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Andreas Koch | Hello together,
I have a Question this Source:
Font 1
Print Chr$(231), Chr$(229)
UseFont "Arial",0,0,0,0,0
DrawText 0,80,Chr$(231)
DrawText 0,100,Chr$(229)
Why becomes on-screen dew and Sigma outputted and at Print any seltsamen characters?
lovely Greeting
Andreas cook |
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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. » |
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Andreas Koch | so, a small feedback. its so, that only the first 255 characters by me anwählbar are. The problem have I now therefore resolved, I me a own Font prepares have. I have simply a Standardfont taken, The greek characters of hinten to in front copies and as own Font installs. functions wonderful with FontForge (could I free download).
thanks for eure Help, on The idea would I otherwise never come. |
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Andreas Koch | Hey thanks, I will tommorrow test times. (goes of home not, I have what against these VPN-connections to work, there can so badly turn off.)
How prepares one because its own Font? the could another couple others Problems solve, The I so have. |
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ByteAttack | Jau - means 'damals" have I Fonts with CorelDraw prepares. You benötigst In any drop one Grafikprogramm with the Vektoren bypass can. CorelDraw Adobe illustrator Inkscape
where Inkscape a Free software ist [...]
around the Vektoren rather To ordnen and detailed Inputs make to recommend I FontForge [...] |
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Andreas Koch | so, a small feedback. its so, that only the first 255 characters by me anwählbar are. The problem have I now therefore resolved, I me a own Font prepares have. I have simply a Standardfont taken, The greek characters of hinten to in front copies and as own Font installs. functions wonderful with FontForge (could I free download).
thanks for eure Help, on The idea would I otherwise never come. |
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ByteAttack | Beautiful! Hauptsache it functions |
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Andreas Koch | so, now have I naturally whom lettuce. there my Font naturally not each computer installs is, becomes hern and Rüben displayed, once I one gedrucktes pdf on one others PC open. white someone, Why it lying could, I only the first 255 address can, during ByteAttack integral More available has? it must Yes really a attitude his, The nothing with the Source To do has. lying it Perhaps on the PC? on the XProfanversion? I bedanke me this time already in the Vorraus for possible endeavours eurerseits, end forget I the again.... |
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Michael W. | Can whom Font not PDF einbetten? then would the still no trouble More. |
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Andreas Koch | |
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Michael W. | the should with the Creation the PDF really automatically happen.
--- time nachgeschaut --- now, moreover need it then well one professionelles Tool (or as PDF-printer installed expansion).
but The kostenfreien The I probiert have can the (yet) not.
with PDF24 Although a attitude SCHRIFTEN present, but since are yet no Opportunities present.
Also is there no Tool to find, the there time reinschaut, whether The Font eingebettet watts. only the Profi Adobe should the into Settings Show can. (is me To valuable). |
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Michael W. | with Scribus should one Schriften einbetten can. the goes then too as Zeichenpfade (since the characters Yes as Vektoren viewing go can). so can also protected Fonts eingebunden go.
the setting but installation one Schreibprogrammes ahead (Scribus is kostenfrei). white not, whether this hoisted OK is. |
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Andreas Koch | it functions. thanks for Info. one must with whom Druckeinstellungen under the tab Schriften whom suitable crux settle. though have so did i a Pdf-Xchangeeditor. I faith, this is already quite professional. |
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Michael W. | this is yes a Mercedes...
have The Screenshots respected... |
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Andreas Koch | Well, one typischer drop of: "Firma thank, boss payd..." private had I son Program not. |
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