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| Hi,
I had not absolutely to, but because of the large demand make I it still. here The Description, how to make a ByteArray (created with InitExtFX()) manually manipulating can. one ought to but exactly know, what power, because one versehentliches write in incorrect Speicherbereiche substantial damage cause can. therefore take I these Info not The guide with on, who but thereafter seek, can here in this Forum fündig go...
InitExtFX() commit you a Zeiger. it shows on a structure (BITMAPINFOHEADER), these structure watts though of ProSpeed for a Long-Int extended. here The Offsets:
0 LONG biSize 4 LONG biWidth, wide the Bildes 8 LONG biHeight, Höhe the Bildes 12 WORD biPlanes, always 1 14 WORD biBitCount, with ProSpeed byte-Arrays always 24 (bit) 16 LONG biCompression, always BI_RGB 20 LONG biSizeImage, Size the byte-Arrays in Bytes 24 LONG biXPelsPerMeter 28 LONG biYPelsPerMeter 32 LONG biClrUsed 36 LONG biClrImportant 40 LONG Zeiger on the memory the byte-Arrays
On The values the structure can of Profan (ex 7) from with Long and @Long zugegriffen go. on the interessantesten is naturally the Long-Int on Offset 40. after your the ByteArray manipulating have, can your it with CopyArray() on the screen bring.
Greeting, Frank Abbing |
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| Nachtrag:
I had forget, this yet To allude:
an Bitmap becomes in a byte-aray of left under to right supra abgespeichert, dummerweise 8-((. per Pixel go 3 byte needed, one Blauwert, one Grünwert and a Rotwert. just as is incidentally too one one Bitmapfile aufgebaut.
Frank |
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