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![: 12/03/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | XProfan-offered what hold your of a offered (one Robot Internet) which attempts without exception any Profan/XProfan contents on the Web auffindig To make?
it would itself of Link To Link hängeln and collect - collect - collect.
Ne manner on XProfan spezialisierter WebBot.
The Results would aufbereitet automatisiert into Community posted. it would then So one new Member give names .xBot.
xBot would Source to Source - and left to left post.
what hold your of something like? ![](.././../../i/s/eusa_think.gif)
i'd whom .xBot - to completion - on The XProfan.de into width world the Internets release, of there would it itself then its ways pathways.
salvo, iF |
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![: 12/03/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hey if you already say there's detriments - then name tappt im dunkeln too. ![](.././../../i/s/eusa_snooty.gif)
salvo, iF ![](.././../../i/s/lupe.gif) |
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![Frank Abbing: 12/03/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Have I but already!!! it could too Source code assembled go, The destruktiv are (viruses etc.).
is well today not your day ![](.././../../i/s/heul.gif) |
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![: 12/03/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | this is no disadvantage. *coolyeah* - momentum I korrigiere: there's no desktruktiven Codes. *coolyeah*
Lol slow becomes philosophical - went not around the xBot?
salvo, iF |
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![Dennis Schulmeister: 12/03/04](.././../../i/a/1652598832419d49f554af7.jpg) Dennis Schulmeister | Proscht The gentlemen,
The idea is well and fascinating. but, what scannt the offered? only Source code? where white it whether a Page or one Source Profanbezogen is? on the come along the Schlüßelwortes XProfan? what do, if it starting, us heimlich Pascal-Codes unterzujubeln, or Basiccodes, because it there in diversen Dialekten similar Syntax or. Schlüßelwörter gives? where can The Suchergebnisse the Bots discover? In one Botforum? or hätten we it with of/ one Suchmaschine To do? If No, How should I in the Datenflut zurechtfinden?
ask over ask. Versteh me Please not flasch, David. I find The idea very well. i'm already in the Brainstorming over The Umsetzung. ![](.././../../i/s/grinsevil.gif)
Sincerely, Dennis ![](.././../../i/s/flamingdevil.gif) |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 12/03/04 ▲ |
![: 12/03/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Juhuu Dennis - so power it Fun. :+)-- i think me the offered will The Mundpropaganda zunutze wander. itself quasi of Link To Link hangeln - with origin XProfan.de.
XProfanseiten <- so name I now time pages with the Specification xs - are well pages with Profan² or XProfan relevanten Inhalten.
xs-Relevance could z.B. mean
((words Profan Profan² XProfan Hülsmann in the html vorkommen)) = 3 relevanzpunkte ((zipper to that download offered)) = 1 relevp ((prf to that download offered)) = 2 relevp ((inc to that download offered)) = 2 relevp
is a Page relevanter as 2 could se ne profanseite his.
to the others deliberating:
pascalcode, hmmm, jo, end not prf or inc
where it The Suchergebnisse einzusehen gives? The go to Codesnippets and to left einsortiert.
whether we it with of/ one Suchmaschine To do hätten? i'd say integrally clear Yes. Optional could I Yes offer The suchmaschine too as an such benefit to.
I brainstorme indeed yet. ![](.././../../i/s/!loove.gif)
salvo, iF |
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![: 12/03/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Lol the grundgerüst to that .xBot standing already - it living - it working ![](.././../../i/s/-amazed.png)
The longest with XProfan in link found Link:
http: //www.shareware.de/windows/Windows_2000/Programming/ Programming/Sonstiges/windows/Bildung_Wissen/Geisteswissenschaften/eBooks/
How the to there come is is me another puzzel - but one PageRanking happens indeed not - be thereby.
here another couple Images so your too what of it have. ![](.././../../i/s/-amazed.png)
Lol, iF ![](.././../../i/s/grinsevil.gif) |
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![Dennis Schulmeister: 12/04/04](.././../../i/a/1652598832419d49f554af7.jpg) Dennis Schulmeister | Yes neh, sound well, David. i'm keen. If me yet what falls in, come I again. ![](.././../../i/s/!loove.gif)
super idea.
Sincerely, Dennis ![](.././../../i/s/grinsevil.gif) |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 12/04/04 ▲ |
![Dennis Schulmeister: 12/06/04](.././../../i/a/1652598832419d49f554af7.jpg) Dennis Schulmeister | and i'm nochwas invaded: gives it for me as Otto normal Community Visitors a Possibility, on the offered To grab? I mean one input area where I z.B. Klaus eingebe and as Result sustain I a Overview all Profan²-Bezogenen pages, The the word Klaus include. an waschechte Suchmaschine means.
Grüßlein, Dennis ![](.././../../i/s/!loove.gif) |
| (Fast) alle Profan²-Versionen seit Version 2.6, sowie (fast) alle Windows-Versionen seit Windows 3.1 | 12/06/04 ▲ |
![: 12/06/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | the anyhow - warscheinlich.
first if the working gibbed NEN 2.grabBot the The Results the .xBots into community pustet.
salvo, iF |
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![iF: 03/23/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Have grade noticed can the the plööööde phpVirus my .offered too zunichte made has. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498442.gif)
iF ![](.././../../i/s/heul.gif) |
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![Frank Abbing: 03/23/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
ohje, does me sorrow. having your .offered really already data assembled? are also lane? |
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![iF: 03/23/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | No nothing assembled - I had it not yet angeworfen. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498502.gif)
the Program is lane - naja almost - means The shellScripz are yet there - too the cronJob - aba The parsenden php. ![](.././../../i/s/-cry.png)
salvo, iF ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498574.gif)
PS: goiles avatar. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498544.gif) |
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