Forum | | | | Rainer Hoefs | Hello together,
I must indizierte 256-colours Bitmaps, means with eigener palette, Edit and need moreover Help.
Bitmap becomes into memory loaded.
of it becomes a copy prepares The circa a suitable area right extended becomes.
on the angefügten area becomes one Rectangle painted with the Palettenindex 249.
then go hereon some lines with designed Palettnnummer pulled go.
thereafter becomes The Bitmap search, y-line for y-line each of left to right. each Pixel becomes on The Farbnummer examined, becomes a before festgelegte Farbnummer found becomes in the new area on same y-line one entsprechender point staid, etc.
the whole have I already as Macro in a Grafikprogramm (Grafx2) with Lua written and functions there correct.
i want but the same Program as self-employed Profan-EXE having circa it too without Grafx2 using to.
what me now missing are The suitable functions in Profan:
Palettennummer% = Getpixel(X,Y) SetPixel(x ,y, Patettennummer%) Line(x1, y1, x2, y2, Palettennummer%) Rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, Palettennummer%)
Who as a hint, or soetwas already time made and can me a hint give.
Vielen Thanks beforehand Rainer |
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| | H.Brill | GetPixel and SetPixel there but already. I go time of it from, that with Palettennummer% one Farbwert meant is. Line has of course none Farb-Parameter, but whom can integrally simply with USEP before take on. and with UseBrush go even different Schraffuren and the colour for Rectangle tuned.
means should Yes everything there his. and with StartPaint...EndPaint chid You on The suitable Bitmap circa. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/03/19 ▲ |
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| | Rainer Hoefs | Hello H. Brill,
very these functions weg not, there tappt im dunkeln only with the Übergabe of RGB( ? , ? , ? )-Values functions.
I must but exakte Palettenindizies transfer, means from the palette The Nr. 249 (or others between 0 and 255).
the went naturally in a binary opened BMP with binärem write. But this is extreme costly.
nevertheless thanks Rainer |
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| | H.Brill | Yes, What is because The Palettennummer%, from the You promise ? one can indeed with the functions
each Farbanteile rausziehen, sodaß one nevertheless with RGB() works can :
I meant about so :
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/04/19 ▲ |
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| | Rainer Hoefs | No, so does it not.
In of/ one 256-colours Bitmap there to the Header a palette with 3*256 Farbwerten How z.B 001 092 128 for colour 1 254 003 178 for colour 2 or 082 182 209 for 178 and 001 092 128 for colour 200 means same shade How colour 1 etc.
in the Bitmap-area are then only The Referenzen to the palette staid means 1 2 178 2 200 2 1 178 2 1 etc.
any Info, where which area, Header, Infoheader, Coreheader, palette and Bitmap in the File begin are in the Header stored.
at that Reading in a suitable Program How z.B. Grafx2 or the uralten DPaint2 becomes only red whom Paletteneintrag the point has, means 1 2 or 178. thereby is it alike which shade in RGB dahintersteht. The point has The reference as Palettennummer% to the 3 RGB-Values in the palette
I must now The BMP so read: if The Palettennummer% of Pixel(X,Y) The number 2 is then Setpixel(X1,Y, Palettennummer%), if it The number 178 is then...
with Profan can not do, because there go The RGB-values as entire number red. at that setpixel becomes then simply one point staid the to next suitable colour is correct, in this drop means with colour 200 in the point would The 1 staid, there tappt im dunkeln Yes both whom equal worth having. lying The colours in the palette tight together, comes one wirres Image thereby out.
I copy here time whom LUA-code into to that better understanding:
--Adds a weft-stearing-system right side to the solid --created by Rainer Hoefs - --Diese script is free for your personnel use. --it go following lines angesetzt --directly next to the solid Fb 249 line 1 --then Fb 4 line 2 --wander with used Schußfarben Fb 51 - 57 line 3 --then Fb 1 line 4 --wander with used Schußfarben Fb 51 - 57 line 5 --then FB 0 to Trennung line 6 --then 7 lines with the Fb 51 - 57 according to appear in the solid to control lines 7 - 13
run("../samples_2.4/libs/memory.lua") dofile("../samples_2.4/libs/dawnbringer_lib.lua") dofile("../carpetdesign/include/_language.lua")
if language == "DE" then txt1="Schußsteuerungs-system right of solid ansetzen" txt2="max. Schußwechsler" txt3="erste colour in the Design" txt4="max. colours per Shußlinie" else txt1="Add weftstsystem right from the design" txt2="max. weftsystems" txt3="first color in design" txt4="max. colors by weftline" end
w, h = getpicturesize()
StartColor = 51 MaxColorPerWeft = 1 WeftSystems = 7
ok, WeftSystems, StartColor, MaxColorPerWeft = inputbox( txt1, txt2, WeftSystems, 1, 20, 7, txt3, StartColor, 1, 255, 3, txt4, MaxColorPerWeft, 1, 7, 2)
if ok then -- new Designgröße to charge and solid properly vergößern newdesignw = w + 6 + WeftSystems oldw = w setpicturesize(newdesignw, h) updatescreen() -- Weiße expanse with solid lines right of solid draw drawfilledrect(oldw,0,newdesignw-1,h-1,249) -- right whom Space in Fb.249 add db.line(oldw + 1,0,oldw + 1,h-1,4) -- first Line with Fb. 4 db.line(oldw + 3,0,oldw + 3,h-1,1) -- second Line with Fb. 1 db.line(oldw + 5,0,oldw + 5,h-1,0) -- second Line with Fb. 1 updatescreen() -- any counter zurücksetzen WeftColorFound = 0 SearchColor = StartColor EndColor = StartColor + (WeftSystems - 1) ControlLine = oldw + 6 -- solid shot for shot search and spots into lines settle! for y = 0, h-1, 1 do -- The Schußlinien search for SearchColor = StartColor, EndColor , 1 do -- a colour to the others search for x = 0, oldw - 1, 1 do -- The Fäden the Schußlinie by degrees Verify c = getpicturepixel(x, y) -- Pixel reading if c == SearchColor then -- if colour of Pixel with Suchfarbe übereinstimmt WeftColorFound = WeftColorFound + 1 -- counter found colour settle if WeftColorFound > MaxColorPerWeft then -- if More colours in the shot as allows Error Message messagebox("Mehr as "..MaxColorPerWeft.." Schußfarben found!\n"..WeftColorFound.." found, "..MaxColorPerWeft.." allows!\nPosition: "..x.." / " ..y) end if WeftColorFound == 1 then putpicturepixel(oldw + 2, y, c) -- Pixel in Steuerlinie 1 settle elseif WeftColorFound > 1 then putpicturepixel(oldw + 4, y, c) -- Pixel in Steuerlinie 2 settle end putpicturepixel(ControlLine, y, c) -- Kontrollpunkt settle updatescreen() -- messagebox("Found SearchColor","X = "..x.."\nY = "..y.."\nSearchColor = "..SearchColor.."\nEndColor = "..EndColor.."\nControlLine = "..ControlLine.."\nWeftColorFound = "..WeftColorFound) break end end ControlLine = ControlLine + 1 end WeftColorFound = 0 ControlLine = oldw + 6 end updatescreen() finalizepicture() end;
Please not on whom textilen Begriffen How solid, Weftsystem or Schußlinien disturbing. Weft and shot = Y-line |
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| | H.Brill | Since there it certainly too for XProfan some. in example
'Farbpalette from Bitmaps read
'Andrea Miethe May 2002
SetTrueColor 1
Declare Info#,RGBQuad_1bit#,RGBQuad_4bit#,RGBQuad_8bit#
Declare Dateiname$,Colors&,x%,Col&,B%,H%
Dim Info#,200'takes The BitmapInfos on
Dateiname$ = @LOADFILE$("Bitmap loading :","*.BMP")
Assign #1,Dateiname$
OpenRW #1
@BlockRead(#1,Info#,0,200)'BitmapInfos reading
Case Word(Info#,28) = 1 : Colors& = 2
Case Word(Info#,28) = 4 : Colors& = 16
Case Word(Info#,28) = 8 : Colors& = 256
window %maxx+1,0-640,480
cls RGB(192,192,192)
USEP 0,0,RGB(255,255,255)
If Word(Info#,0) <> 19778
Print "No Bitmap"
If Word(Info#,28) > 8
Print "No Palettenbild"
If Colors& = 2
Dim RGBQuad_1bit#,8' 2 colours-palette
Seek #1,54'here begins The palette
@BlockRead(#1,RGBQuad_1bit#,0,8)'BitmapInfos reading
h% = 0
Whilenot x% = 8
Col& = RGB(byte(RGBQuad_1bit#,x%+2),byte(RGBQuad_1bit#,x%+1),byte(RGBQuad_1bit#,x%))
Usebrush 1,Col&
Rectangle b%,h% - b%+20,h%+20
add x%,4
add B%,20
if b% > 300
add h%,20
b% = 0
Elseif Colors& = 16
Dim RGBQuad_4bit#,64' 16 colours-palette
Seek #1,54'here begins The palette
@BlockRead(#1,RGBQuad_4bit#,0,64)'BitmapInfos reading
h% = 0
Whilenot x% = 64
Col& = RGB(byte(RGBQuad_4bit#,x%+2),byte(RGBQuad_4bit#,x%+1),byte(RGBQuad_4bit#,x%))
Usebrush 1,Col&
Rectangle b%,h% - b%+20,h%+20
add x%,4
add B%,20
if b% > 300
add h%,20
b% = 0
Elseif Colors& = 256
Dim RGBQuad_8bit#,1024'256 colours-palette
Seek #1,54'here begins The palette
@BlockRead(#1,RGBQuad_8bit#,0,1024)'BitmapInfos reading
h% = 0
Whilenot x% = 1024
Col& = RGB(byte(RGBQuad_8bit#,x%+2),byte(RGBQuad_8bit#,x%+1),byte(RGBQuad_8bit#,x%))
Usebrush 1,Col&
Rectangle b%,h% - b%+20,h%+20
add x%,4
add B%,20
if b% > 300
add h%,20
b% = 0
CloseRW #1
setwindowpos %hwnd = 0,0-640,480
Dispose RGBQuad_1bit#
Dispose RGBQuad_4bit#
Dispose RGBQuad_8bit#
Dispose Info#
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/04/19 ▲ |
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| | Rainer Hoefs | Hello H. Brill,
many Thanks for hint. Yes, the know I, have it 1998 already in a Program so similar carryed out.
i was hoping though, it on unkompliziertere Nature and point solve to, as over the binäre reading and write the Bitmap.
but there must I well time my Uralt-routines enable and unfortunately with corresponding, hoisted Change.
has Andreas, the Yes really pointed was, too a routine for the Reading the Bitmap (means Bildteil) written? And if Yes, where can The discover?
thanks Rainer |
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| | H.Brill | whom code I had of : [...]
what the Reading the Bitmap concerns, become You well yourself ran must. Something like is indeed very seldom demand. here have I another explanation of Frank Abbing :
time see, whether I it yet hinbekommen. means, the Bmp-stature with the Offsets:
0 always "BM" (2) 2 length the File (4) 6 =0 (4) 10 Offset the first Grafikbytes (4) 14 =40 (4) 18 wide the Bilds (4) 22 Höhe the Bilds (4) 26 ...unwichtig...
first LongInt Offset 10 read. here catch The Grafikdaten on. per Pixel go 3 Bytes needed always in the Order blue - green - ruddy. After eachone row becomes The Pixelfolge with Nullbytes on a through 4 teilbare amount complement. The Pixel the Bilds are of left under to right supra squared.
i think, that to the Reading the Bildteils right simply hinbekommt.
comes then naturally hereon on, what everything so on functions need.
PS: The ProSpeed.dll bid a function, The The Nutzdaten of/ one Bilddatei into byte-aray save. can you you evtl. too time standing. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/04/19 ▲ |
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| | H.Brill | here have I yet little more Info found : [...]
The Profbmp.dll particularly in the enclosed Textdatei profbmp.txt stand interesting Info. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/04/19 ▲ |
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