
Animated Gif's

Hi Frank,

I wished only once more the Topic animated Gifs allude (circa you a little bit on the Senkel to go and so not vällig in to be hooked unit). you have time written, that You ne Possibility found have, The but only with installed internet-Explorer working. Well, Perhaps kannste Yes first these install and later a yourself program. I have me namely already to gereaumer Time a Page a View source in Profan runtergeladen, the animated Gifs Show should (only with APIs). but unfortunately Gottes has this by me quite nothing bewirkt (not time a Error Message)...

Well, glad christmas

the Jac

Hello Jac,

if You me whom Source mail, then see I time, what To make is.
The of you mentioned method funktionierte of course, but not transparenten Images and only within one Controls.
means only sensible useable.
an Own Gif-routine entwickle I for the time being not, from fear to Patentschutz.

but a good Message. The ProSpeed.dll becomes in the next Version Images as Jpg Save can.
Vielen Thanks on this place for Andreas Miethe for its Help !

Greeting, Frank


means only sensible useable = means not sensible useable

Hi Frank,

1. Can then too Settings concerning the quality the To speichernden JPGs indicate??? (would be Yes genial: normal/YUV-422/YUV-411, normal/Graustufen, normal/Progressiv/V 1.1/V 1.2)

2. How you know can I Yes in the momentum not with empty computer, i'll you the stuff but send, once the again goes.

another suggestion: In one View source To irgendeinem Program have I functions and Procedures To DragNDrop found. I faith the was of you, but I bi I do not integrally sure. now have I a Inc written in the the whole aufbereitet watts and accordingly leichter vefügbar is. the same is me with MDI-Fensterchen happens. too here have I now a super INC. and To guter Letzt yet me Tray-Symbolen.
now my question: is it rather the whole stuff over The INC walk To let or would it possible, the even into ProSpeed To take???

(I mail you The Source gladly To, but...you know already!).

The Jac


To 1.
The User can a quality of 1 To 10 indicate, where 1 a very little quality is and 10 a Komprimierung without Grafikverluste darstellt.
The function is part of/ one Externen Dll (How already erwähnt, of Andreas Miethe), The static installed watts.
The ursprüngliche Source is PureBasic and on the function can I no Changes manage.
an Assembler-Library, which with speicherbaren Jpgs befaßt, there of my Wissens not yet.

To 2.

The Drag n Drop Source is well not of me. ought to I anyway not know...

Greeting, Frank


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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