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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 11/30/06](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello Sebastian,
over again I ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498539.gif)
I create with the XDatengenerator from the ListView DLL 2.0 a Inc. If I these now translate let, sustain I at Borland 5.5 Compiler The warning: CompileMarkSeparation row 83 of original code: CompileMarkSeparationLong MemLV#,3620=38242304,1962949703,886204610,-2054352895,-256,-1479677872,-1114832896,-256,1468665738,1976109569,112650,-790036480,-2147483648,242557177,175493642,440,12445952,-109051904,168719776,-1207274030,1,43753,-662336256 > row 83 Translated: CompileMarkSeparationSetLongs(_P(pMemlv), 3620, 23, 38242304, 1962949703, 886204610, - 2054352895, - 256, - 1479677872, - 1114832896, - 256, 1468665738, 1976109569, 112650, - 790036480, - 2147483648, 242557177, 175493642, 440, 12445952, - 109051904, 168719776, - 1207274030, 1, 43753, - 662336256); > row 88 of original code: CompileMarkSeparationLong MemLV#,4040=-18422,-789970945,-2147483648,242557177,175493642,-72,12446207,-109051904,168719776,-1207274030,-1,43753,-662336256,1358954493,1745647103,4141,1245591039,-1343746047,-1929379678,-65347,1007127295,-1341885140 > row 88 Translated: CompileMarkSeparationSetLongs(_P(pMemlv), 4040, 22, - 18422, - 789970945, - 2147483648, 242557177, 175493642, - 72, 12446207, - 109051904, 168719776, - 1207274030, - 1, 43753, - 662336256, 1358954493, 1745647103, 4141, 1245591039, - 1343746047, - 1929379678, - 65347, 1007127295, - 1341885140); > a Error in the end could I do not check and if I whom equal code with the Dev C++ 4.x übersetze there no Message.
whether this now something for you or for Frank is can I not say . ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498478.gif) |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 11/30/06 ▲ |
![iF: 11/30/06](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | unsigned in the Long withal Negative value - there must itself Sebastian what dreamup... |
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![Sebastian König: 11/30/06](.././../../i/a/95394891549b7cb32600d3.png) Sebastian König | I suspect, The warning becomes because of the emerging - 2147483648 outputted. these very The downstairs boundary the LongInt-Bereichs. The upper boundary lying properly with 2147483647. Presumably interprets the Borland Compiler first The pure number 2147483648 as unsigned long, because tappt im dunkeln very circa 1 over the boundary lying, and first thereafter the less...
there But, How You Yes say, at term no Problems gives, can You The warning safely ignore, think I. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif)
Sebastian |
| Windows XP, XProfan/Profan² 4.5 bis 11 Profan2Cpp-Homepage: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) Alte Profan²-Seite: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 11/30/06 ▲ |