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 Ludger Resing | Hello be already long on the Search to midi Programierung ,and be now on euern Thread [...] punched. unfortunately is my active Programierzeit already long back ,what about me white not any more so plenty above (must me first again einarbeiten) have under Profan 6.6 something programiert. be now but too to music come ,and wished me too what to that Keyboard learn write (NEN small Prog) I Games keyboard ,and would like see How tidy I Games ,wants means directly The length the notes and time-outs anzeigenlassen.now have I with Thru something experimentiert and works already super.but how can I The Bits of readmidi in in notes (values )transfiguring.or Sebastian have you got something like already written. I have already ne half-way night rumgegugelt  and plenty To many Progs installs , but be I everything not klargekommen Greeting Ludger |
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 Sebastian Sprenger | Hello Ludger,
Ludger Resing
but how can I The Bits of readmidi in in notes (values )transfiguring.
if You data of your Keyboard reading want, do you need first of all times the Bits 4-7. The stand for MIDI-Message, The eingegangen is, z.B. NoteOff ($80), NoteOn ($90), ProgramChange ($C0) etc.
The next Bits are message-tributary. with one NoteOn/-Off stand The Bits 8-14 for note (60=mittleres C, 62=D, 64=E, 65=F, 67=G, 72=hohes C, 48=tiefes C).
I Have time one small demonstration written, Perhaps helps it to you moreover: [...]  (Profan 7 becomes needed, but if You eh already with Thru experimentiert have... )
Ludger Resing
or Sebastian have you got something like already written.
what Dou you mean with something like? One Program to that Keyboard exercise anyway already, Yes.  Accurate said to that Nachspielen of MIDI-Files: [...]  Greeting, Sebastian |
|  Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32  Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM  Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM | 07/11/08 ▲ |
 Ludger Resing | Hello Sebastian first time best Thanks for speedy response gives it somewhere ne list from the Bits and its Midi function? i'm to ca 3 years started Keyboard To learn .Klappt too really right well, except ,that I always from the beat come.means would like I me one Program write, which direckt The notes (and its length to that Tackt) indicating .with the Mitzählen I get Namely not there . Vieleicht another Tipp To your Piano Lernspiel :Vileicht canst You on the Button The pressed becomes ,too whom fingers the using go should Show let. I had yet yet no task found,I well Programmers could, To I on this trouble pushed and with Date nothing suitable found. I have under Profan 6.6 then WinAfuGame programiert.(an Amateurfunk Simulation) Kusiert too yet in the network ,there but no large interest arose have I The development which tuned Greeting Ludger |
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 Sebastian Sprenger | Hello Ludger, with Wikipedia there some lists, where everything important abgedeckt is: [...]  If you next to whom Notenwerten but only The length need, then do you need The lists really not - I have any Timing-things always on &GetTickCount measured. in the principle must You so only The Time Is it Unikode, The between one NoteOn and the pertinent NoteOff passing.
if You nevertheless others MIDI-Messages receive want, must You on whom beginning your Program absolutely CompileMarkSeparationwrite, because ReadMidiIn otherwise only NoteOn & -Off zurückgibt (I had then so program...). Greeting, Sebastian |
|  Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32  Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM  Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM | 07/12/08 ▲ |
 Ludger Resing | Hello Sebastian Have now already ne while with your demonstration rum experimentiert . [...]  white but not yet very How I inerhalb the squeezed Keyboardtaste inquire can,whether tappt im dunkeln already losgelassen watts. CompileMarkSeparation
whilenot (%umessage=16) or (%scankey=27) Bis Alt-F4 oder ESC
readmidiin MIDI-Nachricht lesen
if a& >= 0 Gibt es eine?
Ja, Ist es ein NoteOff oder NoteOn? (Man beachte, dass
das 4. Bit in dieser If-Abfrage ausmaskiert ist und daher
beide Nachrichten gleichzeitig abgefragt werden :))
if (a& & $E0) = $80
Ja, Notenwert und Lautstärke berechnen
note% = (a& >> 8) & 127
vel% = (a& >> 16) & 127
Bei NoteOff gibts allerdings keine Lautstärke
casenot a& & $10: vel% = 0
print "Die Taste",note$[note%],"(";note%;") wurde",
if vel%
print" gedrückt "
while ??????bis taste losgelassen wird
balken(9,&loop) , grafische darstellung der notenlänge also ein balken wird gemalt
schlafe (10) ,nur um die geschwindigkeit zu verringern
print "losgelassen."
Vieleicht can the too in your Piano coach install Greeting Ludger |
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 Sebastian Sprenger | Hello Ludger, the ought to The while-Loop correctly complement (Nachtrag circa 21:32: changed and tested!): CompileMarkSeparationGreeting, Sebastian |
|  Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32  Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM  Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM | 08/19/08 ▲ |
 Ludger Resing | Hello Sebastian
i don't know, whether Profan too slow for these task is, or I only whom incorrect lane go, but I get it so not yet there. i'm convincing of it ,that You too yet others things To do have, but if You Time have look time on my View source it functions of course Ansatzweise , but To lazy.i'm this Program very important , still have I in network yet nothing ähnliches found CompileMarkSeparation $I Interface.inc
declare a$,a&,note%,vel%,note$[127],laenge&,wonote%
windowstyle 31
Window 1,1-1100,800
SetTrueColor 0
Proc Notenbezeichnung
Array mit Notenbezeichnungen
whileloop 0,127
note$[&loop]=mid$(a$,(&loop mod 12)*2+1,2);str$(&loop12)
Proc Schlafe
Parameters N&
Declare Ende%
SetTimer N&
Clear Ende%
WhileNot Ende%
Case %wmTimer:Ende% = 1
Proc Notenlinien
parameters zz% zz=zeile
declare z%
let z%=(zz%*120)-40 abstand der zeilen - 40 ist zum ausrichten
UsePen 0,1,@RGB(0,0,0)
line 50,(10+z%)-1000,(10+z%)
line 50,(20+z%)-1000,(20+z%)
line 50,(30+z%)-1000,(30+z%)
line 50,(40+z%)-1000,(40+z%)
line 50,(50+z%)-1000,(50+z%)
line 50,(10+z%)-50,(50+z%) senkrechter Strich
line 1000,(10+z%)-1000,(50+z%) Senkrechter hinterer Strich
proc posnote
parameters eing$
if left$(eing$,1)="C"
elseif left$(eing$,1)="D"
elseif left$(eing$,1)="E"
elseif left$(eing$,1)="F"
elseif left$(eing$,1)="G"
elseif left$(eing$,1)="A"
elseif left$(eing$,1)="H"
let wonote%=wonote%-(((val(mid$(eing$,3,1)))-3)*7)+15 rem -3 ist die Oktave/*7 =sieben töne höher /+15 nur zum ausrichten
Proc balken
Parameters Wert%, dauer&
declare w%
let w%=wert%*5
UsePen 0,2,@RGB(31,0,0)
UseBrush 1,@RGB(0,0,0)
Ellipse (70+dauer&),(62+w%) - (83+dauer&),(70+w%)
openmidiin 0 mein USB Midieingang
openmidiout 1 mein Midiausgang
whilenot (%umessage=16) or (%scankey=27) Bis Alt-F4 oder ESC
readmidiin MIDI-Nachricht lesen
if a& >= 0 Gibt es eine?
Ja, Ist es ein NoteOff oder NoteOn? (Man beachte, dass
das 4. Bit in dieser If-Abfrage ausmaskiert ist und daher
beide Nachrichten gleichzeitig abgefragt werden :))
if (a& & $E0) = $80
Ja, Notenwert und Lautstärke berechnen
note% = (a& >> 8) & 127
vel% = (a& >> 16) & 127
Bei NoteOff gibts allerdings keine Lautstärke
casenot a& & $10: vel% = 0
print "Die Taste",note$[note%],"(";note%;") wurde",
if vel%
playmidiout a& & $7F7F90
print " gedrückt "
while readmidiin() & $7F0060
inc laenge&
chlafe (1)
print "losgelassen."
Greeting Lutz |
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 Frank Abbing | here again any required Files of/ one zipper. can the time someone with Keyboard testing? |
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 Sebastian Sprenger | I see only, that it hakt, if several Keys at the same time pressed are (or. a new Button pressed becomes, before The old losgelassen becomes), otherwise runs everything liquid.
Greeting, Sebastian |
|  Profan² 7.0e, XProfan 9, 11.2a, FreeProfan32  Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit, 2.8 Ghz, 4 GB RAM  Windows Me, 1.8 Ghz, 256 MB RAM | 08/21/08 ▲ |