
PSA3D.DLL News / Review / Download



from the house PSA there now too a rudimentäre 3D-Engine. The Engine is no RayTracer, sooner one Vertex-Calculator. The Vertexe go to a Mesh joined. the 4-Vertex-Mesh becomes automatically ge-Faced. in the Contrast To normalen Meshes having The Psa3D-Meshes 4 Vertexe, instead of only 3. accordingly must per rect not same 2 Dreiecke, separate and only 1 Polygone drawn go. I see there in Betracht the Softwarerendern a Geschwindigkeitsvorteil

The Psa3D.dll uses to that benefit all Programmer The Prospeed.dll as Anzeigemodul. only so can The effects the Prospeed, the Psa and the Psa3D together combined go. accordingly is it z.B. too possible, one 3D-Image To show, which with Prospeed-effects as an afterthought bereichert becomes. Einfachstes example would it, a Blur the gerenderte 3D-Image anzuwenden, circa a anti-Alias-effect To produce.

The Psa3D knows but too a non-Prospeed Kompatiblitätsmodus. this mode uses whom API-Polygone-commands, around the Image To show. this Kompatiblitätsmodus allows however no Flächeneffekte.

The Psa3D is integrally new and not reif. only with erhöhtem interest on the DLL becomes these weiterentwickelt. The Psa3D rechnet everything self and uses no hardware-Beschleunigungsmethoden. The DLL is in the Grunde for windows-Betriebssysteme develops, can itself but too for Symbian-OS and Motorola-OS export. (would then explicit small) accordingly stünde the Use the 3D-Engine on mobilen Geräten nothing in the ways. The DLL is a C++-Sonderkompilat, and rechenaufwendige releases are partly in Assembler realized.

The Use the DLL happens on Own menace. from rechtlichen Found must called, that for DLL no Support done becomes, what nothing so To do has, that here any ask answers go, or. The DLL weiterentwickelt becomes. it deals itself hierbei circa a Phrase.

that is, The PSA3D.DLL is free, if your a Prospeed.dll-Full Version own. therefore is the PSA3D.DLL too one AddOn to Prospeed. becomes The Dll for shareware or Full versions used, is the Use only Context with of/ one registered ProSpeed.dll-Full Version allows.

PSA3D-Bugs / Entwicklernotes

V1.3 bow#0001:
if single Vertexe one Objektverbundes wg. Distance shorted go, lead this To Anzeigefehlern there the Mesh attempts nevertheless one Poly To contact - exit particularly with large Objects on - Bugfix warscheinlich in V1.4 = {{ as long as itself wenigestens one Vertex one Objektverbundes itself inside the Anzeigedistance befindet, must any which Vertexe just and uses go } or { becomes one Vertex wg. Distance shorted has The position the lastly in the Objektverbund gerechneten Vertexes uses To go }}

V1.4 bow#0002:
x/0 Error results in exeptionerr. Also go smaller ones Objekt of dahinterliegenden more Objects überzeichnet, if The distance the Mittelpunktes the more Objektes less is as The the smaller Objektes is. results in Anzeigefehlern is one normal status with Painters-fashion-Renderern. real Raytracer vergleichen therefore each Pixel with his Cam/Distance and Verify accordingly The Sichtbarkeit. The Check the Distance over the Mittelpunkt one Meshes is therefore To inaccurate, but enough in the reference on a derartige software-Engine. Workaround: In V1.5 can The Zeichenreinfolge Objects (not meshes!) self certainly go. The Reinfolge the individual Meshes within Objektgruppen becomes naturally nevertheless from the Engine certainly.


from aktuellem occasion watts I hereon hingewiesen, that yet Examples are missing. Nunja, I have hold yet no prepares.

For this has the Text in the obigen Posting something changed. means again reading. who later with the PSA3D works would like, ought to already know, How tappt im dunkeln functions.


Version V1.4, which not yet to that Download bereitsteht, knows now too different Materialeigenschaften.

transparency / Reflexionseffekt / Glaseffekt / Metallshading / murmur / etc.
x/0 Error are fixed
Objects can eingefärbt go
übergroße Objects go correctly. gerendert
it can Own Vertexe / Meshes and Objects laid out go (Own world building goes)
Backface-Rendering-recognition speed
one Error in the Mesh-Zeichenreihenfolgeerkennung watts fixed


Version V1.4, Gibts now supra in the first Posting How dwelt to that Download.

transparency / Reflexionseffekt / Glaseffekt / Metallshading / murmur / etc.
x/0 Error are fixed, for is somewhere one New drin.
Objects can eingefärbt go
übergroße Objects go correctly. gerendert (naja, almost)
it can Own Vertexe / Meshes and Objects laid out go (Own world building goes) (light Überteibung)
Backface-Rendering-recognition speed
one Error in the Mesh-Zeichenreihenfolgeerkennung watts fixed


Version V1.5, which not yet to that Download bereitsteht, knows now too The Materialeigenschaften textur-low, textur-rule, textur-hi, textur-dbl-rule and textur-dbl-hi.

thereby bedient the Engine a/meheren further angelegten Prospeed-aray/s, which with the/whom Textur/en filled is/are.

Textur-Low = 30x30 Pixel
Textur-rule = 100x100 Pixel
Textur-hi = 256x256 Pixel
Textur-dbl-rule = 100x100 Pixel + 100x100 Pixel Doppeltextur
Textur-dbl-hi = 256x256 Pixel + 256x256 Pixel Doppeltextur

with Doppeltextur my I the relating one Objektes with 2 different Textures, which übereinandergelegt go. The Äußere the both Textures is with one 50%-transparency-filter laid down. such engineering can used to be z.B. fließendes waters To emulieren, or quite The allegedly Reflexion of clouds on of/ one Metallplatte.


Öffentliche Weiterentwicklung for want of interest except for further tuned.

Why goes the Link not any more?
i want tappt im dunkeln runterladen. where there tappt im dunkeln yet?

Gug time in the Download Area - under - with whom ZIPs - to that Download! faith under PSA and Simplest become bisl fündig.


Juhu, Have one altes proposition of me again found -

The psa and psa3d.dll.

there I had a DLL program, The 3D Pixel for Pixel yourself rechnet and
indicating what about me staune, I on my computer so angehend 600 FPS

with the mouse steer:


Perhaps ought to I this/ my middle-aged 3D-Softwarerenderer time to nProcs
portieren because even if it not so powerful How z.B. OpenGL is so functions
it but apparently for always.

291 kB
3 kB


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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