Forum | | | | - Page 1 - |
| Gary12345 | Hi, CompileMarkSeparationWindow 0,0-400,400
Proc Hauptprogramm
declare wert%, wert2%, wert3%, wert4%, wert5%, wert6%, wert7%, wert8%, wert9%, wert10%
var Button1& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"1", 50, 50, 50, 50)
var Button2& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"2",50, 100, 50, 50)
var Button3& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"3",50,150,50,50)
var Button4& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"4",50,200,50,50)
var Button5& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"5",50,250,50,50)
var Button6& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"6",100,50,50,50)
var Button7& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"7",100,100,50,50)
var Button8& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"8",100,150,50,50)
var Button9& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"9",100,200,50,50)
var Button10& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"0",100,250,50,50)
var Button11& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"+",200,50,50,50)
var Button12& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"-",200,100,50,50)
var Button13& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,":",200,150,50,50)
var Button14& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"*",200,200,50,50)
var Button15& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"=>",200,250,50,50)
var ButtonClear& = CREATE("Button", %HWND, "TEST100", 250,100,100,100)
While 1
If clicked(Button1&)
wert% = 1
Print wert%
If clicked(Button2&)
wert2% = 2
print wert2%
If clicked(Button3&)
wert3% = 3
print wert3%
If clicked(Button4&)
wert4% = 4
print wert4%
If clicked(Button5&)
wert5% = 5
print wert5%
If clicked(Button6&)
wert6% = 6
print wert6%
If clicked(Button7&)
wert7% = 7
print wert7%
If clicked(Button8&)
wert8% = 8
print wert8%
If clicked(Button9&)
wert9% = 9
print wert9%
If clicked(Button10&)
wert10% = 0
print wert10%
If clicked(Button11&)
var Ergebnis$[wert1%,wert2%,wert3%,wert4%,wert5%,wert6%,wert7%,wert8%,wert9%,wert10%] = wert%+wert2%+wert3%+wert4%+wert5%+wert6%+wert7%+wert8%+wert9%+wert10%
print Ergebnis$
If clicked(ButtonClear&)
While 1
How I vorgegangen be:
1. have consider, whether I Buttons use should or only one Edit box. I have me for schwierigere Variante decided, namely The Buttons. 2. the Hauptprogramm in a procedure set. Externe functions go in a Extra-Proc treats. 3. any Buttons a worth allocate (naturally integer) => worth% - worth10% 4. if Button "+" pressed watts, any values add. To guter letzt tappt im dunkeln with print present let (the Result naturally)
my trouble:
1. it add everything correctly., only if I the second time add have (So the second time rechne without ClearUp) comes a Error Message, I The Variable Result twice declared have. can this Error not understand. 2. If I only once two values add and then To guter Letzt on the Button100 click, comes at second calculate too a Error Message. this is against The same How in trouble1 described. 3. I can only values 0-9 present. No values over 9. Why? Why depends it always a number drunter instead of next to the number? can I neither understand.
How your me help could
i will none Lösungscode. i will only Notes on The cause this Fehlers. what I very wrong made have and yet further others things. moreover would I the trouble not everything at a single blow make, separate everything step for step. i was it former dwelt just Codes To get, but this time I will really learn. If I what not understand, then frag I even to. but Notes instead of the whole Solution is often sinnvoller as one think.
therefore many Thanks already in advance! |
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| Gary12345 | it'll Yes always geiler in Your Forum over again many Thanks.
be at Taschenrechnercode (new code) on a problem punched, will be it hopefully on my own create, the To eliminating |
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| | | Weiterführendes about find You here [...] and here [...] . ^^ |
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| | Gary12345 | Include in Action: CompileMarkSeparation $I
declare Summe!
var edit1! = CREATE("Edit",%HWND,"",0,0,100,100)
var edit2! = CREATE("Edit",%HWND,"",100,0,100,100)
var button& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"Rechnen",100,100,100,100)
While 1
If clicked(button&)
Summe! = Summe(edit1!,edit2!)
print Summe!
MfG Gary12345 | 01/27/13 ▲ | |
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| | Gary12345 | and you have with getText what wrong
gettext is wrong, correctly. would gettext$
Vielen Thanks! |
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| | | is correct, the has one of it if mans ungetestet directly in whom Posting-Editor pinselt.
To of my Ehrenrettung had getText without Dollarzeichen in the nativen Profan (nProcs) utterly sufficient. |
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| | Gary12345 | can I,may I know, what NProcs are? is the already important for me? or first later? |
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| | | The can later time thoroughly important his for you.
so can You native functions program, The having many advantages z.B. are you for a multiple faster and thread- and APC ( [...] ) -sure and You can also directly in Assembler program and functions program The z.B. faster are as wären tappt im dunkeln with C program.
You can so means your XProfan "pimpen" in the You whom Präkompilierer XPSE to whom actual Kompilierer chid: [...]
example: [...]
too beautiful: [...] , [...] |
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| | Gary12345 | OK I versag already at understanding the terms. but can sure later for me important his. now progge I first on the Taschenrechner moreover
PS: BKA Remover can something last |
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| | | | - Page 4 - |
| | Gary12345 | CompileMarkSeparation $I
cls rgb (187,234,102)
declare Summe!,Minus!,Teilen!,Multiplizieren!,Wurzel!
var edit1& = CREATE("Edit",%HWND,"Zahl eingeben",0,0,100,30)
var edit2& = CREATE("Edit",%HWND,"Zahl eingeben ",150,0,100,30)
var button& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"+ ",0,100,50,100)
var button2& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"-",50,100,50,100)
var button3& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,":",100,100,50,100)
var button4& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"*",150,100,50,100)
var button5& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"Wurzel",200,100,50,100)
While 1
If clicked(button&)
Summe! = Summe(val(getText$(edit1&)),val(getText$(edit2&)))
print Summe!
If clicked(button2&)
Minus! = Minus(val(getText$(edit1&)),val(getText$(edit2&)))
print Minus!
If clicked(button3&)
Teilen! = Teilen(val(getText$(edit1&)),val(getText$(edit2&)))
print Teilen!
If clicked(button4&)
Multiplizieren! = Multiplizieren(val(getText$(edit1&)),val(getText$(edit2&)))
print Multiplizieren!
If clicked(button5&)
Wurzel! = Wurzel(val(getText$(edit1&)))
print Wurzel!
wished only this experiment solve and I it with Help of/ one own INCLUDE successful resolved. the Program won't published, there it sooner a Übung is as one proposition. basic principle understood. wants whom yet not further ausbauen.
Vielen Thanks all, The me helped having!
(expanse I will of these Taschenrechner not calculate.) |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | | | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 01/27/13 ▲ |
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| | Gary12345 | Jo white I. will be then on of my Include weiterbasteln and if possible, still on the Taschenrechner. |
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