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Jac de Lad | Hello Community!
I bastel strain again on Gamsav around. what it power an so on need I sure not To explain. means short and almost:
I have a new DLL found, The The Kompression and Verschlüsselung an so on moreover voranbringt. the best is, that also teh folks Archive entpackten can. me position itself now following question:
should I The new functions optional offer, so eachone user self decide can, what it enable would like or not (Header-Verschlüsslung, Hashing, Kompression, Verschlüsslung etc.) or should I the program same so rebuild, that it self over these items determining and the user only so little How possible over these items decide must?!
I Please circa comments. |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 07/31/08 ▲ |
Thomas Zielinski | as long as The middle-aged Saves still function, wants I Nich yet decide must How the gepackt becomes, because it me really as users alike shining. Hauptsache It's all right. functions The middle-aged Saves Nich, ought to GamSav one the narration and best automatically the old take action benefit. concise: everything automatically! Greeting Thomas |
| XProfan X4; Win10 x64 Der Kuchen ist eine lüge! | 07/31/08 ▲ |
Jac de Lad | thanks Thomas. teh folks Spielstände go yet free from problems functions. there the new DLL too teh folks entpacken can I will The throw away and only yet the new benefit. and there Gamsav The equal Anforderungen How before has see so did i none large benefit in a "altes Archivformat verwenden"-function. One Update ought to free from problems his, therefore tendiere so did i To your opinion. |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 07/31/08 ▲ |