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![Achim Engelhardt: 12/16/04](.././../../i/a/15377504641bf12e706c99.gif) Achim Engelhardt | Hi, people now Have I me The trouble made, a geilen AktiveDesktop together To building, the even Profan-Scripte executing and so almost grenzenlos To benefit is. ![](.././../../i/s/-amazed.png) unfortunately frisst the part unending Resources and if I Internet be, kackt the image the HTML-Page hopelessly ex. Well even MS hold. ![](.././../../i/s/flamingdevil.gif) now be I on the Search after a profanen Possibility, through API the thing on- and abzuschalten. can but nirgends what to the Topic find. [quote:1c153c7161]has of you someone one idea??? ![](.././../../i/s/11.gif) MfG Achim[/quote:1c153c7161] |
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![: 12/16/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | goes it you circa XP?
You could one bisl preparatory work do and a RegMon started During low which You The WebInhalte on- and abschaltest.
One Test would it too worth whether a manual Changing the RegKeys with anschließendem explorer-Prozesskilling ausreicht around the Settings To take. If namely not - then reicht the RegKey not from. ![](.././../../i/s/-grin.png)
I go too bisl later time look what MSDN moreover says,- sure gibbed too another elegantere Variante.
but one Test would it worth. *coolyeah* Virtually first roughly - then slow rantasten. ![](.././../../i/s/qq5.gif)
salvo, iF |
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![Achim Engelhardt: 12/16/04](.././../../i/a/15377504641bf12e706c99.gif) Achim Engelhardt | Hello iF, (name itself your woman really EndIf? )
whom Test with the manuellen Reg.-Änderung Have I as Erstes probiert. No way. Also is the AD a particular Class, The profanmäßig weder Größenänderungen the Fensters yet Style-things zulässt. SetWindowPos Have so did i not hingekriegt. the lever To detect, was wenigste trouble thereby. the whole happens mainly under Win98SE , I suppose, that one with XP at least there better cards has!? an elegantere Solution should since, I the thing well with several opportunities from- and on must. in the MSDN Have so did i already something gewühlt, be but not fündig become. Perhaps have You Yes More Happiness ![](.././../../i/s/wwww.gif)
thanks and Greeting, a Achim P.s.: it should except the arena hot... ~;)~ |
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![: 12/16/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | the arena - clear - is änderungsbedürftig.
MSDN - I gug time...
salvo, iF |
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![Frank Abbing: 12/16/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
I could you offer: Taskbar turn off and Desktop-Icons Hide. But not the, what You want, or?
arena = feminine = DIE ARENA! |
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![: 12/16/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | it could at least try with Showwindow whom AD auszublenden - no code idea.
That the arena Frank - I faith there has Æ right - therefore Have ichs already changed. clear is arena feminine - but in the Context is it ...except the arena..
salvo, iF |
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![Achim Engelhardt: 12/16/04](.././../../i/a/15377504641bf12e706c99.gif) Achim Engelhardt | Hi, Frank calm, if one time sees, as people really looks. ![](.././../../i/s/shocked.gif) (Sofern You your eigener Avatar are...) Related to the Invisible Have with your genialen Presentation already tested, is not really the, I need. off should the thing his, not only ausgeblendet and the remainder of normalen Desktop need I indeed.
Perhaps has Yes someone one Spy-Tool , the one with whom process, the at normalen switch off by Menu in view Desktop happens, herausbekommen can. As I said, The entspr. Reg.-Key have I already eruiert :idea: , but one Umstellen derer bring too with anschließendem Explorer-Restart nothing. would be too everything others, as elegant. ![](.././../../i/s/heul.gif) what MS can, must too one Programmer can. ![](.././../../i/s/qq7.gif) Who whom windows-Source, the allegedly letzthin on the Web to find been his should, the would still The ultimative fountain... ?
Achim E. from s. P.s.: you are Real on Zack! the Æ-Sign is objectively extra for me and Albert designed been! ![](.././../../i/s/_n_teeth_smile.gif) |
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![Frank Abbing: 12/16/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
> calm, if one time sees, as people really looks. > (Sofern You your eigener Avatar are...)
Yes, the be I. the photo is of yesterday, my sister hats made. but not so vorteilhat, How I find. In reality be I plenty schöner !
I hope, the on your Atavar are not You... ![](.././../../i/s/_n_52_52.gif)
> Related to the Invisible Have with your genialen Presentation already tested, > is not really the, I need. > off should the thing his, not only ausgeblendet > and the remainder of normalen Desktop need I indeed.
well, then can I you unfortunately not help on.
> Perhaps has Yes someone one Spy-Tool , the one with whom process, > the at normalen switch off by Menu in view Desktop > happens, herausbekommen can. > As I said, The entspr. Reg.-Key have I already eruiert , > but one Umstellen derer bring too with anschließendem Explorer-Restart > nothing. would be too everything others, as elegant. > what MS can, must too one Programmer can. > Who whom windows-Source, the allegedly letzthin on the Web > to find been his should, the would still The ultimative fountain... ?
Yes, the part would once in a while certainly helpful ![](.././../../i/s/-grin.png) |
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