
SPIT3 (Evaluator)


Hi people
I write straight at a small, but swell DLL and wants The Profan-compatible make. white someone, I there for appeal- and Namenskonventionen stick to must? Reicht it, any functions as __stdcall with undekorierten names To export? the would ned badly
so, time quick a short summary To SPIT3: its a manner Taschenrechner, similar the known DLL Parcival of Jacob Liebeck. i'm a others lane with the Auswertung gone as it, well then has it a very vielseitigen Parser. in the Contrast moreover be I on speed gone. the led moreover, that SPIT3 in its actually stood The function cos(sqrt(x^2+y^2)) with of/ one dissolution of 401*401 Points on my Centrino 1.3GHz-Notebook within about 1.2s accounts. Parcival needed for dieselbe function on the Heimrechner of Jac with 40*40 Points about 300ms. For this can Parcival More
i'll try, as soon as possible a (hopefully) Profan-kompatible Version here to upload, this is Yes finally the target this Threads

Athlon 550 / 768 MB / 8+10 GB / Radeon 9250 64 MB / Windows 2000 Professional / TFT 20" 1680x1050
Athlon XP 2000+ / 1.5 GB / 120+250 GB / GeForce 6800 XT 256 MB / Windows XP Professional
Athlon 64 3200+ / 512 MB / 60 GB / Radeon XPress 200M 64 MB / Windows XP Home / TFT 15.4" 1280x800
Intel Centrino 1.3 GHz / 512 MB / 40 GB / Radeon 9700 mobile / Windows XP Professional / TFT 15" 1400x1050

stdcall reicht, cdecl against would komplizierter.

ok, I thanks you like mad I will time on my Zweitnotebook ne early Beta kompilieren and here Upload... though with many allude slip, I me in Profan only integrally little auskenne, particularly what zweidimensionale Arrays angeht. In of/ one function must z.b. the aufrufende Program a Zeiger on one zweidimensionales aray transfer. then reserved SPIT3 memory, so the aufrufende Program with seinem Pointer hereon grab can. How can in Profan then each Unterarrays enable? otherwise building I yet ne CleanUp-function one... *grübel*
Athlon 550 / 768 MB / 8+10 GB / Radeon 9250 64 MB / Windows 2000 Professional / TFT 20" 1680x1050
Athlon XP 2000+ / 1.5 GB / 120+250 GB / GeForce 6800 XT 256 MB / Windows XP Professional
Athlon 64 3200+ / 512 MB / 60 GB / Radeon XPress 200M 64 MB / Windows XP Home / TFT 15.4" 1280x800
Intel Centrino 1.3 GHz / 512 MB / 40 GB / Radeon 9700 mobile / Windows XP Professional / TFT 15" 1400x1050

OK, here comes The Beta... Please really softly-softly so his, possible The Kurzanleitung before reading, and a bisschen testing i'd me over comments forward, as long as tappt im dunkeln constructively are. unfortunately could I in the Kurzanleitung only in C-Syntax over The Zeiger write, I hope, your understand it nevertheless well Perhaps help me the Jac with opportunity too thereby, the right for Profan To testing, because the for me yet relatives new territory is.

71 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Please with caution enjoy!
Athlon 550 / 768 MB / 8+10 GB / Radeon 9250 64 MB / Windows 2000 Professional / TFT 20" 1680x1050
Athlon XP 2000+ / 1.5 GB / 120+250 GB / GeForce 6800 XT 256 MB / Windows XP Professional
Athlon 64 3200+ / 512 MB / 60 GB / Radeon XPress 200M 64 MB / Windows XP Home / TFT 15.4" 1280x800
Intel Centrino 1.3 GHz / 512 MB / 40 GB / Radeon 9700 mobile / Windows XP Professional / TFT 15" 1400x1050

functions by me not yet...

DLL becomes correctly loaded, Funktionsadresse becomes correctly related, one Call on evalia_interpreter gives however solely the value 1 back what about me sustain a crash with anschließendem Dr.Watson.

After your guide ought to the following in XProfan suffice:

has however selbes Result How
or plainer

gives always 1 back and crash.

Nachtrag: to that for you Selbertesten following Source anhängig as Exe:

740 kB

thanks for testing and the detailed response. Perhaps ought to I the return too just as float make... well, or I give even a String with the Result back
Athlon 550 / 768 MB / 8+10 GB / Radeon 9250 64 MB / Windows 2000 Professional / TFT 20" 1680x1050
Athlon XP 2000+ / 1.5 GB / 120+250 GB / GeForce 6800 XT 256 MB / Windows XP Professional
Athlon 64 3200+ / 512 MB / 60 GB / Radeon XPress 200M 64 MB / Windows XP Home / TFT 15.4" 1280x800
Intel Centrino 1.3 GHz / 512 MB / 40 GB / Radeon 9700 mobile / Windows XP Professional / TFT 15" 1400x1050

so, now there in SPIT3 at least a function, The of Profan called the power, what tappt im dunkeln should. here the most important in Kürze:
The function is evalia_wb and expects two Parameter. The first shows on the auszurechnenden String. The second is the address the double-Wertes, into the Result written go should. Jac de Lad has time a INC moreover written, The I along into the ZIP-archive gepackt have. Please avoid it first, More geschlosssene as öffnende clinging To write, the can To unexpected Ergebnissen lead. ditto is it of course now possible, too -4*3 zuschreiben (omen), but the functions not yet free from problems. in the hope, that it now each runs, wish I plenty Fun at try

8 kB
Athlon 550 / 768 MB / 8+10 GB / Radeon 9250 64 MB / Windows 2000 Professional / TFT 20" 1680x1050
Athlon XP 2000+ / 1.5 GB / 120+250 GB / GeForce 6800 XT 256 MB / Windows XP Professional
Athlon 64 3200+ / 512 MB / 60 GB / Radeon XPress 200M 64 MB / Windows XP Home / TFT 15.4" 1280x800
Intel Centrino 1.3 GHz / 512 MB / 40 GB / Radeon 9700 mobile / Windows XP Professional / TFT 15" 1400x1050

so, since my last Posting has some done. SPIT3 has a new Parser get and recognize now too following Kurzschreibweisen:
2(3+5x^2sin(xy)) as 2*(3+5*x^2*sin(x*y)), where The variables presently any yet with 0 occupied are. an suitable function becomes soon installed. ditto are missing yet The functions to that to charge one Terms with unterschiedlichen Values the variables, is no large thing. Syntaxfehler go not yet as such recognized, separate dürften rather Exceptions in shape of Access Violations come along *schäm*, comes too into next alpha-Releases. any Function- and Variablennamen must small written his, space should vermieden go.
I Please you, the thing simply time To testing, its demented slow momentarily, because the Parser More Durchläufe power as in the vorigen Version. this power The Auswertung one individual Terms slower, but with many aufeinanderfolgenden Berechnungen desselben Terms with unterschiedlichen Variablenwerten goes everything yet something faster Prinzipiel go now too functions more Parameter supported, but there's yet no
i'd me over small bow-Reports and suggestions/Opportunities eurerseits forward. If SPIT3 fehlerarm runs, I will The development on SPIT3 Ultra continue, which then too with Vektoren and Matrizen calculate can should.
Größenmäßig has SPIT3 quite zugelegt, 35kB Although not The world, but naja...
I see, almost forget: The function is furthermore evalia_wb and expects as first Parameter whom auszuwertenden String, as second a Zeiger on the double-worth, where the Result there should. example:

declare x!
evalia_wb(2sin(6/5^2), addr(x!))

36 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Please extensively testing :)
Athlon 550 / 768 MB / 8+10 GB / Radeon 9250 64 MB / Windows 2000 Professional / TFT 20" 1680x1050
Athlon XP 2000+ / 1.5 GB / 120+250 GB / GeForce 6800 XT 256 MB / Windows XP Professional
Athlon 64 3200+ / 512 MB / 60 GB / Radeon XPress 200M 64 MB / Windows XP Home / TFT 15.4" 1280x800
Intel Centrino 1.3 GHz / 512 MB / 40 GB / Radeon 9700 mobile / Windows XP Professional / TFT 15" 1400x1050


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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