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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello together,
I have there one Geschwindigkeitsproblem ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498502.gif) with the code let I a Animation in the Status Bar Show, only The runs not straight quick ex. Looks one the ANI directly on, is tappt im dunkeln super quick. in the Program with the I The ANI prepares have, have I The speed already integrally high turned.
Perhaps can of/ one of you me help. CompileMarkSeparationDef Getsyscolor(1) !USER32,GetSysColor
Def Loadimage(6) !USER32,LoadImageA
Declare Ani$,Ani&,AniControl&,Status&,Status#,RECT#
WindowStyle 2 + 8 + 16 + 128 + 256 + 512
Window 0,0-1024,768
Ani$ = \Progress_11.ani
Ani& = LoadImage(%hInstance,@Addr(Ani$),2,0,0,$10)
Dim Status#,8
Dim RECT#,16
Long Status#,0 = 984,-1
Status& = @Create(StatusWindow,%hWnd,,2,Status#)
AniControl& = @Control(Static,,$50000003,(Long(RECT#,0) + 0),(Long(RECT#,4) + 2),0,0,Status&,0,%hInstance)
WhileNot %Key = 2
DeleteObject Ani&
Dispose Status#
Dispose RECT#
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | by me ists How with Frank. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![iF: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | by me ists How with Jörg. |
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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | Hello zusamnen,
i'm now something confused !! Runs The Ani File in the program quick or slow ?
my target would it, The Animation in the program faster walk To let. as externes Program to display I am always IrfanView and there runs tappt im dunkeln very quick. with the Creation the Animation with ArtCursors have I as Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit 60 Images per second tuned. |
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | by me ists How with Georg.... ![](.././../../i/s/qq8.gif)
and How with Frank... ![](.././../../i/s/qq5.gif)
Irfanview shows a speedy Animation, in the Eigenschaftsdialog and in the program runs it slow. have You you already times the Animationsbeispile of Andreas Miethe respected. Perhaps helps you there something moreover. [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![GDL: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | if your whom small green beam,the with Rechtsklick in the Zeitausgabe runs means, the need for a running of left to right by me ca. 8sec.otherwise is the kommplette screen empty.too without Rechtsklick is everything Empty,too The Taskbar.
Hello Georg |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | now be so did i something confused. what mean You with Zeitausgabe? Why Rechtsklick?? Why Taskbar??? your Program power still nothing rechtsklickspezifisches. I see right under in the Statusbar to beliebiger input (mouse/keyboard) The Animation. too by me lasts tappt im dunkeln ca.6-8 sec (only counted, the semi Schätzwert) under Irfanview is the Animation objectively faster. Perhaps can with of/ one Message the Control yet communicating How quick The Ani walk should. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | nothing mere garnichts To see. everything in a way. |
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![Michael Wodrich: 08/16/07](.././../../i/a/8.gif) Michael Wodrich | |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/16/07 ▲ |
![Rolf Koch: 08/17/07](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | *lol* Michael is correct was time again To quick ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) means if I it under Roc as animiertes Icon load, remaining The speed very The same as here in the Beispielprogramm. becomes well so his, as Jörg described has. The Framedauer becomes in a To erstellenden Ani really Yes fix indicated. |
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![Michael Wodrich: 08/17/07](.././../../i/a/8.gif) Michael Wodrich | finds everything in the ComCtrl.DLL instead of. The Process-Monitor helps there unfortunately neither moreover.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/17/07 ▲ |
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![GDL: 08/17/07](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hello Jörg,
be the GDL Georg and not the Georg H.
by me remaining the screen as long as Empty To I integrally under right, where The Uhrzeit displayed becomes, with the mouse rechtsklicke. as long as I the Mausbutton pressed stops runs the green beam with ca. 8 sec duration through. once I the Mausbutton loslasse is everything again lane.
Hello GDL Georg |
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![Georg Hovenbitzer: 08/17/07](.././../../i/a/199623250643725492e11ec.jpg) Georg Hovenbitzer | I must me entschuldigen, have integrally forget To say How to the demonstration piloting. simply with the left Mouse button into opened Window clicking, to the one The ANI File in the directory the Source code laid has and in the second area the Statusbar appear The Animation. with one further Click we tappt im dunkeln deaktiviert.
under ROC runs The Animation so How in of my demonstration. with the Creation the File have I indicated the one Frame in 1/60 of/ one second abgespielt becomes. The whole ANI 11 has 113 Frames and ought to in ca. 2 sec once durchgelaufen his.
enclosed time one code whom I here found have, where The ANI as Cursor loaded and is there runs tappt im dunkeln quick !!!!! CompileMarkSeparationDef APILoadCursorFromFile(1) ! USER32,LoadCursorFromFileA
Def APISetCursor(1) ! USER32,SetCursor
Def APISetCursorPos(2) ! USER32,SetCursorPos
Def ApiSetClassLong(3) !user32,SetClassLongA
Declare hcur#,ende%,name$
Declare hc&,hcold&,curdef&
Let Name$ = @LoadFile$(Lade Animationsdatei,*.ani)
Case equ$(name$,):end
Dim hcur#,len(name$) + 1
String hcur#,0=name$
Let hc&=APILoadCursorFromFile(hcur#)Cursor laden -> entweder *.ANI oder *.CUR oder *.ICO
Windowstyle 272
WindowTitle Ende mit rechter Maustaste im Fenster.....
window 10,10-400,200
APISetCursorPos(100,100)Den Cursor ins Fenster setzen
Let hcold&=APISetCursor(hc&)Den Standard-Cursor sichern !
ApiSetClassLong(%HWND,-12,hc&)Cursor für das Hauptfenster wechseln
Wenn CONTROLS erzeugt werden, kann jedem
Controlstil ein eigener Cursor zugewiesen werden !
Declare Static&
Static& = @Control(Static,,$50000003,50,50,0,0,%hWnd,0,%hInstance)
whilenot ende%
IF @Equ(%Message,$0204)rechte Maustaste gedrückt ?
ApiSetClassLong(%hwnd,-12,hcold&)System-Standard-Cursor zurückschreiben
Dispose hcur#
Let ende%=1
| Viele Grüsse, Georg Hovenbitzer(Windows XP Pro, XProfan 11.2, Profan2Cpp 1.6a) | 08/17/07 ▲ |