
Active Desktop


Hi, people
now Have I me The trouble made,
a geilen AktiveDesktop together To building,
the even Profan-Scripte executing and so almost
grenzenlos To benefit is.
unfortunately frisst the part unending Resources and if I Internet
be, kackt the image the HTML-Page hopelessly ex.
Well even MS hold.
now be I on the Search after a profanen Possibility,
through API the thing on- and abzuschalten.
can but nirgends what to the Topic find.
[quote:1c153c7161]has of you someone one idea???
MfG Achim[/quote:1c153c7161]

goes it you circa XP?

You could one bisl preparatory work do and a RegMon started During low which You The WebInhalte on- and abschaltest.

One Test would it too worth whether a manual Changing the RegKeys with anschließendem explorer-Prozesskilling ausreicht around the Settings To take. If namely not - then reicht the RegKey not from.

I go too bisl later time look what MSDN moreover says,- sure gibbed too another elegantere Variante.

but one Test would it worth. *coolyeah* Virtually first roughly - then slow rantasten.

salvo, iF

Hello iF,
(name itself your woman really EndIf? )

whom Test with the manuellen Reg.-Änderung Have I as Erstes probiert.
No way. Also is the AD a particular Class,
The profanmäßig weder Größenänderungen the Fensters yet Style-things zulässt.
SetWindowPos Have so did i not hingekriegt.
the lever To detect, was wenigste trouble thereby.
the whole happens mainly under Win98SE ,
I suppose, that one with XP at least there better
cards has!?
an elegantere Solution should since, I the thing well with several opportunities
from- and on must.
in the MSDN Have so did i already something gewühlt, be but not fündig become.
Perhaps have You Yes More Happiness

thanks and Greeting, a
P.s.: it should except the arena hot... ~;)~

the arena - clear - is änderungsbedürftig.

MSDN - I gug time...

salvo, iF


I could you offer: Taskbar turn off and Desktop-Icons Hide. But not the, what You want, or?

arena = feminine = DIE ARENA!

it could at least try with Showwindow whom AD auszublenden - no code idea.

That the arena Frank - I faith there has Æ right - therefore Have ichs already changed. clear is arena feminine - but in the Context is it ...except the arena..

salvo, iF

Hi, Frank
calm, if one time sees, as people really looks.
(Sofern You your eigener Avatar are...)
Related to the Invisible Have with your genialen Presentation already tested,
is not really the, I need.
off should the thing his, not only ausgeblendet
and the remainder of normalen Desktop need I indeed.

Perhaps has Yes someone one Spy-Tool , the one with whom process,
the at normalen switch off by Menu in view Desktop
happens, herausbekommen can.
As I said, The entspr. Reg.-Key have I already eruiert :idea: ,
but one Umstellen derer bring too with anschließendem Explorer-Restart
nothing. would be too everything others, as elegant.
what MS can, must too one Programmer can.
Who whom windows-Source, the allegedly letzthin on the Web
to find been his should, the would still The ultimative fountain... ?

Achim E. from s.
P.s.: you are Real on Zack!
the Æ-Sign is objectively extra for me and Albert designed been!


> calm, if one time sees, as people really looks.
> (Sofern You your eigener Avatar are...)

Yes, the be I. the photo is of yesterday, my sister hats made. but not so vorteilhat, How I find. In reality be I plenty schöner !

I hope, the on your Atavar are not You...

> Related to the Invisible Have with your genialen Presentation already tested,
> is not really the, I need.
> off should the thing his, not only ausgeblendet
> and the remainder of normalen Desktop need I indeed.

well, then can I you unfortunately not help on.

> Perhaps has Yes someone one Spy-Tool , the one with whom process,
> the at normalen switch off by Menu in view Desktop
> happens, herausbekommen can.
> As I said, The entspr. Reg.-Key have I already eruiert ,
> but one Umstellen derer bring too with anschließendem Explorer-Restart
> nothing. would be too everything others, as elegant.
> what MS can, must too one Programmer can.
> Who whom windows-Source, the allegedly letzthin on the Web
> to find been his should, the would still The ultimative fountain... ?

Yes, the part would once in a while certainly helpful


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Achim Engelhardt12/21/12


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