
CheckMenu inquire


Hello together,

there's Yes this lovely commands Checkmenu n1,n2, with which one to a Menüeintrag one tick settle or. Remove can. now my question: gives it a Possibility, abzufragen, whether this tick staid is?
Analog to the commands Getcheck with the Checkbox.

lovely Greeting

Andreas cook

You could The Menuitem-structure ( [...]  ) read but the ought to in the Normalfall
not at all necessary his there your Process the tick Yes first setting and therefore know
should whether it staid or not. i'd means recommend whom status simply
in a Variable To Save instead of komplizierter the OS To question whether a tick
staid is.

yet be so did i always your recommendation followed and I The Info in a Variable stored. meanwhile be I only on the steamer, variables to Possibility order Übersichtlichkeit einzusparen and having on a simple Solution hoped. If The not gives, must I well or ill so go on How yet.
anyway thanks for Help.

The computer having nowadys so plenty memory, that Variableneinsparen then
on quite none drop makes sense, if it the program slow would.
Oftmals is even "doppelte Buchführung" meaningfully only for a Fünkchen More
speed To obtain. so verfährt one particularly too with Databases
as they then still something larger angedacht are.

my trouble is, I whom Source possible readable and clear make must. in the Idealfall nachvollzieh and änderbar for somebody the yet never with XProfan to do having.(in a conscience welt) Gewisse items can from the outside over ini-Files and Excel steer, but even not everything. therefore so little variables How are.

I would not sure, whether "gute Lesbarkeit" gleichzusetzen is with "möglichst little
variables nutzen". If the code well verständlich his should then are aussagekräftige
Variablennamen often hilfreicher as the are missing of variables.

this is correctly. Oberstes command for variables are sprechende names. problematically Better get going, if one several dozen different Hilfsarrays, variables etc. has and to one month self not any more white, what now very The function of it was. sometimes would I on the dearest everything once more new write and sensible set up. this is even the trouble, if one at Program write constantly dazulernt.
Related to the Menu would even good Einsparpotential been, one commands Getcheckmenustate or so would at least just as well How each Variable been. must but not absolutely his, I have yet enough others things to that improve.

With the Getcheckmenustate can against too one good "Gegenbeispiel" supplying.

If it in example a option in the program gives namens option.noConfirmOnExit&
then is it presumably lesbarer if one if option.noConfirmOnExit& writes as
if Getcheckmenustate(300). primary is it Yes the Flag option.noConfirmOnExit& to
the the Programmablauf itself depends and this Flag setting the tick.

naturally could one too a Constant menuItems.options.noConfirmOnExit& with
z.B. 300 fill and then Getcheckmenustate(menuItems.options.noConfirmOnExit&)
inquire but this would slower as if option.noConfirmOnExit&.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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