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Zeitreisegedanken, Thoughts Zeitreisen

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Weils one nice Topic is!

Horst horn
@Rolf: pass but on (Zeitparadoxum !) go You To far back and bring your grandfather circa, How want You then XProfan get to know ? crazy

@Horst: of my view to resolve one not in breeze on if one The for Own birth compel ancestors on the increase hindert. objectively becomes The Time always The Solution with geringstem resistance find The Gesamtschlüssigkeit wiederherzustellen.

adopted means the fact, that z.B. my News I itself in the past tense of his Gleichen entledigt, so would I z.B. to Wiedereinkehr into reguläre Time experienced, that I in reality of others created watts. (adopted) means nothing along into breeze dissolve.

I behaupte means, the too with this Zeitparadoxen the lane the geringsten Widerstandes used would/becomes - means Changes in the past tense hardly The present Change there these itself vehement wehren would.

I faith even the wehren would so persistent the it hardly possible is self a klitzekleine information useable To transport.

Hach, 01.01.3980 should it already his. *schwelg*

particularly there we certainly not any Zeitreisespezialisten are power it Fun here experimentell its thoughts disengaged running To let.


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@Jac: I find The Texts and the idea behind it interestingly. believe do I do not on it, and support would I something like already none. shining me eh right dubios To his, the whole construction. but alone itself something like auszudenken is already fascinating.

@Jörg: the date is the zentrale core behind the whole thoughts. which day very select watts is thereby not important. only that it a zentralen day gives, on the any Fäden together walk should and that this of in front come in feststeht.

@Frank: then be I Yes beruhigt. Yes, The idea is well and plausibel. though is it very unseriös, if one there money give should, particularly so plenty. Also are The pages voller Rechtschreib-/Grammatik-/Stilfehler; this is suspicious.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP


only that it a zentralen day gives, on the any Fäden together walk should

even! and there had one genausogut tommorrow noon take can. If it at all works, then functions it too then.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

there's yet a further reason, the for speaks, that it Zeitreisen never give becomes.
If someone try would in a others Time To gelangen, then verschlägt it it too on a far entfernte position in the universe. to this Time - into the Zeitreisende jumping - befand the world integrally elsewhere in the outer space. Rotation around the sun and the Expansion the Universums are on it even guilt. Perhaps materialisiert the Zeitreisende quite in irgendeinem Himmelskörper.

Well, Perhaps clutching there then The Realativitätstheorie. If you in a train hochsprings, knallst You indeed not same on The back Abteilwand.

if one there money give should, particularly so plenty.

Why? Kost still nothing. You can but donate or you one Zertifikat procure. I finds anyway ne jolly Gedankenspielerei.
Zeitparadoxa found I always class, and this is one particularly nice.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


Well, Perhaps clutching there then The Realativitätstheorie. If you in a train hochsprings, knallst You indeed not same on The back Abteilwand.

Yes, because your volume The same speed own How the train and it in the breeze hardly Reibung gives.
your comparison limp Yes.

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No the means it not. Time is always relatively to that space, and differently around. One space is twice so big with 50% Zeitgeschwindigkeit - one bräuchte means double Time circa it To durchqueren. The space against becomes gekrümmt of volume - The bend affects means likewise on The Time from. thatswhy age You in relation to world slower if you in the All are according to distance to world ansteigend. 10 years on Pluto 100 Erdenjahre, would The mere local trip between both Points timewise seen beautiful short instead of forever long, then could You there Erdengenerationen survive. So More volume so langsamerer Zeitvergang. in the sew one black Loches have You sure plenty Time! drives the train has it another Time in Relation to world. I faith one has derartiges behaviour already successful on wissenschaftlicher Base shown.

iF hats said.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

an deeper reichende Begründung supply first Albert Einsteins theory the Gravitation, The general Relativittstheorie. These theory, The in the meantime through many experimentelle Untersuchungen erhärtet is, describe the Phänomen the Gravitation not as normal physikalische strength, as electrical strength, separate as indirekte consequence of/ one bend the Geometrie of space and Time. The term the Time depends not only of status the Beobachters ex, How this The Special Relativitätstheorie besagt, separate too of Gravitationsfeld. in the sew one schweren Körpers goes a watch differently as in great distance. two watches, The in the cellar and in the ground one Hauses untergebracht are, discern itself circa a though very geringen amount in her ambulation. the network the space-Time becomes by the present of gravitierenden measured gekrümmt. The world moving itself means not around the sun, because the sun tappt im dunkeln directly with yours volume anzieht, separate because the space-Time-structure by the present the sun so gekrümmt becomes, that the world nothing other spare remaining, as the gekrümmten space-Time To follow. The Ellipsenbahn the world around the sun is so a natural consequence the Verkrümmung the space-Time.


on the Page is same supra one Rechtschreibfehler abähngig.

Frank Abbing

many Events are but except for whom day very hinterlegt, z.B. diverse slaughter or christliche Events.

The schreibungen into Geschichtsbüchern would itself with of/ one veränderung, of my opinion, too sovort change or. already so stehn, because the events Yes itself Maybe first from the veränderung come into being. the would a infinity chain.
human building maschiene --> traveling back --> wait --> building again Maschiene etc.

In one attempt get two utterly same watches using. a stayed up the ground, The others watts in nem plane around the world flown. as tappt im dunkeln again together come are was a merklicher Difference in the jeweiligen Uhrzeit to ascertain.
Greeting Thomas
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

Yes, and there's indeed for a self drove.
therefore mean I the Zeitreisen mere Visueller b.z.w Virtueller nature his dürften means anschaun Yes touch No
Salu Michael...

Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! 


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