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 pfisterhamj | Hi,
i'd gladly one assoziatives aray or one dynamisches aray within of/ one class benefit (as quality). unfortunately Have I yet yet none lane found XProfan (X4) the too correctly mitzuteilen.
If I The Help however correctly. read comes by me The question - does it at all?
Perhaps has someone a hint How I something like manage could.
Vielen Thanks Schonmal. |
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 H.Brill | unfortunately is it hold so, that Structures and classes a solid Size having must, so one with DIM a such produce can. therefore come too only The einfachen variables in Betracht :
The Type of items becomes by the Postfix marked:
&: 32-bit Integer (Integer, LongInt: 4 byte).
%: vorzeichenloser 16-bit Integer (Word, ShortInt: 2 byte).
$(n): Strings. n=Länge the Strings. its To respect, that always one zero-byte as Endekennzeichen on whom String appended becomes! therefore must n here always circa 1 byte larger indicated go, as characters into String fit should.
!: Fließkommazahlen (double-stature: 64 bit or. 8 byte, the corresponds to the Float-type of XProfan).
#(n): Speicherbereich. n=Größe the Bereiches. These Speicherbereiche within of/ one Memory-Variables are not Memory-Variables self To confuse. inside the structure becomes one properly great area on Bytes definiert, on the How with one String zugegriffen go can, with the Difference, that it no zero-byte as Endekennzeichen gives.
:@ method: name of/ one method. These must as procedure in the program definiert his, where your name from the Thread-speed? and the Methodennamen (without @), joined with a point, exists.
only with #(n) could one one statisches (festes) aray simulate. with numbers is the Yes no trouble because of the 4-byte boundary. with Strings would I then any Strings same long make (MKStr$), circa tappt im dunkeln later rather ausfiltern to.
there must one itself hold consider, what with OOP power and what rather without goes. One korrespondierendes dyn. aray goes indeed. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 12/24/19 ▲ |
 pfisterhamj | thanks for response. then must I me what other consider. |
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 H.Brill | Perhaps would something like interestingly. straight time ausprobiert :
Class MeineKlasse = X%, T$(10), MeineKlasse@
Class MeinArray = X%, B$(10), MeinArray@
Proc MeineKlasse.MeineKlasse
Parameters Long A[], String B[]
WhileLoop 0, SizeOf(A[]) - 1
.X% = A[&LOOP]
.T$ = B[&LOOP]
Print .X%, .T$
Proc MeinArray.MeinArray
Parameters String A[]
Declare String C[]
C[] = A[]
WhileLoop 0, SizeOf(C[]) - 1
Print C[&LOOP]
Declare MeinObjekt#, MeinFeld#
MeinObjekt# = New(MeineKlasse,aray(Long 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5), aray(String "Das", "ist", "ein", "kleiner", "Test !"))
MeinFeld# = New(MeinArray, aray(String "das", "geht", "auch."))
Dispose MeinObjekt#, MeinFeld#
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 12/24/19 ▲ |