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Hello Friends the maths,

I have there time to Auflockerung a small Exkurs about Wärmeleistung prepared

no,in the serious I have there one small trouble with the Errechnung the Wärmeleistung for a
Solaranlage to Wassererwärmung. It should The actually submitted in W = Watt and
the yet geleistete in Wh or. kWh showing.

concise to that principle:
I have means 2 Meßfühler which to - and behind the Wärmetauscher the Solaranlage
find and accordingly The Temperaturdifferenz Is it Unikode (time Delta T in k(Kelvin)called).
The Wassermenge or. the Volumenstrom becomes by the Umwälzpumpe certainly.
More is there already not - functions hold in the principle like a Wärmemengenzähler.

It's all right me hierbei just around the MATHEMATISCHE RICHTIGKEIT the bill.
The Formeln voices already.

means for all The it yet not yet knew, The Formel around the Wärmemenge To to charge sounds:
Q[Wh] = m[Kg] x c[Wh/Kg] x DeltaT

m = volume
c = specific Wärmekapazität
DeltaT = Temp- diff.

there for me but not The volume separate the Volumenstrom important is supplant I in the
Formel m through V x p there p = m/V.

p = density in Kg/dm³
V = Volumenstrom in m³/s


Q = V x p x c x DeltaT

now goes it me but around the right curtail the units:
for V setting I time 2 m³/h! one.
for p setting I 1 one where this The Anormalie the Wassers (the itself itself with different
temperatures ungleichmäßig ausdehnt) times not berücksichtigt
for c setting I 1,163 Wh/kg x k one (spez. Wärmekapazität the Wassers
DeltaT take we time as 40k on.

Q = 2[m³/h] x 1[Kg/dm³] x 1,163[Wh/KgxK] x 40

Q = 13,04 what? -bananas?

If I the volume now in dm³/h umrechne would like then must I it still simply
with 1000 Multiplizieren or? there 1m³ = 1000dm³.
Q = 2000[dm³/h] x 1[Kg/dm³] x 1,163[Wh/KgxK] x 40k
now kürze I h, dm³, k and KG and spare stay W.
Q = 93040W or ~93kW

If I then any 10 sec a new worth errechne then have I still
six veschiedene values:
in example
1. 10 sec 10kW then 12kW then 9kW then 15kW then 5kW then 2kW.
These values add I and pieces it through 6.
then sustain I the story 8,83 kW/mins. and pieces this subsequently through 60
and white that I in the first minute 0,147 kWh performance receive have and add
each Minute whom errechneten worth circa a stetige display to obtain.

so, was still none To heavy.
Isses because nu too correctly?

be time tensely who me there answer

Hello Normann (and Friends the Physics)

no, no, bananas as unity for Wärmemenge went of course, still then should first time somehow The durchnittliche volume of/ one banana set, these burnt and then The thereby freigesetzte Wärmemenge determined go.

It's all right however plainer. your Error exists therein, that You in your bill Äpfel, pears and bananas mix or. confusion wirbelst.

here a Possibility, like a shoe from it go could:

Q = V * p * c * DeltaT

2000 dm³ * 1 kg * 4,19 * kJ * 40 k
Q = -----------------------------------
h * dm³ * kg * k

where I for specific Wärmekapazität of waters 4,19 kJ / (kg * k) inserted have. thereupon shortening itself everything lane, except for kJ, means integrally so, as itself heard:

Q = 2000 * 4,19 * 40 * kJ

If you now The Wärmemenge in KWh benötigst, then must You The kJ naturally yet converting, z.B. ausgehend of

1 J = 1 Ws

yields itself:

1 J = 1 Wh / 3600

1 kJ = 1 kWh / 3600

fractures write itself here slightly stupid. I hope but, You blickst with my Geschriebsel nevertheless to some extent through.

altogether has these Auflockerung means less with maths, separate sooner what with Physics To do (Wärmelehre, Physikunterricht, 8. Schuljahr).


if You pure miscalculation find should, then must You these self-evident keep. have the only on The speedy time hingepinselt ...
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Hello Dietmar, (and all others The here yet what Elementares learn would)

> no, no, bananas as unity for Wärmemenge went of course, still then should first time somehow The durchnittliche volume > of/ one banana set, these burnt and then The thereby freigesetzte Wärmemenge determined go.

means, a fresh and ripe Bananensüdfrucht contains 95 Kcal (If one The shell time abzieht), there a Kcal ~ 4,1868 KJ corresponds to had one with Verbrennung of 100 bananas to Umrechnung a Wärmeleistung of umgerechnet
11 kW freigesetzt.- Wow! it be because with the Verbrennung behave itself the differently... I should there time jmd. ask
the itself so auskennt. bananas burn still neither really. it be because one trocknet tappt im dunkeln before.
then is correct but too the Wärmeinhalt not any more. But at least wären bananas one nachwachsender Rohstoff.
what becomes really with the Verbrennung of/ one banana on Giftstoffen freigesetzt?
Perhaps verbrennen tappt im dunkeln Yes environmentally friendly. can I do not present the bananas heavy ruß develop.
there position itself naturally The question to the efficiency...

in the Zweifelsfall werd I me The Bananenheizung time patent let

>Dein Error exists therein, that You in your bill Äpfel, pears and bananas mix or. confusion wirbelst.

Soooo plenty Have I still nu neither twirled...
have for specific Wärmekapazität hold The unity Wh/Kg x k chosen, only unfortunately wrong gekürzt.
with my Result come hold Wh out (and not W How before written.)

> fractures write itself here slightly stupid.
One klarer drop for If! -I mean I know no board where the functions.

> altogether has these Auflockerung means less with maths, separate sooner what with Physics To do
> (Wärmelehre, Physikunterricht, 8. Schuljahr).

Uhm, OK- 8. class is already long since... but one bissl calculate was already thereby.

On each drop thanks I you for aufschlussreiche response, Perhaps überschreibe I you yes a couple stocks
if I with the Bananenheizung on The exchange go.


working eigendlich integrally inspired ^^

2000 dm³ * 1 kg * 4,19 * kJ * 40 k
h * dm³ * kg * k

salvo ^^

now can really none More insist, maths and Physics wären trockene and boring Unterrichtsfächer. particularly then not, if Norman evtl. prospective into Reihen the Pauker enter ought to.

Hetzlich Welcome, Norman!

And if one so even The Börsianer aufmischen and shock can, so that tappt im dunkeln to envy erblassen - so much the better.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

has a little bit gedauert *Löt* *Fummel* but working now! thanks again Dietmar.
program Have I The C-Control II of Conrad electronics - super thing, the time on the Rande.

and ICH Pauker? -The poor schoolboy
there missing me warscheinlich too the talent at 10. time inquiries quiet To stay.

and IF... ähh How went the nu???


you mean The Formelanzeige?

Nuja - reusper - if you html freihand can ists eigendlich nul Problemo - Have simply NEN couple tables in ne box gepackt.

If you my obigen Posting zitierst - then see You whom Source.


@iF: The code isn't integrally well-shaped .
scheduler with 2 Lines, but: tr /tr /tr (missing one tr)
(and one IMG nachgeholfen)

but the Result is large class. If I so see, How self Sites with Formelsammlungen itself as a abkneifen...

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Michael Wodrich
If I so see, How self Sites with Formelsammlungen itself as a abkneifen...

The having hold none iF...
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Michael Wodrich
@iF: The code isn't integrally well-shaped .
scheduler with 2 Lines, but: tr /tr /tr (missing one tr)
(and one IMG nachgeholfen)

is correct the TR have I in Tippeinfer forget

the IMG is for there - the the Istgleichzeichen a pixel higher standing - something like requires the estetische eye. :/:



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