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Timotheus | Hi,
3 ask:
1. Can on Edits (How with Listboxes) a waagerechten Scroll bar insert? because i want The Zeilenanzahl in a EditBox Show, and if then z.B. The row To long becomes, then is the Scrallbalken suddenly in the last row.
2. Can in a Edit whom beginning of/ one row Mark, in the one only The Zeilennummer knows, but not The amount characters The before it stand?
3. How many Lines comprise whom The command SendString(Edit&,{PGUP}) and SendString(Edit&,{PGDN})? is the from the size the Edits tributary, or has the always a solid worth? :rolleyes:
thanks for Answer, Timo |
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| Hello Timo...
be to Time unfortunately with To many others things engage and understand neither integrally what You want. can dus once more something differently explain??? |
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Normann Strübli | Hi,
with your first question be I me now neither integrally sure what you mean. don't you want the the Waagerechte Scroll bar IN the Edit Auftaucht separate moreover or as now?
To 2. The characters The to of/ one row (here row%) stand can You integrally simply herewith detect: @SendMessage(edit%,~EM_LINEINDEX,row%,0) The function gives then The Number of characters to row Nr. row% back.
Greeting Normann |
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Normann Strübli | Hi,
Nochmal short To question3:
personal would I the commands Sendstring not use, It's all right something eleganter. in the subesquent example can You whom Text Lines- or Seitenweise in Your Edit Scrolling I hope the helps you moreover...
Greeting Normann
$H windows.ph
$H structs.ph
$H messages.ph
$H commctrl.ph
DEF LoWord(1) And(&(1),$FFFF)
DEF HiWord(1) And(&(1)>>16,$FFFF)
DEF MakeLong(2) Or(&(1),&(2)<<16)
Edit% = @Create("MultiEdit",%HWnd,"",10,10,200,200)
declare Scroll&
Declare ScrollPGDN&,ScrollPGUP&,ScrollLineUp&,ScrollLineDown&
ScrollPGDN& = @Create("Button",%HWND,"PGDN",0,300,80,20)
ScrollPGUP& = @Create("Button",%HWND,"PGUP",110,300,80,20)
ScrollLineUp& = @Create("Button",%HWND,"LineUp",0,340,80,20)
ScrollLineDown& = @Create("Button",%HWND,"LineDown",110,340,80,20)
whilenot 0
IF @GetFocus(ScrollPGDN&)
Scroll& = @SendMessage(edit%,~EM_SCROLL,~SB_PAGEDOWN,0)
Elseif @GetFocus(ScrollPGUP&)
Scroll& = @SendMessage(edit%,~EM_SCROLL,~SB_PAGEUP,0)
Scroll& = Makelong(65536 - LoWord(Scroll&),HiWord(Scroll&))
Elseif @GetFocus(ScrollLineUp&)
Scroll& = @SendMessage(edit%,~EM_SCROLL,~SB_LINEUP,0)
Scroll& = Makelong(65536 - LoWord(Scroll&),HiWord(Scroll&))
Elseif @GetFocus(ScrollLineDown&)
Scroll& = @SendMessage(edit%,~EM_SCROLL,~SB_LINEDOWN,0)
If HiWord(Scroll&)
Locate 18,1
print @Space$(30)
Locate 18,1
Print "Zeilen Gescrollt: ",LoWord(Scroll&)successful gescrollt
print scroll&
Scroll& = 0
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