
PSA.DLL News / Review / Download

The Psa.Dll picture...

fountain: [...]  , stood: 04/2004 

Documentation: Grundsätzliches:
The PSA.DLL (Prospeed Addons DLL) can a expansion the Prospeed.Dll of Frank Abbing present and is lt. Quote the Herrn Frank Abbing the first AddOn to ProSpeed.dll. The PSA can in relation to profane explicit faster Graphics or. effects produce, which with the Prospeed.Dll on the screen brought, or weiterverarbeitet go can. The PSA changed aimed a angegebenen Grafikarray, which with the Prospeed.Dll created watts. The Grafikarray can subsequently by the Prospeed.Dll on the screen brought, or weiterverarbeitet go. in the Relationship to Prospeed.Dll is The PSA however only one Leichtfuß, what but too its advantages mitsich bring can. by the geringere Komplexiblität in the Ggs. to prospeed.dll is it plainer possible, whom a or others desired effect with incorporate. The Author the PSA.DLL undertaking no Liability with Schäden on Hard/-or software, which through Use the psa.dll come into being could, assure however, the bißher no Schadensfall gemeldet watts. The Psa.Dll is freeware and can/must insofern these unchanged, as often as you like relayed go. Disassembling and Debugging is allows. The View source verbleibt at Author and standing not to disengaged Disposal. The Aufname in book/shareware-CDs, or Download-Centren, is erwünscht and without demand with indicated the URL: [...]  permits.

time something verständlicher:
in the Grunde is it so, the one nachwievor with the Prospeed his Zeugs power, however additional one with the PSA so many Grafischen effect dazuzaubert. The PSA is moreover there circa a Prospeed-Grafikarray To manipulating. The expenses everybody can for a game created, disembark indeed in a Prospeed-Grafikarray. moreover ought to one know, the any PSA-Zeichenfunktion (except These with (almost-fashion)-Attribut) with undertow. render-Attributen affected go can. the can z.B. hot the one not only a simple line of A to B draw, separate on The line too another Sinus function places, and these so number of times bent appear. any expenses, alike whether line/Text or whatever, can hold of these undertow. Render-Attributen affect go. (How said, except so many almost-fashion-function, because the hold More Speed bräuchte) there's but too render-attributes The not only The shape, separate too The colour/statement bearing. z.B. can one simple rectangle too with the Options Rainbow, gausch or random drawn go. each Pixel the Rechteckes (or the Textes or the line or...) would then hold with the effect behaftet. so can z.B. Glimmern or whatever produce. The PSA is means a small Effektmaschine, The with the Prospeed together operates, since the PSA in a Prospeed-Grafikarray writes, whom your Yes eh uses circa what view. One simple Anwendungsbeispiel would z.B. The Punkteanzeige in a game, which with of/ one selbsterstellten multi-farbigen Pixelschriftart displayed becomes, and Perhaps even sometimes explode. there The PSA explicit small is as The Prospeed, be so did i immerwieder gladly gewillt, simply time a sweet Effektidee of you with incorporate. time see what you there so falls in.

Fastmode-functions are functions which itself through no Renderattribute bearing let. Fastmode-functions are therefore faster as Rendermode-functions. according to want is skillful with both Attributen umzugehen. If tappt im dunkeln in example only a simple mirror need, which no Verzerrungen or transparency own should, then should tappt im dunkeln on faster almost-fashion-Mirror function zurückgreifen. some command there therefore into mutants almost-, and Rendermode. The short cut RM standing for Rendermode, and FM for Fastmode. in the Befehlsdokumentation are The command properly marked.

Downloads, Incs and Examples Gibts here: [...] 

, iF


the can I you only wärmstens recommend !!!
The Dll bid some News in things Grafikeffekte, utterly sehenswert !
The Link on Davids Page becomes in the next ProSpeed.dll Version official with adopted. the Update is in Kürze.

Greeting, Frank

an complete.zipper there now here [...]  to that Download. These contain everything what about PSA need.

time one kurzer Überblick:

+ explodierender Text | goes already
+ sinus Text (How of Amigademos famous) | goes already
+ selbstdefinierte and coloured Fonts | in development
+ rectangle draw | goes already
+ Farbverlaufsrechteck (H|V) draw | goes already
+ mega-Farbverlaufsrechteck (H|V|D|Layer) draw | goes already
+ aufhellungs/abdunklungs-rectangle draw | goes already
+ line draw (with Sonderparametern!) | goes already
+ Terrain (voxel) draw | goes already but undokumentiert
+ Floor (3D-ground/sky) characters | goes already but undokumentiert

moreover ought to one know, the any PSA-Zeichenfunktion (except These with (almost-fashion)-Attribut) with undertow. render-Attributen affected go can.

the can z.B. hot the one not only a simple line of A to B draw, separate on The line too another Sinus function places, and these so number of times bent appear. any expenses, alike whether line/Text or whatever, can hold of these undertow. Render-Attributen affect go. (How said, except so many almost-fashion-function, because the hold More Speed bräuchte)

there's but too render-attributes The not only The shape, separate too The colour/statement bearing.

z.B. can one simple rectangle too with the Options Rainbow, gausch or random drawn go. each Pixel the Rechteckes (or the Textes or the line or...) would then hold with the effect behaftet. so can z.B. Glimmern or whatever produce.

The PSA is means a small Effektmaschine, The with the Prospeed together operates, since the PSA in a Prospeed-Grafikarray writes, whom your Yes eh uses circa what view.

One simple Anwendungsbeispiel would z.B. The Punkteanzeige in a game, which with of/ one selbsterstellten multi-farbigen Pixelschriftart displayed becomes, and Perhaps even sometimes explode.

there The PSA explicit small is as The Prospeed, be so did i immerwieder gladly gewillt, simply time a sweet Effektidee of you with incorporate. time see what you there so falls in.

plenty Fun , iF


22.04.2003: Texturierte Dreiecke - example to that Download
22.04.2003: New Forum for PSA.DLL: PSA.DLL Forum
22.04.2003: Wahnsinns Texteffekt-example as complete lauffähige Exe to that Download.
22.04.2003: Wahnsinns Texteffekt-example as example-12 to that Download.
13.04.2003: Terrain-example published.
13.04.2003: DColRect-example published.
12.04.2003: new DLL, umbedingt updaten!
12.04.2003: example To Floor & Scrolltex added!
12.04.2003: new command: Systext & VMirrors added
09.04.2003: New Renderingattribut hinzugekommen: unzag (certainly The Alpha-transparency of not-fastmode expenses)

The Examples to the command there on the [...]  to that Download.
actually Befehlsliste:

setoutpmem (memLongAddr,xWidth,yHeight)
setting whom Zeiger for all nachfolgenden PSA-expenses on the memLongAddr-Prospeed-aray.
See example 1

clearback(int) FM/Speicheroperation
deletes the Grafikarray with the brightness int (0-255). an Ersatzfunktion for would z.B. the Prospeedsche Blur, which however mehere Frames needed around the aray abzulöschen. For this wirken some expenses interessanter, if to the Clearback weglässt, and instead end all Zeichenoperationen the Prospeedsche Blur anwendet. so wären then veiled expenses possible, where the Clearback only integrally simply deletes.
See example 4

pix (xP,yP,rCol,gCol,bCol) RM
Created a Pixel on position XY, with colour RGB. little look up erregende function, if to the RM disregard would.
See example 2

Läd a clf-Fontdatei into type-memory the PSA. following Textausgaben go of these Font displayed.
See example 3

drawstring(xP,yP,textString [or addrOfString]) RM
draw whom Text textString on position xP,yP. with loadfont must before one Font loaded go. Ersatzfunktion is systext.
See example 3

systext(xP,yP,textString [or addrOfString]) FM
draw whom Text textString on position xP,yP
it'll The PSA-interne 5x5 Pixel type used.
See example 7

fvmirror_down(xP,yP,xxP,yyP) FM
draw a vertikalen mirror which the downstairs Spiegelt. The mirror spiegelt very-so-plenty How himself high (yyP-yP) is. If mirror something outside the Mems spiegeln should, chid tappt im dunkeln itself ex.
fvmirror is in the Contrast To vmirror one fastMode-Renderer, d.h. Renderattribute go not berücksichtigt.
See example 7

fvmirror_up(xP,yP,xxP,yyP) FM
draw a vertikalen mirror which the Obere Spiegelt. The mirror spiegelt very-so-plenty How himself high (yyP-yP) is. If mirror something outside the Mems spiegeln should, chid tappt im dunkeln itself ex.
fvmirror is in the Contrast To vmirror one fastMode-Renderer, d.h. Renderattribute go not berücksichtigt.
See example 7

vmirror_down(xP,yP,xxP,yyP) RM
draw a vertikalen mirror which the downstairs Spiegelt. The mirror spiegelt very-so-plenty How himself high (yyP-yP) is. If mirror something outside the Mems spiegeln should, chid tappt im dunkeln itself ex.
vmirror is in the Contrast To fvmirror no fastMode-Renderer, d.h. Renderattribute go berücksichtigt.
See example 7

vmirror_up(xP,yP,xxP,yyP) RM
draw a vertikalen mirror which the Obere Spiegelt. The mirror spiegelt very-so-plenty How himself high (yyP-yP) is. If mirror something outside the Mems spiegeln should, chid tappt im dunkeln itself ex.
vmirror is in the Contrast To fvmirror no fastMode-Renderer, d.h. Renderattribute go berücksichtigt.
See example 7

floor(tMem,xP,yP,xxP,yyP,oFFs) FM
draw a ground with Textur tMem in perspektivischem 3D with Offset oFFs. oFFs affect The statement.
See example 9

scrolltex(tMem,xMove,yMove,tWidth,tHeight) FM/Speicheroperation
Scrolltex can to that move of Textures using go. the aray becomes so manipulating, that the Textur tMem to xMove and yMove moved becomes, however nothing lost goes, there the remainder on the gegenüberliegendem end again eingefügt becomes. interestingly in the Context of functions which a Textur need.The Texture becomes means xMove time circa a Pixel to right moved if xMove positively is, if xMove negative is, becomes to left moved. the same behaviour clutching with yMove. tWidth and tHeight are anzugeben, so The function The Size the Texture knows. Renderattribute grab with FM/Speicheroperationen not.
See example 9

terrain(tMem,xP,yP,Sichthöhe,tWidth,tHeight,xOffs,yOffs) FM
draw by Voxel-Ähnlicher Technologie one Terrain to BumpMap tMem on position xP;yP. xOffs & yOffs certainly The To verwendene position on the Bump-Map. tWidth and tHeight are anzugeben, so The function The Size the Texture knows. These Terrain-function isn't beautiful and not valuable, but Perhaps one beginning. I can but well present, the with corresponding Feedback and with entsprechender Problemlösung a erweiterte Terrain-function arise.
See example 11

textri(tMem,xP1,yP1,xP2,yP2,xP3,yP3,xP4,yP4) FM
draw two texturierte Dreiecke on The angegebenen positions xP1..4,yP1..4 with Textur tMem, so that one texturiertes 4-Eck arise.
See example 13


places solid, except with almost-fashion expenses, whether The colours all expenses ge-Rainbowd go should.
one ought to itself this effect look at circa it To understand.
See example 4

places solid, except with almost-fashion expenses, whether black pixel not drawn go should.
See example 3

places solid, except with almost-fashion expenses, whether The colour for each Pixel all expenses random his should.
one ought to itself this effect look at circa it To understand.

How rmode_random(bool), however kontrastreicher.

places solid, except with almost-fashion expenses, whether The position one each Pixels all expenses with 2 multipliziert go should. See example 4

places solid, except with almost-fashion expenses, whether The X-position one each Pixels all expenses on a Sinus-template laid go should.
(int) gives whom Sinus-Multiply on. See example 4

places solid, except with almost-fashion expenses, whether The Y-position one each Pixels all expenses on a Sinus-template laid go should.
(int) gives whom Sinus-Multiply on. See example 4

places solid, except with almost-fashion expenses, with welchem Alpha-transparency-factor drawn go should.
(int) (0-100) gives whom transparency-factor on, however 0 bewikt the turn off the function. See example 6

Hui, very old Adressen here of me indicated which neither More functions, ought to I time Change...

this Link "https://prospeed.dyndns.org/psa" shining not To functions. How do I get to that demonstration, to Doku, ....


there I had 2004 my first own Home-Webserver for aufgebaut and the PSA above to that Download geboten - the were yet times.

nowadys power tappt im dunkeln none sense More dank pixels.inc with nProcs.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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