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Jörg Sellmeyer | I faith already! Select String supply with Grid/GridBOX only one Result, if the sought expression the first Spalteninhalt corresponds to: CompileMarkSeparationCls
Declare hGrid&
1. String-Grid erstellen
hGrid& = Create("GridBox",%hwnd,"Titel 1;0;100;Titel 2;0;100;Titel 3;0;100;Titel 4;0;100",0 ,200, 20,400,400)
2. hier werden die String-Grid-Zeilen hinzugefügt
AddString(hGrid&, "AB|DEF|0123")
AddString(hGrid&, "GHI|J23KL|012345")
AddString(hGrid&, "|MNOP|PQR|")
AddString(hGrid&, "STU||V")
AddString(hGrid&, "ABCD12|STUVW|XYZ0")
Declare I%,I1%
$D "",I%,I1%<
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/11/06 ▲ |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | [quote:c5b24d2df5=Jörg Sellmeyer]OK, I had not any more on the screen. there Michael Wod. in the Context with my Program to that Funktionenumwandeln, of unerklärlichen crash reported, I had The hope, it could on it lain having again schlauer become...
Greeting Jörg[/quote:c5b24d2df5] I have whom Error well dingfest make can: CompileMarkSeparation Please test times. to all Things on XP Home. by me exit the crash not but on other Systemen power it Perhaps Problems, if one element over the Fensterrand herausragt. whether the one Profanbug or a Windowseigenart is white so did i not. If on it lying (I hope), ought to the urgently somehow fixed go. I find it integrally useful if one Controls outside the Fensters park can.
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/14/06 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | XP-Home is Yes not my trouble, because XP program I To dwell, and there runs it Yes almost always.
the eigentliche trouble are by me yet The Win 9.x-boxes in the Context with XProfan 10, because To XProfan 9.1 runs Yes everything fine - sowohl on Win 9.x, as well as on XP-Home and -professional.
the Hauptproblem is as always the before never kalkulierbare risk or. hazard: becomes the program at next deadline in a ours PC-cabinets yet walk, or not. and the, though I To Testzwecken already repeatedly almost identische Codes compiliert having, which solely by the Number of Leerzeilen distinguished had (too yet with XProfan 10, RC8).
and straight, if one yourself in the Kursbetrieb with interested Jugendlichen active is, then is it nowadys even unfortunately yet long not standard, that each schoolboy To dwell, in the school or in Freizeiteinrichtungen constantly except for whom latest stood the engineering hochgezüchtete PC-engineering available standing.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 10/14/06 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn | CompileMarkSeparation on the obigen code shining not To lying, because this functions XP-Home. Also would itself one such (badly) Programmierstil probably in right Programs already from the Optik since on others to put plenty former noticeable make ...
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 10/14/06 ▲ |
| Hello Dietmar,
The Support for Win95 watts already to years of M$ tuned. for Win9x is the already almost so. therefore ergibts itself zwangsläufig, the too others programs this not any more support can, there any windows-programs on The API zurückgreifen must. Roland attempts with safety everything around the compatibility upright to obtain, but former or later Better get going not any more possible his. as long as You on Win95 dependent are, should You The Tools benefit, The for suitable are. Neuere programs take in general no regard More on Win9x. this is the running the Time, the can not stop. The 16-bit Version of Profan becomes still neither More weiterentwickelt.
i think time, if Roland the still hinbekommt, nice thing, unless, kannste still on XProfan 9 zurückgreifen. relating itself but now Win95, 98 etc. ought to already still function, The next 2-3 years |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | [quote:09c0bd9a38=Dietmar horn] CompileMarkSeparation on the obigen code shining not To lying, because this functions XP-Home. Also would itself one such (badly) Programmierstil probably in right Programs already from the Optik since on others to put plenty former noticeable make ...
Greeting Dietmar[/quote:09c0bd9a38] Hello Dietmar, Klär me still time, on what very You there as nauseous Style ansiehst. naturally is it a carelessness, simply Width(%hwnd) reinzuschreiben - but badly Style? or would the: CompileMarkSeparation in your eyes too badly Style?
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/14/06 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | [quote:2adf8cacb0]Also would itself one such (badly) Programmierstil... [/quote:2adf8cacb0] therein see so did i none nauseous Programmierstil. |
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RGH | [quote:d715d2a5a5=Dietmar horn]Program under Win 95 new compiliert and gelinkt (has almost 1 1/2 hours gedauert)[/quote:d715d2a5a5] Wieviele Lines has because your Program? (self my Kundenverwaltung is in the einstelligen Tausenderbereich and few sec compiliert and gelinkt.)
to Lauffähigkeit under windows 95: in principle walk (at least smaller ones) XProfan 10 programs on windows95 Rechnern with little (8 or 16 MB) memory. I had letztlich one 486it Notebook here and I it spaßeshalber hereon tested, before I it umweltgerecht entsorgt have. but too under Win95 should it at least 32 MB RAM his. particularly Win95-User should moreover hereon aschten, The letztren Updates (there still with MS to that Donwload) draufgespielt to have. the concerns particularly OpenGL, since the allerersten Win95-versions a fehlerhafte OpenGL-DLL had, with the XProfan10-programs none first started, separate fehlende DLL-functions anmeckern. (on the Release-CD becomes the OpenGL-Update with on it his.)
[quote:d715d2a5a5]because so is it meanwhile unfortunately How at hazard: before white one never, whether it one hits becomes. [/quote:d715d2a5a5] its Yes another Beta-Version. clear, that one any Progframme, everybody can has, so testing ought to (already alone circa me possible Bugs mizuteilen), but for virtually employment ought to one naturally until official Release Waiting, there itself by then yet Funktionalität, Syntax, Midestvorraussetzungen or ähnliches Change can.
[quote:d715d2a5a5]something in wonder be I above, that this behaviour here yet of keinem others erlebt watts. I can hardly present, that I the only his should, the more projects under quite all windows-Systemen of 95 To XP testing, before it tappt im dunkeln weitergibt ...[/quote:d715d2a5a5] I suspect, you are really the only, of a soooo large Program has and moreover yet The Possibility tappt im dunkeln on all windows-mutants To testing. I go time of it from, that the most part all Subscription-Customers go Space yet money for several PCs and/or several Betriebssystemlizenzen having. myself must me with my Entwicklungsrechner (P4 1,5 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 128 MB NVidia-graphic, Windows 2000) and the Testrechner (P2 266 MHz, 192 MB RAM, windows 98SE / Windows XP) humble.
but to that seltsamen behaviour: I have in the doing yet a small, seldom auftretenden bow in the Context with by DEF definierten Konstanten and Call of PROCs as functions without Zuweisung found, the in RC9 fixed his becomes. (particularly suspicious are Konstanten in Arraydeklarationen with More as of/ one size.) the Fiese on this bow was, that it only very seldom appears and therefore very heavy nachvollziehbar is.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 10/14/06 ▲ |
Peter Max Müller | lovely good, I wanted to only time note the my klitzekleiner 20.000 Zeiler under XProfan10RC8 correct runs.and of course under Win98,Me,2000 SP4,XP Prof.and now kommts: On of my Arbeitststelle runs this Prog on one computer with the last Version Windows NT (SP5) on one PI with 64Mb Ram.and the without To grumble. Exe produce lasts now something longer what well on the bedingten Compilation lying. Beziehungsweise on the so connected double reading the Codes.
Astalavista |
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Dietmar Horn | Hello Roland,
the program has currently concise 130000 Codezeilen. The named Compilierdauer related on Win-95-computer with 333 MHz and 64 MB RAM. On the Systemvoraussetzungen can I nothing Change, because we already glad above his can, that we for our Vereinstätigkeit these PC-cabinets at all so kostengünstig benefit can.
me went it too none therefore, here XProfan in anybody manner or point badly urge. I had indeed not behauptet, that XProfan 10 on any weaker equipped Rechnern none runs, separate so erstellte programs evident sometimes yet unerklärliche Ungereimtheiten show. only and alone hereon wished I hingewiesen having, even if it I do not possible is, such fiese Bugs through one three- or Zehnzeilers nachvollziehbar To make. finally can also such Notes the Weiterentwicklung the Programming-Language serve, even if tappt im dunkeln for volume the users meanwhile evident uninteressant his like.
if famous is, that defined things (z.B. fehlende OpenGL-Support, o.ä.) To Fehlverhalten of Programs lead, which these Funktionalität(en) none use, then ought to not only hereon verwiesen go, separate m.E. heard then absolutely a manner switch since, the this Feauture if need be abschaltbar power.
the has too quite nothing so To do, Space and money for several PCs and/or Betriebssystemlizenzen to have or not to have. straight in schools, children- and Jugendeinrichtugen must one with the Vorlieb take, what there on Soft- and hardware vorfindet and has too as teacher hardly Opportunities, hereon influence To take. integrally under the Motto: Friß, or stirb!.
the geschilderte seltsame Behavior of XProfan shining me however in first line weder on mangelnder software- or Hardwareausstattung To lying. if the really so his ought to, then should itself the still in the interpreter mode ditto show - still there shining Yes meanwhile everything weitestgehend To functions.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 10/14/06 ▲ |
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| Hello Dietmar...
1.) what's this thing for a Program, what power it?
2.) can you me the thing evtl. (compiliert) time zuschicken?
3.) the it sometimes runs and sometimes not must not absolutely on it lying, as compiliert watts - the can also on it lying, How and where Virtueller memory allocated becomes.
4.) the it XP runs and under windows95 not, can on the unterschiedlichen manner lying, How memory manages becomes. |
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RGH | How already erwähnt: The of me festgestellte bow could such unerklärliches behaviour explain. means simply RC9 to wait it out!
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 10/14/06 ▲ |
Jac de Lad | with Rechtsklick on one Steuerelement, which not %hWnd lying, and anschließendem TrackMenu %MouseX,%MouseY becomes the Trackmenü of course on The right position staid, but as Eckpunkte becomes the %hWnd and not the Parent the Steuerelements uses. therefore lying it apparently futile somewhere on the desktop or hold elsewhere... |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 10/15/06 ▲ |