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| Since I of program almost no idea Have, me öfters something stupid in lieu of and from the Help File of profane neither always schlau will be, eröffne I herewith a thread in the I mean stupid Anfängerfragen to put will be. the thread becomes too certainly yet 10000 pages long ;)
means I Have the following trouble. if I in profane 8 whom pc neustarten wants gib I simply:
exitwindows (1,1) one, at least launch the then new.
though can I with profane 8 no exe Files create, means use I The freeware of profane 5. if I there exitwindows (1,1) eingebe komm t one fehlerhinweis, if I only exitwindows eingebe comes too one fehlerhinweis.
means geb I time exitwindows 1 one, then lead the of course the Program from, power too something but the pc won't neugestartet or runtergefahren. Please help me and declared me the:
pc.: i'll from the Help moreover not really look.
and then would me time brennend interested, wozu dll Files well are and for what one The use can. |
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| Hi,
@Frank: are you the in your Avatar ? _________________ Sincerely, iF |
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Dietmar Horn | Hi,
@Frank: Yes, unfortunately - Have simply one photo of ours Vereins-HP taken
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 05/13/04 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | Why unfortunately???
me disturbing not, that You at post telephone. are hold online.
MfG Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 05/14/04 ▲ |
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| I Have again ne stupid question, but I come with the Help File of profane simply not further. I attempt in the momentum the program of AuswahlBoxen To learn. but in the Help File are no examples and from whom beispielen kapier I only time increasingly as from the Text moreover. can with jm whom source of so of/ one AuswahlBox give, from the I plenty learn can (I use The 5it freewareversion of profane)?
moreover kapier I the into Help Files never:
@CreateChoiceBox(n,s,X1,X2,Y1,Y2) n : Integer - lever the übergeordneten Fensters s : String - must one Leerstring his X1,Y1 : Integer - left upper corner the AuswahlBox X2,Y2 : Integer - Size the AuswahlBox
Result : Integer - lever the begot Objektes
what means the balderdash? integer string ??? hää? kapier I somehow not integrally........ would still Perhaps time integrally hilfsam, if I know what the To mean has, oda? |
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Rolf Koch | Hello Doik, nunja balderdash is it by far not. See To your question with the variables in your Profanhilfe to: 7 - variables, Konstanten, Datentypen and Types-conversion
Rolf |
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| [quote:5220512242=Doik] I attempt in the momentum the program of AuswahlBoxen To learn. but in the Help File are no examples and from whom beispielen kapier I only time increasingly as from the Text moreover. [/quote:5220512242] helps you the? CompileMarkSeparationDef GetSysColor(1) !"User32","GetSysColor"
declare cb1&,cb2&,rb1&,rb2&
window 100,100 - 500,500
cls getsyscolor(15)
let cb1&=createcheckbox(%hwnd,"Test1",10,10,100,20)
let cb2&=createcheckbox(%hwnd,"Test2",10,40,100,20)
let rb1&=createradiobutton(%hwnd,"Test3",120,10,100,20)
let rb2&=createradiobutton(%hwnd,"Test4",120,40,100,20)
while 1
locate 10,1
print "Test1-Status:",getcheck(cb1&)
print "Test2-Status:",getcheck(cb2&)
print "Test3-Status:",getcheck(rb1&)
print "Test4-Status:",getcheck(rb2&)
PS: If with the the DEF under Profan5 not works, nimm simply The row out, then but too The cls getsyscolor row.
iF |
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Dietmar Horn | Hello Doik,
variables are Placeholder for any values, The in the program multiple needed go - vergleichbar with the variables with Gleichungen in the maths.
because different values differently plenty Space in the main memory the PCs need, there in eachone Programming-Language too different Variabentypen. Also is it for processor another Difference, whether it with the Values sometime in Your Program too time calculate should (Zahlenwerte), or these values only on-screen outputted, or. in Files written or on the printer outputted go should, etc. (Text).
Texts go as String marks and can with Profan² 5.0 per String-Variable maximum 255 characters long his (with Profan² ex 7.0 even To 32 KB).
distinguished go The different Variablentypen by the suffix, which the Variablenbezeichner follows. for the beginning should You with subesquent Variablentypen in your first Programs get along can:
String example: Text$ - Texts To 255 characters
Integer example: number% - whole numbers in the area of - 32768 To +32676
LongInteger (or Long) example: Zahl& - whole numbers of ca. -2 Billion To ca. +2 Billion
Float example: number! - Dezimalzahlen or. real numbers
to the first usage must You windows communicating, that You for each your variables Speicherplatz in the RAM benötigst. this results by the Declare-instruction.
example: CompileMarkSeparation or: CompileMarkSeparation One Leerstring is a String-Variable, The yet none Text allocated get has. After the Deklarieren any variables first time empty. vain Zahlenvariablen (means integer, longint, float) having then always the value 0, with Stringvariablen is the then each the worth (standing for: Sorry - no Text in the Stringvariablen include!).
lever means Translated as much as handle. each Objekt, which You in Your Program on the Mainwindow or on other Windows beget, get Windows intern a Zahlenwert allocated, which of Programmer in a LongInt-variables stored go ought to. The detailed Zahlenwert one Handles is uninteressant, because this is anyhow to each Program Start another.
the lever the Mainwindow Your Program save Profan² always in the System-Variables %HWnd. with others Objects must one as Programmer yourself therefore concern, so itself the program these lever-Zahlenwerte for later until Program-end observes.
such Handles are important, so one in its Program hereon react can, if the users z.B. a Button klicked has - or so windows kapieren can, whether You a Button the Mainwindow, or on some other Dialog-Window in Your Program settle want.
example: CompileMarkSeparation in the example becomes the lever the Buttons in the LongInt-variables exit& stored. If the users the Objekt with the lever exit& klicked has (it it means activate or. whom Focus hereon staid has), then becomes The Variable end% on a worth mismatched zero staid, so The While-Loop leave and the program exits go can. here serves means The GetFocus-instruction moreover to get, whether the users on the terminate-Button geklickert has, or not.
If on the Button no Test stand should, then says one too : The CreateButton-instruction is a Leerstring To transfer.
example: CompileMarkSeparation Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 05/15/04 ▲ |
| so first thx on you.
@if: this is no auswahlbox! a auswahlbox we of these commands created:
though versteh I do not right, wieso the by me never so one thing created, if I on run press. in the Help File standing, that there yet More association go must. I werd only unfortunately utterly not schlau from the Help File. and a richtiges example is there aucn No. therefore frag I Yes to one source for a working auswahlbox, so I know, I wrong make and Change must. if it you interested, that here standing in the Help File in profane to the auwahlboxen:
@CreateChoiceBox @GetText$ @MoveListToChoice, @AddChoice
an Selection is a Sonderform the so-called Combobox: through Anklicken the Pfeiles down can a list of Auswahlmöglichkeiten a row select go. an input of Lines isn't possible. an Selection is in PROFAN² always alphabetical sortiert.
with the function @ADDCHOICE can the Selection one entry added. with @MOVELISTTOCHOICE becomes The complete ListBox-list, The z.B. before with ADDFONTS, ADDFILE or ADDWINDOWS filled watts, the Selection added.
with @DELETECHOICE:fdeletechoice] can one entry from the Selection removes go.
The selected row can with the function @GETTEXT$ determined go.
in the Context with AuswahlBoxen are The AuswahlBox-Messages interestingly. so can to that example with cb_Dir a directory-/Laufwerksliste created go or with cb_ResetContent the Content of/ one AuswahlBox deleted go. with cb_SetCurSel can one bestimmter entry vorausgewählt go. The Messages go with @SendMessage on The concerned ListBox sent.
ACHTUNG: The here beschriebenen functions only on AuswahlBoxen anzuwenden! go tappt im dunkeln on others Steuerelemente (z.B. ListBoxen) apply supplying tappt im dunkeln unexpected Results and can in some Make too windows or The application to that crash bring! The commands SETTEXT is under no circumstance on a AuswahlBox anzuwenden!
Doik |
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Rolf Koch | Hi Doik,
apparently have You not yet whom Object Creator of me. If you this runtergeladen have, lead this from and create one new Window, lay a Choicebox on it and press on Preview (Lupe). now see You whom begot View source. How If Schonmal said: from Roc can even learn.
Rolf |
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Rolf Koch | OK, here time one Choiceboxbeispiel: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare choicebox&, text&
************ CHOICEBOX ERSTELLEN ***********************
LET CHOICEBOX&=Createchoicebox(%HWND,,5,6,300,400)
let text&=createtext(%HWND,Gewählter Text:,305,6,300,20)
Hier siehst Du die Parameter
Let Choicebox&=Zugeordnetes Handle der Choicebox (um diese später anzusprechen)
siehe unten Addchoice(Choicebox&.... oder getfocus(choicebox&)
%HWND = das Elternfenster - also das Hauptfenster
= der Leerstring
5 = Position vom linken Rand (des Hauptfensters) berechnet
6 = Position vom oberen Rand (des Hauptfensters) berechnet
300 = Breite der Choicebox
400 = Höhe der Choicebox (bei Choicboxen sieht man dies nur wenn man diese aufklappt!)
************* CHOICEBOX FÜLLEN ************************
ADDCHOICE(CHOICEBOX&,Ein Kasten Bier bitte)
ADDCHOICE(CHOICEBOX&,Ich bin ein Profaner)
ADDCHOICE(CHOICEBOX&,Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen)
*** Hier die Abfrage zur Choicebox ***************************
If getfocus(Choicebox&)
settext text&,add$(Gewählter Text: ,gettext$(choicebox&))
and is this aale? Rolf |
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| Jo thanks, the help me really moreover, there would I by the Help File alone never in my life on it come, thx |
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