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Why functions end end still sense make...

Why functions end* end** still sense make, klärt this Thread.

(*end the Quelltextes

Roland meant:

(just as, as lesbarer and logischer is, if only The functions and Procedures definiert and be then the Hauptprogramm comes, thats uses. )

there grübel I still... Why write I mean Codes in XProfan so?! :
// Xpsezeug...
 {$res icon dasIcon.ico}
// Konstanten
const meineKonstante=5
// Ablauf
//Abhängigkeiten(?) bzw. Includes initialisieren
#include eineInclude.inc
long meinLong=10,deinLong=meinLong

do {




dieseFunktion(long wert){

    return wert



    return tru

first of all selbstkritisch gelang it me then but still not, it To 100% the Profilneurose zuzuschieben*.

(*except the Syntax)

..logischer is, if only The functions and Procedures definiert and be then the Hauptprogramm..

the meets but go ahead on people, The yet know, that functions first of all adressierbar his must before tappt im dunkeln aufgelöst go. this disadvantage and constraint falls with XProfan but complete lane, means count here others criteria.

with XProfan viewing as State-machine, (and this luxery having we) is one not forced, whom code ex the first row differently aufzuschreiben, as it objectively run out becomes.

in example carry a procedure in the middle in the code in XProfan little to that term with. therefore power it too none sense, these unnecessary vorzuziehen between z.B. Konstantendefinitionen and Programmablauf. Perhaps promise I here but too only as Tastaturbenutzer*.

(*The, The your Programmtexte manually with the keyboard in a computer enter and none sense therein see, at write one Quelltextes constantly over Blöcke To hop, which, as they these objectively time search should, eh faster over Strg+F find.)

for me counts so as always:
is sooner The schlechtere Variante and not more than from nostalgischen Found To recommend, but not from technical.

writes still eachone How it would like, on my own this is but already class.

Nachtrag: In QBasic went the well too, but I liked QBasic yet never and I too never something therein written.

Hello David,

your Vorgehensweise likes for fortgeschrittenere and Profi-Programmer vorteilhaft his.

I see the but always too under the Blickwinkel of Lernenden. The of Roland named Vorgehensweise find I for tappt im dunkeln logischer and nachvollziehbarer. If I Hunger and nothing Eßbares More To dwell have, then can I neither first one imaginäres rolls food, then the bakers for pay for and me thereafter the rolls give let - separate very inverse.

nevertheless find I it meaningfully, that Roland these Possibility created has (How z.B. in TP, BP and Delphi as "forward" present). before was is sometimes umständlich been, the structure of his Program so anzupassen, that the with the before-Deklaration always klappte.

because now meanwhile both mutants possible are, möge itself still eachone The Variante select, which it personally best zusagt.

but: of my Wissens to are Procedures on beliebiger place in the code first ex XProfan 8.0 possible. because but currently first Profan² 7.6 Freeware is (and the users the Freeware presumably überwiegend Programmieranfänger are, which first of all time a Überblick over XProfan verschaffen would, before tappt im dunkeln itself evtl. The Full Version buy), would we this potential Kundenkreis at the outset exclude, we're here now already überwiegend demonstration-Codes in the from you bevorzugten Variante post.

because in a XProfan-Forum probably überwiegend such Programmieranfänger your ask questions, should we the, if ever possible, too respect. I in my mapped "XProfan-Lehrbuch" whom incision down yourself with XProfan 10 angesetzt have, has others causes: i'd me simply To very verzetteln, if I regard on yet ältere versions take, and the part would never half-way ready go.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


we're here now already überwiegend demonstration-Codes in the from you bevorzugten Variante post.

I faith not, that it David therefore went, separate it wished only time its visibility the items narrate. it power Yes just the temptation the Programmierens from, that one on the Style partly already recognize, who what written has.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

mandatory so did i my mustard moreover give (but only whom from Bautzen ):

I pers. stops me half-way on Rolands Empfehlungen.
but is too times not badly, if one quick time one Proc "ans downstairs Ende"
the Editors write can.

I lagere then such things anyhow from the Hauptprog from in div. .incs, beautiful sortiert to functions.

with the spelling of If (z.B.) have I no Problems, a: has one itself drann gewöhnt and b: if I the Logik one Quelltextes not follow can, must I even umsortieren and 3-5 time reading, circa everything To understand (or not ).

all told have I here too yet none Text found, whom I none umsetzen could. and a good IDE ( z.B. PrFellow )"sortiert" me z.B. The Procs too so from, that I everything wiederfinde (by me always beautiful left on the Window aufgelistet).
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

... what about me erwische me The latest Time increasingly thereby, that I iFs spelling use.
How to that example:
long xxxx or string xxxx or get.dingsbums() and much More. I have in the meantime recognized, that these spelling in iFscher shape a.) its temptation has and b.) a great many advantages with itself bring.
initially wished I it neither believe, but now I'm going increasingly in these direction, what me vorallem too the understanding of others Languages How (PHP, C so moreover) relieved.
(Sorry, that it something of Topic functions end abgekommen be, wished only explain, as well as others things from iFs feather Vorteilhaft are.)


I have in the meantime recognized, that these spelling in iFscher shape a.) its temptation has and b.) a great many advantages with itself bring.

Very many advantages? which really?

I yourself plädiere for, The of Roland suggested Order beizubehalten. a disadvantage see I therein at least not.

Well, Frank, You program indeed not XProfan.

Frank Abbing
Very many advantages? which really?

the go you your seherischen skills integrally of self betray, if The Time for come is.

alternatively can there with of/ one blanket bezifferbaren Zuwendung naturally too Nachhilfe beantragt go!


the go you your seherischen skills integrally of self betray, if The Time for come is.

very to the Time bastelte I me XPIA.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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