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 | Hi, I have yesterday with XProfan started and first time whom XProfan Managr installs. are The Virenwarnungen with the installation everything only Fehlalarme or Why gives Antivir The ex? now Have I another question, if I whom XProfanManager open dan comes there so one area where one The Paths to the,the "PRF Hauptdatei","Include Ordner", "Interpreter", "Runtime", "Compiler", "XProfan Hilfsdatei", "XProfan Editor" prompt must. the trouble is i don't know I in dei boxes (except the latest) present must. Have whom XProfan manager standardmäßig into Ordner C:\programs\Profman installs
hope your can my simple question answer.
Julian57 |
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 | The Virenmeldungen are Fehlalarme, with Interpreter The Profan.Exe indicate and with Runtime The PrfRun32.Exe indicate and with Compiler profcomp.exe indicate or with Compiler xpse.exe indicate - the uses then The profcomp.exe. |
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 | Hi, Yes, but in whom Ordner lying The Files? must to the each time at open indicate? |
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 | The Files lying there where You your XProfan hingetan or installs have, vlt. c:\programs\XProfan... or according to the. |
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 | Hello, and whom Subfolders lying The Files? sorry Have no idea
Julian57 |
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 | Hi, mean I habs missing only yet The PRF hauptdatei where lying The? and is the Include Ordner too at the same time the Installationdordner?
Julian57 |
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 Dietmar Horn | Hello Julian,
The required indicated serve solely moreover, The in the manager encompassed demonstration-Codes on the system the Anwenders with the of it acquired XProfan-Full Version perform let to.
there's but in this Einstellungs-dialog a Button: "Mit shareware-Version testen". with Click hereon becomes for this proposition then The mitgelieferte shareware-Version XProfan 9 uses, with which naturally not any Demos run are - but the überwiegende amount.
original I had me these story with the Settings program, circa komfortabel between several Projekten with to that part unterschiedlichen XProfan-versions hither and thither change to. meanwhile has these thing yourself overtake, because the actually XProfan-Editoren a Projektverwaltung intehriert having, what to years not yet the case been was.
and whom Subfolders lying The Files? sorry Have no idea
Sorry, but as (angehender) Programmer ought to one itself already remember or. know, in whom Ordner one its Programming-Language installs has.
mean I habs missing only yet The PRF hauptdatei where lying The? and is the Include Ordner too at the same time the Installationdordner?
as Hauptdatei is the PRF-File Your actually Projektes anzugeben - if You yet no such have, then create you simply irgendeinen Dreizeiler and dial these PRF-File from (if you The option "Mit ... testen" not benefit want).
The Include-Ordner is the Ordner, in the itself your Include-Files (*.inc) find. here can You but too whom Ordner indicate, in the You your XProfan installs have. or You can this Edit spare, then becomes the Installations-Ordner automatically registered and uses.
Fazit: around the program eigener windows-Applications erlernen to, ought to one itself Perhaps before something intensiver with the Grundlagen Windows keep busy (at least with such things How Ordner- and Dateisystem). only with "Klick-you-doof" on bunte Bildchen, without to some extent To understand, what there then in the background expires, can under no circumstance the program erlernen.
as Hilfestellung to find You in my XProfan-Textbook too a computer-basic course (see volume 5, chapter 3.3. and 3.4.), in them integral Grundlagen to File- and Ordnerverwaltung, To Dateioperationen etc. declared are.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 10/14/10 ▲ |
 | Hi, has me very helped with the the einene Button mfg Julian57 |
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 | Dietmar horn
only with "Klick-you-doof" on bunte Bildchen, without to some extent To understand, what there then in the background expires, can under no circumstance the program erlernen.
Einspruch! |
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