - Italic-Font. is it possible to one italic To a or two nbsp automatically nachzuschieben?
These impossible Überschneidungen are me already for a long time one Gräuel .
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 04/03/08 ▲ |
| look we time... italic without Überschneidungen dank zweier nbsps.
Jupp! who ex now the [ /i ] uses has the trouble not any more... |
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RGH | to that Umgangston: Manchen shining it on Grautönen between Black and white likewise To are missing, How on diplomatischer expression. such a thing lead unfortunately rasch To Mißverständnissen ...
Greeting Roland |
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Jac de Lad | i feel me same time addressed...and gelobe recovery. because of diverser privater Angelegeneheiten be I really quick on 180 and the ought to itself here naturally not beat down.
excuse, Jac |
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Frank Abbing | I knows, I know. I hit often and quick over The Strands... but this time was ichs not! |
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