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| good day!
i want one Schachspiel program or there that here already? How should I there vorgehen. be another Profanneuling Have but already something erfahrungen with a others Language
Werner |
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| good day. I have me in the last Time very formed and ready. my Schachprogramm gedeiht very. It's all right simply with Profan!!!!!!!!! It can already 4 Halbzüge to charge!!!!!!!!!! now I will The Graphik make and take The Prospeed.dll thereby. functions super cool!!!! soon would like I so on the competition join. goes the? |
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| No the is not. Please let The competition law. you have you unfortunately as Author betray. the speaks now against it.
salvo, iF. |
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| good day.
you mußt still correctly. bad.
[quote:5f58d0c6c0]7. The Wettbewerbsprogramme are apocryphal einzureichen, circa a objektive rating gewährleisten to. it must no Info to that Author lead, however can one Pseudonym uses go. Zuwiderhandlungen having a Disqualifikation the Teilnehmers to follow.[/quote:5f58d0c6c0] the I will already to obey, the anonyhme tender. can Yes his, the many straight one Schachspiel write |
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| Yes the can his.
then want we time look whether You end not Perhaps the only Schacheinreicher are - which The prices dust likes.
On well german - if you on the competition with your Schachprog teilnimmst - and win become - and the Gewinneridentität with your übereinstimmt - then was is not apocryphal.
I hope You understand my Wink and know what To do is.
salvo. |
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Dietmar Horn | Hi,
@iF: somehow have I the local, that You since your last Recovery as Inhaber Your Wohnzimmers namens XProfan-Community not any more integrally so well on it are.
If W. Bitting itself with seinem Schachprogramm on the competition participate would like, then should it the still can, sofern it The regulate einhält, or? he's Yes finally yourself posted, that it beabsichtigt, our regulate einzuhalten.
your letztes iF-response-Posting wirkte to my bear right self-important, besserwisserisch, arrogantly, etc. ...
@W. Bitting: wealthy your Program simply To gegebener Time one, once You it to some extent ready have. my voice as Wettbewerbs-Koordinator become You on any Cases get, sofern You yourself on The ausgeschriebenen competition law hälst.
and the Jury-Members go your Posting guaranteeing objetiv evaluate, How each others Posting too.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 06/22/05 ▲ |
| [quote:d822e3d1fe]@iF: somehow have I the local, that You since your last Recovery as Inhaber Your Wohnzimmers namens XProfan-Community not any more integrally so well on it are. your letztes iF-response-Posting wirkte to my bear right self-important, besserwisserisch, arrogantly, etc. ... [/quote:d822e3d1fe] Och so wars but not at all meant.
I comment it quick.
then want we time look whether You end not Perhaps the only Schacheinreicher are - which The prices dust likes.
ought to hot - if it the only Schacheinreicher is - then wars still net More annonym or?
On well german - if you on the competition with your Schachprog teilnimmst - and win become - and the Gewinneridentität with your übereinstimmt - then was is not apocryphal.
ought to hot - be not the same.
the my Posting self-important rüberkahm lying Perhaps on whom smileys - if I whom Text purely viewing were there solely 2 Information include - and a still sooner nice-gemeinte-warning the it itself with falser Vorgehensweise otherwise self disqualifiziert.
but warscheinlich liegts mere on it that I in the Mom little Time have - the whole occur means More-or-less überfliege and me too less Time to that post take.
time integrally of it foreseen - the W.Bitting mere-evident here eh only uneasiness stiften likes - because it's located of it no produktives Posting to.
means have move with me.
salvo, iF. |
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Frank Abbing | Hi.
> time integrally of it foreseen - the W.Bitting > mere-evident here eh only uneasiness > stiften likes - because it's located of it no > produktives Posting to.
the faith I do not absolutely. Dass it The ProSpeed.dll registered has, deutet at least not hereon there... |
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| good day.
yet time thanks Frank!!!!!
[quote:9f69e8ca17]time integrally of it foreseen - the W.Bitting mere-evident here eh only uneasiness stiften likes[/quote:9f69e8ca17] wants I übrhaupt not. only programieren learn, the I will. what about me can it always rather!!!! soon is my erstes Program fertich, become already bad!
[quote:9f69e8ca17]@W. Bitting: wealthy your Program simply To gegebener Time one, once You it to some extent ready have. my voice as Wettbewerbs-Koordinator become You on any Cases get, sofern You yourself on The ausgeschriebenen competition law hälst.[/quote:9f69e8ca17] wants I well make. is already soon so far. next week is my father in Wien to congress what about me must mitfahren. whether I by then ready be,time bad. |
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| OK - then be it so - I Have me then geirrt.
salvo. |
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| JUCHU!!!!!! I have now XProfan!!!! and immediate time compiliert |
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| Well then cordial Glückwunsch. If you want can You it in your Profil (Signatur) write. then know it any - and one white which Codes you help could.
salvo, iF. |
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| good evening.
I have the made. Help need I but well none More, can already some. but I can soon whom others help ! time bad. |
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