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![Detlef Tussing: 04/10/07](.././../../i/a/564133958463c92213b679.gif) Detlef Tussing | I write with a XProfan Prog data in a .DAT File circa these with a 2. Prog aufzurufen , and to execute. around the appeal the 2.Prog leichter To make, lass I at the same time a Batchdatei produce Prog2.exe data.DAT still with the appeal becomes always the störende windows CMD Bilschirm displayed. Can the prevent, or there others Opportunities? |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 04/10/07 ▲ |
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![Detlef Tussing: 05/05/07](.././../../i/a/564133958463c92213b679.gif) Detlef Tussing | there be I again with of/ one new question
can man the, because it so simply looks
AddFiles *.DAT electoral$ = @ListBox$(dial File:, 7)
in lieu of of my ChoichBox wheeler in the supra named EDITOR.PRF install, with the function CREATE(LISTBOX,%HWND,LISTBOX,0013,0023,0132,0255) komm I do not clear |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/05/07 ▲ |
![: 05/05/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | @Hello Detlef
with the function CREATE(LISTBOX,%HWND,LISTBOX,0013,0023,0132,0255) komm I do not clear
Why come You lest clear ? - You must the Listbox one lever% give. then have You More Opportunities. If the Listbox the Mainwindow comes, then %HWnd. should tappt im dunkeln but on one Dialog-Window, then on place of %HWND the lever% the Dialogfensters: CompileMarkSeparationDECLARE list&,x%,y%,xb%,yh%,font%
font%=CREATE(FONT,ARIAL,16,6,0,0,0) Font auswählen
x%=20 diese 4 Werte anpassen
WINDOW 0,0-%MaxX,%MaxY
SetFont list&,font%
AddFiles *.dat wenn nötig mit Pfad
MoveListToHandle(list&)ab XProfan10
| 05/05/07 ▲ | |
![Detlef Tussing: 05/05/07](.././../../i/a/564133958463c92213b679.gif) Detlef Tussing | Hello Horst with
MovelisttoHandle(list&)ex XProfan10
bekomm I The Error Message
function not this Fensterobjekt applicable |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/05/07 ▲ |
![: 05/05/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | @Detlef You must first one Window create- Sorry Have I forget. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1100084240.gif)
Füge to the first CLEARLIST one CLS one.
then ought to it klappen. naturally can You too with
WINDOW left%,supra%-right%,under%
one Mainwindow with your Maßen create |
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![Detlef Tussing: 05/05/07](.././../../i/a/564133958463c92213b679.gif) Detlef Tussing | Hello Horst but The Fuktion The I with
AddFiles *.DAT electoral$ = @ListBox$(dial File:, 7)
score Have I not yet !
in the editor.prf, having me IF helped The ChoiceBox5 wheeler editierbar To make, the runs too but I Have not understood Why. now bräuchte I The function that I first any wheelers aufgelistet get, tappt im dunkeln veränder can, vein too new wheelers abspeichern can. yet could I only The in the Prog gelisteten wheelers see, however too new present but not see.
can you me moreover help ? |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/05/07 ▲ |
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![: 05/05/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | @Hello Detlef
means, what your Program make should, can I so not discern.
circa you but times the Opportunities the Listbox near To bring, Have I you in the ZIP-File here The Vorlagen of Gerhard Putschalka angehangen. - Entpacke The File time into directory and Try time any Examples through. you become certainly the find, what You need ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 05/05/07](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Detlef, Perhaps helps you that here moreover: CompileMarkSeparationDef ListBoxStringSel(1) GetString$(&(1),GetCurSel(&(1)))
Declare LB&,Btn&,Wert$,Position%
LB& = Create(ListBox,%hwnd,1,10,80,400,300)
EnableWindow Btn&,0
ChDir $WinPath
AddFiles *.ini
While 1
If Clicked(LB&)
EnableWindow Btn&,(GetCurSel(LB&) > -1)
ElseIf Clicked(Btn&)
Position% = GetCurSel(LB&)
Wert$ = InPut$(ListBoxStringSel(LB&) + ändern in:,Eintrag ändern:,ListBoxStringSel(LB&))
If %button = 1
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 05/05/07 ▲ |
![Detlef Tussing: 05/06/07](.././../../i/a/564133958463c92213b679.gif) Detlef Tussing | ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498478.gif) thanks you both, so be I already one ganzes Piece moreover |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/06/07 ▲ |
![Detlef Tussing: 05/07/07](.././../../i/a/564133958463c92213b679.gif) Detlef Tussing | The Listbox have I successful eingebunden
another Question to choicebox, if in the enclosed prog the one in the choicebox chosen have,offnet itself a new box. If I then again No dial ought to The 2.Box again vanish, How heist for the commands??
declare box2&,end%,r$,n2%,Text3&,box3&,of$ DEF GETSYSCOLOR(1) !USER32,GetSysColor Def @FindWindowEx(4) !USER32,FindWindowExA WINDOWSTYLE 31 WINDOW SUB(DIV(%MAXX,2),DIV(940,2)),SUB(DIV(%MAXY,2),DIV(500,2))-660,500 SETTRUECOLOR 1 CLS GETSYSCOLOR(1)15 SETDIALOGFONT 1
box2&=Create(choicebox,%Hwnd,0,520,250,50,500) AddChoice(box2&,from) AddChoice(box2&,one) @sendmessage(Box2&,$14E,n2%,1,0) SETFOCUS(%HWND) WHILENOT ENDE%
if %key = 255 elseif GETFOCUS(box2&)Relais2 r$=gettext$(box2&) If r$=ein light endif ENDIF WEND
proc light Text3&=Createtext(%Hwnd,of:,180,330,90,20) box3&=Create(choicebox,%Hwnd,0,280,327,50,500) AddChoice(box3&,5) To AddChoice(box3&,6) AddChoice(box3&,7) AddChoice(box3&,8) @sendmessage(Box3&,$14E,of$,0,0) endproc |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/07/07 ▲ |
![: 05/07/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | DestroyWindow(choicebox&)
so is the Box vernichtet. You must tappt im dunkeln means with want again new set up: CREATE(etc... |
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![Detlef Tussing: 05/07/07](.././../../i/a/564133958463c92213b679.gif) Detlef Tussing | the not working ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498502.gif) |
| Gruß Detlef Tussing Windows XP, XProfan 10 | 05/07/07 ▲ |
![Frank Abbing: 05/07/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | so becomes your Choicebox definitiv vernichtet. two Listviews on it because not functions?
i want you too requests, no Sammeltreads come into being To let. If you ask to a new trouble have, create Please too a new Thread. |
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