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Why XProfan instead of PureBasic?


One friend has of me gladly with maßgeschneiderten Profan-Speziallösungen Problems solve let.
now wants himself program and has after a preiswerten Language umgesehen and fixes, that it instead of Profan still rather PureBasic vorzieht: has More command as Profan, power smaller ones and faster programs and is on duration billiger, because I never Updates pay for must.
knows someone PureBasic well enough, circa me ammo To Gunsten of Profan To supplying? me would it from rather, if it Profan learn would (program can it to Time namely yet not at all), because in the first I must it eh help (and would like me really not the for me zehnten or zwölften Basic-dialect rumärgern) and secondly gönne I Roland whom turnover, the Profan yet long lebe on Erden.


has More command as Profan, power smaller ones and faster programs and is on duration billiger, because I never Updates pay for must.

straight the it More command has find I is a zwiespältiges argument circa against XProfan to his, 1stens is it with us Profanern often not necessary More command to have.
2tens find I it straight for a Beginner (and this is it well) sooner meaningfully a not integrally so umfangreiche Programming-Language To learn (at least for beginning),

otherwise ought to it Perhaps same with C++ durchstarten or Delphi or who can tell take off of/ one Programming-Language so too Yes in 4 To 5 years still everything possible is what it then program would like <-- Ok das war ironisch gemeint.

but time in the serious: If it the actually Version of XProfan provides, get it any important Updates (Fehlerbeseitigungen) but eh umsonst. and a new version To install only circa to the first point another number stand to have is so one little How Wettrüsten without opponent.
I have z.b. The Version 8 of XProfan, and can good conscience insist, that I to over 1 year still not everything ausnutze what these Programming-Language in this Version bid.

last point, the Price, need really not discusses To go, there one The Updates everybody can need too umsonst get. And if one objectively a recent Version having would like then payd one Yes not for the one a Fehlerbereinigte sonder a erweiterte Version of XProfan get, and there are The Upgrade prices neither really unerschwinglich.

means Updates are for free, Upgrades cost money.

I hope the helps


[edit] as letztes argument falls me another, that you no pleasure have yet a Basic dialect To learn and the it then neither this Forum benefit can [/edit]
Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2

can PureBasic OOP and power it with the PureBasic-Lizens too none Difference whether it private or gewerblich develops?

The electoral the Programming-Language is a integrally personal thing and eachone must for itself decide which Language/n it vorzieht.

an Programming-Language ought to nevertheless as tool viewing go, circa Results To erziehlen. eachone must means for itself decide which tool it for a defined task vorzieht. XProfan and PureBasic are means never for everything well, just as as well as one c++ not always The 1. electoral his must.

one must of proposition To proposition new decide, with whom Hilfsmitteln (Programmiersprachen) one on the effektivsten vorran comes.

If But around the Price weg ought to, then verweise I gladly on Free c++ Pakete (z.B. gcc or bloodsheet).

fundamentally viewing is this c++-Paketen weder PureBasic yet XProfan grown, but How already erwähnt must The Use of c++ not effective his as The Use of z.B. XProfan or PureBasic.

I personally likes PureBasic not. the concerns particularly The Syntax. PureBasicer name z.B. The Controls too Gadgeds.

I have learnt the The angewandte Programming-Language often none Context with the Produktqualität present must, but with Entwicklungszeit. from experience (I know so many PureBasicer) can I too insist, the one with XProfan explicit faster develop can as with PureBasic.

PureBasics benefit lying from of my visibility therein, itself with something trouble The programs so write to, that these on MacOS and some Linuxen runs. be dazugesagt, XProfan-programs walk likewise integrally inspired on Linuxen, namely with WINE emuliert.

it should simply to the stomach decide and consider, How it where The meiste Support at program-learn obtain can.

naturally promise I here for XProfan, I likes it hold, eachone PureBasicer would naturally Gegenteilig argumentieren, and eachone C++it can well insist the it both Languages retrenching, and eachone ASMer can well insist the XProfan, PureBasic and C++ gammy are, and eachone PHPer could insist the any these Languages it with the Umsetzung its projects hardly help on can, and eachone ......

i will only aufzeigen the one What is rather - comparison fails if to the To realisierende proposition except eight can.

If his proposition means program-learn is, then recommend I it XProfan.

@iF: That the license Have I do not understood, what meinste

who anspruchsvolle GUIs develop wants, is with PureBasic rather consult, because the MessageHandling of XProfan for simply not suitable is. Threads, Unicode etc. are XProfan neither possible.

OOP goes limited (is in XProfan too limited) too!

for many simple releases, is XProfan well suitable, one can vorgefertigte dialogs benefit etc.

now comes it means on it on, what derjenige later make wants.
for later professional employment, are both unfit. Hierfür recommend itself C#, Java or C++

for simple Hobbyprogrammierung is XProfan often enough.
I ziehe PureBasic but to, engage me but nevertheless with XProfan.

If the Price definitive is, then ought to one The ExpressEditionen of MS testing.

Moin !

who there behauptet, XProfan be only slightly for hobby, the irrt vast. my Applications programmier I with XProfan for public service, with wachsendem success. everything is on DBs under Linux aufgebaut and runs to vollsten content. means Hobbybereich is well utterly wrong. Programmiersprachen are and stay Geschmackssache. an judgement for what one these einsetzt, would like I do not to give away, I already Programmer into 80it kenngelernt have, The Systemprogramme with Cobol realized having.

Greeting Bernd
Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !!


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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