Forum | | | | Gary12345 | Hi, CompileMarkSeparationWindow 0,0-400,400
Proc Hauptprogramm
declare wert%, wert2%, wert3%, wert4%, wert5%, wert6%, wert7%, wert8%, wert9%, wert10%
var Button1& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"1", 50, 50, 50, 50)
var Button2& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"2",50, 100, 50, 50)
var Button3& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"3",50,150,50,50)
var Button4& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"4",50,200,50,50)
var Button5& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"5",50,250,50,50)
var Button6& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"6",100,50,50,50)
var Button7& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"7",100,100,50,50)
var Button8& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"8",100,150,50,50)
var Button9& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"9",100,200,50,50)
var Button10& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"0",100,250,50,50)
var Button11& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"+",200,50,50,50)
var Button12& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"-",200,100,50,50)
var Button13& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,":",200,150,50,50)
var Button14& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"*",200,200,50,50)
var Button15& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"=>",200,250,50,50)
var ButtonClear& = CREATE("Button", %HWND, "TEST100", 250,100,100,100)
While 1
If clicked(Button1&)
wert% = 1
Print wert%
If clicked(Button2&)
wert2% = 2
print wert2%
If clicked(Button3&)
wert3% = 3
print wert3%
If clicked(Button4&)
wert4% = 4
print wert4%
If clicked(Button5&)
wert5% = 5
print wert5%
If clicked(Button6&)
wert6% = 6
print wert6%
If clicked(Button7&)
wert7% = 7
print wert7%
If clicked(Button8&)
wert8% = 8
print wert8%
If clicked(Button9&)
wert9% = 9
print wert9%
If clicked(Button10&)
wert10% = 0
print wert10%
If clicked(Button11&)
var Ergebnis$[wert1%,wert2%,wert3%,wert4%,wert5%,wert6%,wert7%,wert8%,wert9%,wert10%] = wert%+wert2%+wert3%+wert4%+wert5%+wert6%+wert7%+wert8%+wert9%+wert10%
print Ergebnis$
If clicked(ButtonClear&)
While 1
How I vorgegangen be:
1. have consider, whether I Buttons use should or only one Edit box. I have me for schwierigere Variante decided, namely The Buttons. 2. the Hauptprogramm in a procedure set. Externe functions go in a Extra-Proc treats. 3. any Buttons a worth allocate (naturally integer) => worth% - worth10% 4. if Button "+" pressed watts, any values add. To guter letzt tappt im dunkeln with print present let (the Result naturally)
my trouble:
1. it add everything correctly., only if I the second time add have (So the second time rechne without ClearUp) comes a Error Message, I The Variable Result twice declared have. can this Error not understand. 2. If I only once two values add and then To guter Letzt on the Button100 click, comes at second calculate too a Error Message. this is against The same How in trouble1 described. 3. I can only values 0-9 present. No values over 9. Why? Why depends it always a number drunter instead of next to the number? can I neither understand.
How your me help could
i will none Lösungscode. i will only Notes on The cause this Fehlers. what I very wrong made have and yet further others things. moreover would I the trouble not everything at a single blow make, separate everything step for step. i was it former dwelt just Codes To get, but this time I will really learn. If I what not understand, then frag I even to. but Notes instead of the whole Solution is often sinnvoller as one think.
therefore many Thanks already in advance! |
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| | Dieter Zornow | In of/ one Loop ought to one no Variable declarieren, therefore comes the.
but there are yet More Error drin, at that Start have I one leeres Window, first if I click attend The Buttons but a row missing integrally. I have me whom code not further viewing only to the variables sought, I whom suspicion having, that The in the Loop declariert becomes. |
| | | XProfan X2Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 01/26/13 ▲ |
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| | Gary12345 | super trouble1 and trouble2 are resolved.
means new Problem
If to the launch, is first one leeres Window there.
will be there time rumschauen, what there go is. |
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| | Gary12345 | I mach here time a Problemsammlung:
trouble1: If one 1+1 rechnet comes always only yet 1 out, because I only any values add have, but not berücksichtigt have, the one too number of times same values prompt can. z.B. 1+1+1=1 2+2+2=2 3+3+3=3 trouble2: If one two different numbers together add and the Result with the equal number add, remaining the Result same. z.B. 2+7=9+7=9 3+6=9+6=9 with the Button Test100 does it but then again. trouble3: one can no 11 prompt. because it writes the numbers always among themselves and not next to each other.
I suspect, that trouble1 and trouble2 from mathematischen Found not voices. therefore attempt I the yourself To solve. I pieces you with, if I not create. I geb you whom actually code. If still what on the code wrong is, divides your it still Please me with CompileMarkSeparationWindow 0,0-400,400
declare wert%, wert2%, wert3%, wert4%, wert5%, wert6%, wert7%, wert8%, wert9%, wert10%
declare Ergebnis$
declare button1&, button2&, button3&, button4&, button5&, button6&, button7&, button8&, button9&, button10&, button11&, button12&, button13&, button14&
declare button15&, buttonclear&
Proc Hauptprogramm
Button1& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"1", 50, 50, 50, 50)
Button2& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"2",50, 100, 50, 50)
Button3& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"3",50,150,50,50)
Button4& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"4",50,200,50,50)
Button5& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"5",50,250,50,50)
Button6& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"6",100,50,50,50)
Button7& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"7",100,100,50,50)
Button8& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"8",100,150,50,50)
Button9& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"9",100,200,50,50)
Button10& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"0",100,250,50,50)
Button11& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"+",200,50,50,50)
Button12& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"-",200,100,50,50)
Button13& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,":",200,150,50,50)
Button14& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"*",200,200,50,50)
Button15& = CREATE("Button",%HWND,"=>",200,250,50,50)
ButtonClear& = CREATE("Button", %HWND, "TEST100", 250,100,100,100)
While 1
If clicked(Button1&)
wert% = 1
Print wert%
If clicked(Button2&)
wert2% = 2
print wert2%
If clicked(Button3&)
wert3% = 3
print wert3%
If clicked(Button4&)
wert4% = 4
print wert4%
If clicked(Button5&)
wert5% = 5
print wert5%
If clicked(Button6&)
wert6% = 6
print wert6%
If clicked(Button7&)
wert7% = 7
print wert7%
If clicked(Button8&)
wert8% = 8
print wert8%
If clicked(Button9&)
wert9% = 9
print wert9%
If clicked(Button10&)
wert10% = 0
print wert10%
If clicked(Button11&)
Ergebnis$ = str$(wert%+wert2%+wert3%+wert4%+wert5%+wert6%+wert7%+wert8%+wert9%+wert10%)
print Ergebnis$
If clicked(ButtonClear&)
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| | Gary12345 | come simply not on it.
I should The Variable worth% vervielfachen, the too others numbers except only 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 rauskommen.
one should inquire, whether The Buttons multiple pressed been are, or not?
can someone only TIPPS give, Please no Solutions. (means To trouble1)
thanks |
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| | | there's many Approaches a einfachen Taschenrechner umzusetzen. there You yourself in reference on The Ressourcen Your computers quasi in the Cockaigne befindest, can You it you very slight make.
Mach still first, that if one a Button clicking, that the suitable characters to a String added becomes.
Virtually pressure on 5: formel$=formel$+"5" Virtually pressure on +: formel$=formel$+"+" Virtually pressure on 9: formel$=formel$+"9"
at that Istgleichzeichen must then only yet formel$ just go, for there The function eval( ... ( [...] ).
alas Yes, eval Gibts Yes not yet -
then simply: [...] |
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| | Gary12345 | i'm sincere:
from the code there kapier I reingarnichts and I will neither utilize. gives it a others Possibility the To solve. About input wärs Yes plenty leichter. there should to the input only in a string pack and the then adieren. the schaut but not so beautiful from. |
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| | | How written there Yes many Lösungswege. have You another idea? |
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| | Gary12345 | I kenn two Lösungswege:
1. Per Edit box To make (Input,editfeld,etc.) 2. or by Buttons...
which there yet? |
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| | | your Lösungswegen can I not so correctly. entnehmen what very tappt im dunkeln everything solve should.
the a is the display/ surface quasi UI - the others is the calculate.
my hint was Yes:
Mach still first, that if one a Button clicking, that the suitable characters to a String added becomes.
Virtually pressure on 5: formel$=formel$+"5" Virtually pressure on +: formel$=formel$+"+" Virtually pressure on 9: formel$=formel$+"9"
additionally can:
1. Per Edit box To make (Input,editfeld,etc.) 2. or by Buttons...
too join so one with the Buttons "nur" one Edit befüllt one but the Edit too directly edit can. |
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| | Gary12345 | Vll can I you it now something explain:
If you my code in XPROFAN eingibst and ausführst, merkst You , that it any numbers among themselves writes and not next to each other. the others trouble was, that if I 1+1=1 yields, there the code not two same values add can. the latest trouble is, that whom I 6+2=8+2=8 yields, and there have I none plan Why.
first would I the first trouble solve.
Mach still first, that if one a Button clicking, that the suitable characters to a String added becomes.
Virtually pressure on 5: formel$=formel$+"5" Virtually pressure on +: formel$=formel$+"+" Virtually pressure on 9: formel$=formel$+"9"
i don't know, I under formel$ understand should. |
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| | Gary12345 |
additionally can:
1. Per Edit box To make (Input,editfeld,etc.) 2. or by Buttons...
too join so one with the Buttons "nur" one Edit befüllt one but the Edit too directly edit can.
the would too a very optionale Solution. but answer still Please on the oberen mail |
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